How to use xamarin to synchronize GPS location updates in Android?

Specifically, I am using xamarin.forms for c# development, but I work on native Android and write a GPS wrapper class, which can be used in xamarin.forms through dependency injection. In most cases, the calls between Android, c# and Java should be the same

In essence, I have this method in the geolocator object (implementing ilocationlister) on the Android side:

public async Task<Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>> GetGPSData() {
        gpsData = null;
        var success = false;
        var error = string.Empty;

        if (!manager.IsProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GpsProvider)) {
            //request permission or location services enabling
            //set error
        } else {
            manager.RequestSingleUpdate(LocationManager.GpsProvider, this, null);
            success = true;

        return new Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>(success, error, gpsData);


 public void OnLocationChanged(Location location) {
        gpsData = new GPSData(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);

I hope to call getgpsdata and let it return tuples. At present, the only important thing about tuples is that GPSdata has been filled. I know it may take a few seconds to find the repair method, so I hope this method is asynchronous. Once I really need the value, I can wait at xamarin.forms

My problem is that I can't think of a way for manager.requestsingleupdate to synchronize or do other work. You call this method and eventually trigger onlocationchanged. I tried to throw a disgusting barbarian

 while (gpsData == null);

After the call that forces it not to continue until onlocationchanged is triggered, but when I put the row in, onlocationchanged will never be called. I assume this is because onlocationchanged is called on the same thread rather than the background thread

What can I do to take this situation and not return getgpsdata before onlocationchanged is triggered?

thank you

Edit: to add, this method will not be called periodically. It is spontaneous and rare, so I don't want to use requestlocationupdates to get regular updates and return the latest updates, because it will need to always turn on GPS and unnecessarily rain the battery


You can use taskcompletionsource to perform the required operations. I have encountered the same problem. This is my solution:

TaskCompletionSource<Tuple<bool, string, GPSData> tcs;
// No need for the method to be async, as nothing is await-ed inside it.
public Task<Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>> GetGPSData() {
    tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>>();
    gpsData = null;
    var success = false;
    var error = string.Empty;

    if (!manager.IsProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GpsProvider)) {
        //request permission or location services enabling
        //set error
        tcs.TrySetException(new Exception("some error")); // This will throw on the await-ing caller of this method.
    } else {
        manager.RequestSingleUpdate(LocationManager.GpsProvider, this, null);
        success = true;

    //return new Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>(success, error, gpsData); <-- change this to:
    return this.tcs.Task;


public void OnLocationChanged(Location location) {
        gpsData = new GPSData(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
        // Here you set the result of TaskCompletionSource. Your other method completes the task and returns the result to its caller.
        tcs.TrySetResult(new Tuple<bool, string, GPSData>(false, "someString", gpsData));

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