Android – how to run appium test scripts through Jenkins
I am a novice of appium and Jenkins' test framework. My question is, can I run appium test scripts through Jenkins? If possible, please provide links or examples
Thank you for moving forward
Step 1: install Jenkins in the system. Please visit the Jenkins website in the browser. In my local system, I use“ http://localhost:8080 ”Visit Jenkins
Step 2: click "new project", "freestyle project" > "OK"
Step 3: scroll to the build section > add build step > execute shell and enter the following command:
#!/bin/bash --login -x
appium &
sleep 5s
Step 4: click "build now"
Step 5: open the running job > console output to ensure that the appium server is running
The following text should appear in the console log:
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.6.4
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
Step 6: all test scripts should be placed in the "workspace" directory of Jenkins. My scripts are located in the following location: / users / shared / Jenkins / home / workspace / appium Android/
Step 7: I use pytest in Python, so my command is as follows:
pytest /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/appium-android/tests/listings/
Ensure that all dependencies are installed on Jenkins machine, such as python, appium, python client, appium server, etc