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Java – load data larger than memory size in H2O
I am trying to load data larger than H2O memory size The H2O blog mentioned: the description of bigger data and GC: wh…… -
Java – do not log in to Catalina out
I have the following logging Properties configuration: = FINE 1catalina.or…… -
Java – Convert date to localdate and return strange results around 200ad
When I converted dates to local dates in about 200 years, I got inconsistent results Use the following code for conver…… -
Java converts objects to unimplemented interfaces
I found the following problems in my study book and was a little confused: Given the following code, which option, if …… -
Java – adds an object to the type of the “extended” common collection
public void addAllAnimals(ArrayList<? extends Animal> animalLikeList){ public void addAllAnimals(ArrayList<? …… -
Common Lisp – error saving SbCl image from Emacs multi thread
I have been saving and running the Common Lisp image to save restart time and improve development efficiency However, …… -
robots. Txt parser Java
I want to know how to parse robots in Java txt. Do you have a code? Solution Heritrix is an open source web crawler wr…… -
Java – namedentitygraph – JPA / hibernate. loader. Multiplebagfetchexception: cannot get multiple packages at the same time
We have a project where we need to load a collection of entities lazily, but in some cases we need them to load them e…… -
dispatch_ semaphore_ Grand central dispatch of create – lvalue parameter?
In dispatch_ semaphore_ In create, what does the long value parameter mean? dispatch_semaphore_create(long value) I do…… -
Java: namedquery string problem
Hello, I encountered some exact matching problems when doing namedquery I am currently using something like this: @Nam…… -
Java – API retry logic in Amazon Web Services This document mentions that "each AWS SDK implements aut…… -
Java – use generics to implement common methods in abstract classes
Suppose I have this hierarchy: public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Cloneable { ... public Abstract…… -
Java – how to delete double quotes when reading CSV
public class CSVTeast { public class CSVTeast { public static void main(String[] args) { CSVTeast obj = new C…… -
Java – multiple projects using eclipse
I have a workspace in eclipse with two projects I want to reference project #2 in project #1, but when I go to project…… -
The static of Java and the self of ruby
Is it static in ruby, like self in ruby? Solution No, the static nature of Java has nothing to do with Ruby's ego Java…… -
How do I know if a Java se class or method is thread safe?
For example: static private DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); public static void format(final Date date){ fo…… -
Java – how to merge a single selected PDF file into one PDF when downloading?
How do I merge a single selected PDF file into one PDF when downloading? I want to achieve the following goals: http:/…… -
Java – running Axis2 client version 1.5
So I'm trying to get the client to connect to the soap service I'm running through Axis2 I tried two methods. One is t…… -
Java – different log4j layouts for debugging and errors?
In log4j, is there any way to make logger Error ("") and logger Debug ("") contains different output layouts? I think …… -
Java – JSP / GlassFish: how to correctly set UTF-8 encoding
I'm looking for help to convert all layers in the stack to UTF - 8 encoding I found this good article:…… -
Get the public DNS of Amazon EC2 instance from Java API
I have managed to start, stop and check the status of EC2 instances previously created from the Java API However, it i…… -
java – guava-libraries:Objects. Is hashcode (object []) collision safe?
When looking at the different options for overriding hashcode (), I was directed to objects. In Google's guava librari…… -
Java – is the resource import order important in spring XML?
Suppose I import four resource files in the main configuration file of the application, as shown below, <import res…… -
Java – how do I read from a specific header in opencsv?
I have a CSV file I want to extract specific columns from it For example: id1,caste1,salary,name1 63,Graham,101153.06,…… -
Java – time complexity of iterating over array lists
I have an array list and I iterate In each iteration, I call get () to get an element, and if the item passes some con…… -
MOXy JAXB javax. xml. bind. PropertyException
I follow this example: Now I have this class: import ja…… -
How to create a directory in the current working directory in Java
What is the simplest way to create a directory called "foo" in the current working directory of my java application (i…… -
PowerMock Mockito [PowerMockito] @PrepareForTest – > java. lang.NoClassDefFoundError:javassist / NotFoundException
I'm trying to use my first powermockito [powermockito] simulation in existing JUnit tests I've narrowed down that when…… -
Java – spring MVC empty array as default
I have a spring controller method that takes some optional arrays as parameters They are not required, but I hope they…… -
Java – Maven project design – share a common project
I'm new to maven, I'm trying to convert some projects into Maven work, and I'm not sure what's the right way to build …… -
Java – COM / MySQL / JDBC / Driver: Unsupported major Minor version 52.0
When I was in Apache Tomcat / 7.0 52 (Ubuntu) deploying my war using MySQL connector - java-6.0 3. Jar encountered thi…… -
MacOS – clojure dependency for Java 1.5 only?
I hope this is not the subject of so (I hesitate between so and programmers. Stackexchange), but as far as I know, thi……