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Java uses jgit to manage git warehouse
Recently designed a new cicd scheme based on gitops. You need to read and write git warehouse through Java. Here is a …… -
Mongodb mass data crud optimization
1. Batch saving optimization Avoid one query by one, use bulkwrite, based on replaceonemodel, and enable upsert: publ…… -
Java video format conversion
In the project, various video formats need to be transcoded into MP4 format. Many methods have been tried. Finally, ff…… -
Implementation of front-end and back-end separation project permission control based on spring security
The front end has a menu and the back end has an API. The page corresponding to a menu is supported by N API interface…… -
Java embedded jetty server
Sometimes a simple function needs to be encapsulated as a service. Compared with Python, flash and web Py is simple, a…… -
Spring boot custom startup character drawing (banner)
When the spring boot project is started, the ANSI character drawing of spring boot will be printed, which can be custo…… -
Jhipster Registry (Eureka server) docker two-way Unicom and high availability deployment
Use compose to orchestrate this Eureka server cluster: Peer1 configuration: server: port: 8761 eureka: instan…… -
Java uses snake yaml to parse and serialize yaml
1. General In this article, we will learn how to use the snake yaml library to convert yaml documents into Java object…… -
Let’s talk about your understanding of ThreadLocal
preface When I was asked about ThreadLocal during the interview, I didn't answer well (grandma's, now I feel that I ca…… -
In java reflection, class Difference between forname and classloader
preface Recently, during the interview, I was asked about class in java reflection The difference between loading clas…… -
Java 8’s stream API uses
preface This time I want to introduce the API use of Java stream. I'm working on a new project recently, and then I ca…… -
Delayed execution using lambda programming
The main reason for using lambda expressions is to delay the execution of the code to an appropriate point in time. Al…… -
Tell me about your understanding of SPI in Java
preface Recently, I was asked about SPI during the interview, but I didn't answer. It was mainly for my own reason. I …… -
[turn] how to prepare technical interview answers in Java direction (summary version)
This article is reproduced from: "Java regiment" official account. 1. Difference between object oriented and process o…… -
Replacement of swtich in Java program optimization
Keyword switch statements are used for multi condition judgment. Their functions are similar to if else statements, an…… -
Understanding I / O model of Java NiO (2)
preface The last article explained some basic concepts of I / O model, including synchronous and asynchronous, blockin…… -
Tell me about your understanding of volatile in Java
preface @H_@ R_ 301_ 2408@_3 @In fact, I have always mastered the knowledge related to volatile, and can roughly tell …… -
Can you tell me what AQS is? How do you use it?
preface During the Java interview, the knowledge related to multithreading cannot be avoided and will certainly be ask…… -
Experience of the interview questions, first make the next part of the summary.
preface I've been interviewing for a week. I've experienced all kinds of interviews, good ones, bad ones, long ones, s…… -
Java8 adds a new method removeif in the collection
I remember in my previous job search experience, I met an interviewer who asked me a very basic question. The question…… -
Understanding I / O model of Java NiO (I)
preface I used to be weak in Java NiO, and I missed an opportunity because of this knowledge. So I'm going to study th…… -
Is the size method of concurrenthashmap thread safe?
preface During the interview, I was asked, is the size method of concurrenthashmap thread safe? This question is reall…… -
Program flow control of Java
Sequential structure: the code is executed from top to bottom; Branch structure: if () { } else{ } if () { } else if (…… -
JavaBean of Java
JavaBean is a reusable component written in Java language. JavaBeans refer to Java classes that meet the following sta…… -
+ + and in Java–
Difference between I + +, I -- and + + I, -- I: I + +, I -- assignment before operation; @H_ 502_ 17@++i , -- I is cal…… -
Can constructors in the parent class of Java be inherited by subclasses?
The subclass inherits the properties and methods of the parent class by default, but does not inherit the constructor …… -
Java array
There are several ways to declare a one-dimensional array: Int a [] and int [] a Dynamic initialization: int [] a = Ne…… -
Java factory method design pattern
Factory method pattern is the most widely used pattern in design pattern. In object-oriented programming, the creation…… -
Java generics
What is generics? The generic type is jdk1 5 newly added to solve the security problem of data types. Its main princip…… -
Abstract class of Java
With the definition of new subclasses in the inheritance hierarchy, the class becomes more and more specific, while th……