Android – the ADB devices command does not display anything
I'm currently busy with the Android SDK. I've done it, but when I enter $sudo ADB shell, it gives sudo: ADB: command not found. For this problem, I checked the link: ADB devices command not working, but if I enter $sudo ADB devices now, I notice
Even the * daemon is not running. Now start running port 5037 * and the rest. But it looks like this:
michiel@ubuntu: ~$sudo adb devices
michiel@ubuntu: ~$
So I can enter the next command. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Same as the $sudo ADB shell. Does not appear
When I enter an ADB device without sudo, I receive an error:
-bash: /usr/local/sbin/adb: No such file or directory.
But it's right there!
echo $PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/michiel/jdk1.6.0_29/bin:home/michiel/android-sdk-linux/tools:/home/michiel/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools
When I start eclipse now, I get the next error: I can't get the ADB version: I can't run the program "/ home / Michael / Android SDK Linux / platform tools / ADB": Java. Io. IOException: error = 2, there is no corresponding file and directory
I installed a clean Ubuntu installation last weekend. I downloaded ia32.lib and openjdk instead of Java JDK and installed them manually. After some efforts, I managed to connect the device, and now I can see it. Thank you for your help:)
I also encountered this problem two days ago. I searched and searched, so I found that my Ubuntu is 64 bit and the ADB does not match the Ubuntu 64 bit, so I used the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
My problem has been solved. Don't forget, you should export your Java version SDK