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Java – appengine gzip compression
I'm trying to gzip response from gae server, but I received null in content encoding I have the following code: connec…… -
How to implement generic functions in Java?
According to my understanding, the following generic functions in Java: public static <T> T f(T x) { Integer[…… -
Java – embedded jetty 9
I don't understand how I can rewrite the code for jetty 6: import org.mortbay.jetty.*; import org.mortbay.jetty.nio.Se…… -
Java – passes data to another fragment through the slider view with no buttons
Can I transfer data from clip to clip by sliding? Many articles teach us how to pass data from fragment to fragment, b…… -
Java – why is this code applicable to this TopCoder problem?
I've been trying to think about this TopCoder problem from hours, and I can't find a perfect solution, and I find that…… -
Why doesn’t Java 9 simply convert all jars on the classpath to automatic modules?
To understand our categories: >Platform explicit module > Application explicit module > open module > auto…… -
Java – how does JCA / JCE and pkcs#11 work together?
I want to use HSM (hardware security module) to create an XML file signature I've done some research, but now I'm a li…… -
Java – you cannot publish anything on LinkedIn using linkedin-j
First of all, my problem is that I can't post any web updates, share or ID invitations I always get the following exce…… -
The PowerShell process hangs when invoked from a Java application
I'm trying to write a simple application that accepts command line arguments (which will be a power shell PS1 file) an…… -
Java – why can’t static and default interface methods be synchronized but can be strictfp?
See English answers > what is the reason why "synchronized" is not allowed in Java 8 interface methods? 1 People sa…… -
Java – why do we call acceptor Accept() instead of visitor Visit() to start visitor?
In Wikipedia sample and GOF books, the use of visitor mode is initiated by calling the accept method on a recipient Bu…… -
Enhanced for loop cannot assign values to arrays (Java)
See the English answer > why Java foreach doesn't change element value? 7 int[] array = new int[5]; for(int i =…… -
Java – how to detect that a new value has been added to the enumeration and is not processed in the switch
From time to time, I want to add a new value to the enumeration type of the project public enum Day { SUNDAY,MONDAY,…… -
Text navigation in Java – JDB does not work in bash
When I run JDB in Bash, the arrow keys generate strange garbage: up: ^[[A down: ^[[B left: ^[[D right: ^[[C So I can't…… -
Java – setter method in constructor
Get a problem I have public class Student{ private String studentNumber; private String studentName; pr…… -
Java – how to merge in jgit?
How do I merge in J git? Suppose I want to merge master with foo branch, what should I do? Solution To merge, you can …… -
Java – NetBeans and external configuration files
I am developing a java desktop application and want to have an external configuration file Solution You can add it to …… -
Java-8 – how to skip from files Lines gets the even number of rows of the stream
In this case, there are only odd rows of meaningful data, and there are no characters that uniquely identify these row…… -
Java – insert column labels into PivotTables using Apache POI?
I created a PivotTable using Apache POI 3.11 like this: FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(path+fname…… -
Java – Maven dependency for project level self placed jars
I created a Java class and converted it into a jar file So I want to use the jar files I put at the project level, suc…… -
How does Java initialize the JAXB / Jax WS / etc implementation?
I just want to know how Java includes standard reference implementations (such as JAXB / jax-ws in jre6) in JRE, while…… -
How to solve module info in jdk9 / java-9 Java compilation error
I tried to run under code using jdk-9, but I encountered a problem compiling with the command command javac -d mods .\…… -
Java gets the exception name only if there is no stacktrace
How do I get the exception name without getting the stack trace? I'm using exception Tostring() converts the thrown ex…… -
Javadoc for private methods (BlueJ)
I'm using BlueJ and I want to generate Javadoc for the whole project Solution This link indicates that BlueJ will only…… -
Java – some absolute methods on ByteBuffer are missing
Maybe I will solve this problem in the wrong way, but I lack some absolute put methods on ByteBuffer If you look at By…… -
Java – allows users to enter only positive integers (no decimals or strings)?
I know how to ask users to enter positive integers, but I don't know how to handle code to avoid input errors, such as…… -
Java array index out of bounds
I just started a unit in arrays, and I gave some sample code to see this very basic array starter Basically, all I hav…… -
Parsing data from CSV to array in Java
I'm trying to import CSV files into arrays that can be used in Java programs The CSV file was successfully imported in…… -
Java – how to create a test environment for multithreaded applications
All, Recently I developed a code, which is said to be a thread safe class Now I say 'so-called' because even after usi…… -
Java benchmarking tool
I wrote a small java application. I need to get performance indicators, such as memory utilization, running time, etc …… -
Java – Jersey test framework 2.5 – test post method
I tried to find some manuals on how to use the Jersey framework to test post methods, only get methods Here's an examp…… -
Java – handling exceptions using mockito
I use mockito in unit tests I have a way public Status getResponse(Request requset) throws DataException{ } Dataexcept……