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How to include custom library into maven local repository?– turn
Original address: There are 2…… -
Java tuple usage instance — reprint
Original address: @H_ 403_ 3 @ I. why use tuples tuple@H_403_3 @? Tuples, like lists, can be…… -
Complete description of Java command line running parameters — turn
Source: When running compiled classes, Java is loaded and executed through the J…… -
Integer problem encountered in the project — transfer
Integer type value equal or unequal analysis See the interview question wr…… -
Chinese to Unicode, Chinese to bytes, Unicode to bytes, Java implementation
Encoding format of string: String hex="\u5df2\u5b9e\u540d\u5236";// hexadecimal -
Try with resources analysis in Java 7 — conversion
Original address: The so-called try with resources is a synta…… -
Change value of string array at debug eclipse
Question: I have an application,but to test something,I need to change value of a String[]. But when I do it using ch…… -
Java permissions and security policy — official document
3 Permissions and Security Policy 3.1 The Permission Classes The permission classes represent access to system resourc…… -
Visual swing interface editing — reprint
Original address: Today, I found a WindowBuilder plug-in with powerful functio…… -
Top 10 Questions about Java Exceptions–reference
reference from: This article summarizes t…… -
Load resources from classpath in Java–reference
In general classpath is the path where JVM can find . class files and resources of your application and in this tutori…… -
Svn merges branch code into trunk
1. Install eclipse subclipse 2. Import trunk into eclipse 3. Right click and select team -- > merge. Note that the …… -
Jodd cache collection
Jodd cache provides a set of cache implementations. Its hierarchy is as follows: Among them, Abstractcachemap is the d…… -
Websocket actual combat — turn
Original address: As we all know, the interaction process of…… -
tomcat:there is no resources that can be added or removed from server
reason: 1. Not a web project Solution: Project -- > Property -- create or modify a project facet 2. Incompatible ve…… -
What is weakhashmap — turn
Original address: Where is the Java weakhashmap? Is it really weak? What are the…… -
Analysis of selector mechanism of Java NiO class library — to
Since the version, a new class library has been released, which not only introduces a new and efficient mechanism, but…… -
How to Analyze Java Thread Dumps–reference
Original address: -
Improving Lock Performance in Java–reference
After we introduced to couple of months ago,we have started to receive queries similar to “hey,great,Now I understand …… -
The windows command calculates MD5 and SHA1 / 256 values
certutil -hashfile file MD5 certutil -hashfile file SHA1 certutil -hashfile file SHA256 Examples are as follows: -
Implementation of Java log caching mechanism — reprint
< H2 id = "major1" > overview Log technology provides important support for product quality and service. JDK add…… -
Curl request simulates post sending JSON
Example: curl - x post -- header "content type: application / JSON" -- data '{"name": "SSS", "IDnumber": "1111", "appk…… -
Understanding extension class loading — Official…… -
Deep parsing of Java Memory Model: basic part — conversion
Original address: Classification of concurrent programming models In…… -
Garbage collection optimization for high throughput and low latency Java applications — reprint
Original address:…… -
Eclipse Key Shortcuts for Greater Developers Productivity–reference
Posted by Ajitesh Kumar / In Java / June 6,2014 -
Understanding Java 8 Streams API—reference
Since past few versions,Java has started giving importance to concurrency. Java 8 goes one more step ahead and has dev…… -
Java garbage collection basics — reprint
Original address: -
Full GC experience analysis
Background: Individual machines: memory suddenly rises and CPU utilization increases. Solving process 1. Jmap dump ent…… -
Java implementation of RSA encryption, decryption and digital signature — to
RSA public key encryption algorithm was proposed by Ron Rivest, ADI Shamir and Leonard Adleman in 1977. At that time, …… -
Java performance optimization reading notes (1)
1. Create objects by clone () All classes in the Java language inherit from Java by default Lang. object, there is a c……