Common usage analysis of listview in Android programming development
This article describes the common usage of listview in Android programming. Share with you for your reference, as follows:
1、 Steps for using listview
The use of listview usually has the following three elements:
(1) Layout of each item in listview; (2) Fill in the contents in the listview; (3) An adapter that integrates content with pages
Therefore, there are usually three steps to use listview:
(1) Create a layout file for listview entries (or use the layout provided by the Android SDK); (2) Create and fill the contents in the listview, such as strings, pictures, etc; (3) Create an adapter and bind it to listview
2、 Create a listview using the default layout file
This example uses the default layout file of the Android SDK: android.r.layout.simple_ list_ item_ 1, so just create the main activity layout file.
Next is the activity file.
The operation result is:
3、 Listview supporting multiple selection
Android also provides an item layout file that supports multiple choices: Android. R. layout. Simple_ list_ item_ multiple_ choice.
But you must also call the listview. Setchoicemode() method.
The modified code snippet is as follows:
The operation result is:
4、 Respond to touch events
In order for items in the listview to respond to click events, you need to create an onitemclicklistener class and bind it to the listview. Without much nonsense, the following are activity class files:
The operation result is:
In addition to onitemclicklistener, there are onitemlongclicklistener, onitemselectedlistener and other listeners
I hope this article will help you in Android programming.