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Daemon thread in Java
Daemon thread in Java There are two types of threads in Java, user threads and daemon threads. User threads is a high …… -
Troubleshoot: using jfr to analyze performance problems
brief introduction The performance analysis of Java program is a very difficult problem. Especially for a very complex…… -
Use of ThreadLocal in Java
ThreadLocal is mainly used to store data for the current thread, which can only be accessed by the current thread. Whe…… -
Detailed explanation of internal classes and internal interfaces in Java
brief introduction Generally speaking, when we create classes and interfaces, each class is a file, and each interface…… -
New gitbook export pdf
NPM module of gitbook Markdown PDF using vscode plug-in use Command@R_675_2419 @ GitBook Exporter -
Java secure coding guide: mutability variability
brief introduction Mutable (variable) and immutable (immutable) objects are often used in the process of Java programm…… -
New feature of jdk12: teeing collectors
brief introduction Jdk12 is Java util. stream. Collectors added a new teeing method? Seeing that many people translate…… -
Jdk15 is really coming. Let’s take a look at its new features
brief introduction The latest version of JDK twice a year, jdk15, was officially released on September 15, 2020. This …… -
Java secure coding guide: serialization
brief introduction Serialization is a very common and neglected function in Java. We need to serialize objects when th…… -
java. util. Introduction to concurrent
java. util. Concurrent package provides many useful classes to facilitate the development of concurrent programs. This…… -
Detailed explanation of reactive stream protocol
background Everyone should be familiar with stream. Java8 introduces the concept of stream for all collection classes.…… -
You don’t know the secret of Java object serialization
brief introduction Did you know that serialization can use proxies? Do you know the security of serialization? Every j…… -
Java secure coding guide: Basics
brief introduction As a programmer, just writing easy-to-use code is not enough. We also need to consider the security…… -
A little secret about throw exception in Java
A little secret about throw exception in Java brief introduction In the previous article, we mentioned that to handle …… -
Do you really know Java class name?
In the object-oriented world, class is the foundation of Java. java. Lang. class actually inherits from Java lang.Obje…… -
Phaser doesn’t understand. What else do you learn about multithreading
In the previous article, we talked about the use of cyclicbarrier and countdownlatch. Here we review that countdownlat…… -
Deeply understand the difference between HashMap and treemap
Deeply understand the difference between HashMap and treemap brief introduction HashMap and treemap are two classes co…… -
Use site Maven plugin to build a public warehouse on GitHub
brief introduction Maven is a building tool we often use in developing Java programs. In the process of team developme…… -
Use of operation type and peek in Java 8 stream
Use of operation type and peek in Java 8 stream brief introduction As a stream operation, Java 8 stream has two types …… -
Classification and use of functional interfaces in Java
brief introduction Java 8 introduces lambda expression, which actually represents an anonymous function. Before Java 8…… -
The difference between wait and sleep in Java
In this article, we will discuss the differences between wait () and sleep () methods in Java. And discuss how to use …… -
Skillfully use one line of HashMap code to count the number of words
brief introduction JDK has been updated iteratively, and many familiar classes have quietly added some new method feat…… -
Java Memory Model (JMM) and happens before
Java Memory Model (JMM) and happens before We know that Java programs run in the JVM, and the JVM is a virtual machine…… -
Java secure coding guide: input injection
brief introduction Injection is a very common problem in security. Today, let's discuss the prevention of SQL injectio…… -
JIT’s profile artifact jitwatch
brief introduction It seems that the constant use of command-line tools can't keep up with the pace in modern society,…… -
Look at the animation algorithm: sorting – bubble sorting
brief introduction Sorting is probably the most basic and commonly used of all algorithms. Sorting is a very classic p…… -
Spring Boot 2. X Series tutorial: seven days from scratch to master spring boot – continuous update
brief introduction Since the birth of spring, spring has become the de facto J2EE standard. As a lightweight J2EE appl…… -
Troubleshooting: using jfr to solve memory leakage
brief introduction Although Java has automated GC, there will be memory leaks. Of course, memory leaks in Java are dif…… -
Exception handling in Java 8 lambda expressions
Exception handling in Java 8 lambda expressions brief introduction Lambda expressions are introduced into Java 8. Lamb…… -
Implementation of concurrentskiplistmap in skiplist and Java
Implementation of concurrentskiplistmap in skiplist and Java brief introduction At first I heard that skiplist made me…… -
Java secure coding guide: visibility and atomicity
brief introduction There are many variables defined in Java classes, including class variables and instance variables.…… -
Java secure coding guide: Method writing guide
brief introduction The logic of a java program consists of methods. In the process of writing methods, we also need to……