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How do I merge a map list into a map?
Can you help me solve Java streams? As you can see from the title, I need to merge list < map < string, map <…… -
Java – how to run applications from war?
I have a large war file that contains many classes with main methods How can I point out the main specific classes tha…… -
Java – Apache POI removes cellstyle from the workbook
Using Apache poi... I used workbook Createcellstyle(), if I need to delete the created cellstyle after a period of tim…… -
C-std:: remove in STD:: vector_ if polymorphic std :: unique_ ptr
I have a three - level hierarchy, derived from optional and paintable derivatives Then I have a vector unique_ PTR <…… -
How does Java – callable work under the hood? How do callable objects return values?
I'm trying to understand how callable returns a value when running on another thread I'm looking at the classes execut…… -
Java – use MapReduce to find the average of numbers
I've been trying to write some code to find the average of numbers using MapReduce I try to use global counters to ach…… -
Java – how to include JSP files from different projects in my project
How do I include JSP files from different projects in my project? <%@ include file="./common/webappfooter.jsp"%>…… -
Java’s httpurlconnection does not support report / propfind – what should I do?
Httpurlconnection only supports things like get, post and head - but there is no report / propfind I will implement a …… -
Java – hibernate named queries and their performance advantages?
As stated in the hibernate document, the purpose of named queries is to purge HQL from different locations in the proj…… -
Java – bufferedinputstream and blocking
I'm using bufferedinputstream to read from the socket The contents of bufferedinputstream are as follows: socketInput.…… -
Java – can I programmatically detect whether there are any chromecast devices on the current WiFi network?
Whether you can detect whether there are any chromecast devices on the current WiFi network I've seen a cast SDK, but …… -
Java – JSF 2.1.0 not found 13 custom component: tag library supports namespace: but no tag is defined for Name:
problem I am using JSF 2.1 Create a prototype to demonstrate the benefits of JSF to the webapp we currently build usin…… -
Java – asynchronous HTTP client (ning) create more threads?
I am using Ning async HTTP client to realize the advantages of non blocking Doing an apple to Apple test (non blocking…… -
Java shutdown function not executed
In main () of my application, I have the following code to back up the data so that it will not be lost when the syste…… -
Java HashMap detected a collision
Is there a way to detect collisions in Java hash maps? Anyone can point out that there are many collisions where some …… -
Sshd java example
Anyone can give me some sample code, use sshd to access the server and execute some commands from a Java application I…… -
Java – how to reuse fieldlength in form, validation and DDL?
I am developing a spring application that contains a large number of input forms I want to reuse field lengths in UI f…… -
Java – how to set the location of jooptionpane
I'm creating this joptionpane JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File was saved","Save",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSA…… -
Java – breaks a paragraph into a single sentence Am I covering all the bases here?
I'm trying to split a string containing multiple sentences into a string array of single sentences This is what I have…… -
java – android. view. Inflateexception: binary XML file line #9: error class expansion
I've been studying this problem for hours and similar errors, and the solution doesn't do that I reuse this XML file i…… -
How to use Xdebug and eclipse IDE for PHP
Hello, my PHP project is set up on the remote test machine I need to use the eclipse IDE for debugging How can I impro…… -
Java – primefaces UI: duplicate does not work
I'm trying to create an accordionpanel in primefaces I'm trying to create it using the UI: repeat, so I can create pan…… -
JavaFX menu items display shortcuts on the right
Take the menu item in the edit menu in JavaFX scene builder as an example See how they display the shortcut on the rig…… -
Best practices for JavaDocs – interface, implementation, or both?
I have a Dao interface and Dao implementation JavaDocs in the interface is the content displayed by NetBeans to client…… -
Has java – Clone () really been used? How about defensive replication in getter / setter?
Do people almost always use defensive inhalers / installers? For me, 99% of the time I intend to take the object you s…… -
Java – how to quickly load large txt files into BigInteger?
I'm importing a large 17 million bit text file. I'm using this Code: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new Fi…… -
Java – thread interrupt: will it cancel receiving the wait () call?
I have a thread that has an incoming job queue (a LinkedList containing job descriptions) When no task can work, the t…… -
Java – spring managed transaction, eclipse link JPA, custom isolation level
I doubt it's embarrassing. I made a mistake in a terrible way, but please wait for me patiently I have a spring applic…… -
Java – immutable classes and subclasses
I'm trying to learn variable / immutable classes. I met this post Some of the answers provided are: @ h_ 419_ 3@ OK, I…… -
The Java synchronization thread did not work as expected
The following code does not work properly: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random;…… -
How to use Xdebug and eclipse IDE for PHP
Hello, my PHP project is set up on the remote test machine I need to use the eclipse IDE for debugging How can I impro…… -
Java generics: get class >?
I'm having trouble using generics The following examples are given: class A<T> { public A(Class<T> myTyp……