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Hash table – what is the point of a hash table?
I have no experience with hash tables outside of arrays / dictionaries in dynamic languages, so I recently found that …… -
Best practices for using java system properties
Our code uses many system properties, such as' Java io. tmpdir’,’user. home’,’user. 'name', etc We don't define any co…… -
JavaMail mail. smtp. ssl. Enable does not work
I read on several websites that when using the JavaMail API, the attribute mail smtp. ssl. Enable is set to true I hav…… -
Java Security Manager – what does it check for?
This @ l about Java Security_ 419_ 1 @ said: So what does that mean? Say, if I implement my own security administrator…… -
Java – index and search date in Lucene
I tried using datetools The datetostring() method indexes the date It works properly for indexing and searching Howeve…… -
Java – jtidy beautiful print custom HTML tags
I try to use jtidy to print well formed HTML generated by users: <div class="component-holder ng-binding ng-scope u…… -
Inkscape plug-in to edit SVG code in real time
I'm looking for a plug-in for Inkscape (or any vector based editor) to view the code window next to the window with SV…… -
Java – lsserializer vs transformer serializes XML to string
I have to put org w3c. dom. Convert document to Java lang.String. I found two possible ways. One is to use org w3c. do…… -
Java – in addition to a servlet, it also filters the mapping of all content for struts 2?
I have a struts 2 ( web application My web XML looks like, <filter> <filter-name>struts2</f…… -
Java – long timeout in the while loop?
I've read that you should put object in a Java loop Wait() call The reason is that this thread may be awakened, and th…… -
Java – in addition to a servlet, it also filters the mapping of all content for struts 2?
I have a struts 2 ( web application My web XML looks like, <filter> <filter-name>struts2</f…… -
Transparent background in WebView in JavaFX
I need to display my web view content on my parents' background image Is there a direct way? Solution WebView transpar…… -
Java – poolinghttpclientconnectionmanager does not release the connection
I use spring to achieve the following: On the server, I receive data through the rest interface in XML format I want t…… -
Java – how to calculate the intersection between two or more hashsets?
Consider the following code and the fact that four hashsets are populated elsewhere My goal is to include all the elem…… -
Java project path to NetBeans text file
I have the following code to read a text file public static void main(String[] args) { try { Scanner in =…… -
Java – how to update the expression datatable in a specific cell
I am creating a dynamic data filled with input fields Sometimes, when a user inserts a value into some input, a specif…… -
Java – how do I refresh Maven dependencies from eclipse?
We recently started using Maven for dependency management Our team uses eclipse as the IDE Is there a simple way to ge…… -
Java – output timing problem
The following codes: String str1="asdfavaxzvzxvc"; String str2="werwerzsfaasdf"; Object c=str1; Object d=str2; System.…… -
Java – dynamic class conversion from interface to implementation
I've read other related posts, but I'm still not sure how or whether it can be implemented dynamically in Java My impr…… -
Java – fit image to rectangle
If I have an image that I know the height and width, how can I put it in the largest rectangle without stretching the …… -
Java – match an array of objects using mockito
I'm trying to set up a simulation for a method that requires an array of request objects: client.batchCall(Request[]) …… -
Java – how to flip a letter upside down?
Here, I want to turn an English letter upside down my email template Then I can get it manually. What I'm doing now is…… -
Java – key value storage recommendations
I need a very basic key value stored as Java I started to use HashMap, but it seems that some space in HashMap is inva…… -
Java – error: unable to initialize module treewalker – unable to instantiate junittestcase
After importing Maven project into eclipse Luna, the following error will pop up when saving after modifying the metho…… -
Connection between Java string and operator
I'm confused about string connections String s1 = 20 + 30 + "abc" + (10 + 10); String s2 = 20 + 30 + "abc" + 10 + 10; …… -
What is a good free tool for investigating unintentional object retention in Java?
My multithreaded Java program crashed because it ran out of heap space. I don't think it should Assuming that criminal…… -
Java – ArrayList containing different objects of the same superclass – Methods for accessing subclasses
Hi, I want to know if there is a simple solution to my problem, I have an ArrayList: ArrayList <Animal> animalLi…… -
Java – dump the state of a variable in case of an exception
I want to know if there is a way to dump the state of all local variables when an exception occurs, so as to better un…… -
Certification – Java – pbkdf2 and hmacsha256 as PRF
I was given the task of creating a login API for our project. I should use pbkdf2 and hmacsha256 as PRF The plaintext …… -
Java – call thread Sleep () and * interrupt status * settings?
Java documentation is unclear at this point After calling thread What happens if an interrupt is called on a thread be…… -
Java – duplicate JTable values in rows
I have a JTable filled with a custom datamodel (pasted below). When I call the populate () method, it seems to fill th……