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Java – socket: BufferedReader readline() block
I use BufferedReader ReadLine () method to read the response of the remote server (written in C, I can't access the so…… -
Java – warning “[parameter] parameter: invalid block ignored” published from managed bean
I am opening an httpurlconnection from a managed bean to publish to an external service When I call httpurlconnection …… -
Java – how to convert HTML to text and keep line breaks
How to convert HTML to text and keep line breaks (generated by elements such as BR, P, DIV) may use nekohtml or any go…… -
Java – how do I overload methods in an interface?
If I had this interface public interface someInterface { // method 1 public String getValue(String arg1); // met…… -
System. Exit (0) in Java
I am writing an application using swing I need to exit from the application and click JButton to use system Exit (), o…… -
Java – how to use hibernate to validate annotations with enumerations?
How do I use hibernate annotations to validate enumeration member fields? enum UserRole { USER,ADMIN; } class User…… -
Java – using @ viewscoped? In JSF 2.0?
Usage / advantages of using @ viewscoped under @ managedbean in JSF 2.0 Solution @Managedbean just declared that a bea…… -
Java – use the WebService client generated by wsimport to change the URL
I am writing a module for a Java application that accesses web services described in WSDL The source WSDL is directly …… -
java. text. Strange behavior in simpledateformat, expecting yyyymmdd to give yyyy MM DD
When using simpledateformat to parse strings to dates, I encountered a very strange behavior Consider the following un…… -
NDK vs Java show
A simple answer to this simple question? How fast does any body assume C coding and NDK, and then use java code? (if a…… -
Java – why doesn’t guava provide a way to convert map keys
This question has been posted here: I think collind's answer is appropriate: This is true, but actually I don't unders…… -
. Net – f#int.maxvalue is “not a valid constant expression”, but system Int32. What is maxvalue?
TL; Dr: the f# compiler interprets int as int operator in this context, such as determined by Eugene fotin and expande…… -
Java – how to make reusable components in JSF?
I want to have a reusable UI component related to the model For example: >I have a selection menu linked to another…… -
Source code base in Java
Is there any library in java! Solution There is a porter's dry an on his website -
Java – double quotes in regular expressions
How do I use regular expressions to get strings in double quotes? I have the following string: I want to put the strin…… -
Java generics, how do you force a superclass to extend to two parameters of a method of the same type?
Suppose I have a class hierarchy as follows: class Vehicle; class Car extends Vehicle; class Plane extends Vehicle; I …… -
Java – OSGi vs JBoss hot deployment
According to my understanding, in OSGi, you can update jars at runtime without restarting the server However, JBoss al…… -
Multithreading – what is the correct way for rust to create timeouts for threads or functions?
This is my code: use std::net; use std::thread; extern crate argparse; use argparse::{ArgumentParser,StoreTrue,Store};…… -
Java – resolves the order indicator of the date in the date time string (st, Nd, RD, th)
I checked the simpledateformat Javadoc, but I couldn't find a way to parse the ordinal indicator in such a date format…… -
Java – dagger 2 trouble @ inject firebasemessagingservice
I recently tried to migrate an application I was working on from GCM to FCM In doing so, I found that I had previously…… -
How to run JavaScript code in server-side java code?
I want to run JavaScript code on the server side I want to manipulate the result returned by JavaScript in JavaScript …… -
Java – when the onsaveinstancestate() method is called in all cases?
All the information I read mentioned several cases and concluded with "other cases" When calling onSaveInstanceState m…… -
Java – I can’t distribute JAXB closed code?
In It says JAXB's dual license includes CDDL v1 0 and GPL V2; CDDL says: Distribution obligation…… -
Java – liquibase does not see entity changes
I'm trying to configure a simple Maven project using liquibase I have a lot of problems, and the LCD version of Maven …… -
Java – MySQL jconnector on COM myql. jdbc. utils. ReadAheadInputStream. Spend 50% of the time in fill()
I'm profiling my application, which uses spring hibernate MySQL Java connector Visual VM shows that when 1000 parallel…… -
Java – merge two from code ODT file
How to merge two ODT file? Manually, opening each file and copying the contents will work, but it is not feasible I ha…… -
Serialize Java objects into Java code?
Is there an implementation that serializes Java objects into Java code? For example, if I have an object Map<String…… -
Java – hashcode and equals are collections unmodifiableCollection()
Collections class has some static help methods to provide read-only views of various collection types, such as unmodif…… -
Java – how to create an ear file using an ant build that contains a specific file?
I use eclipse to build an ear file using ants I use OC4J and I want to make sure Orion application XML is included in …… -
How to use bitpay and Java
I found this post about bitpay, but I don't know how to use it…… -
Java – overwrite paint or paintcomponent when you need to restore the original state of the drawing
I realized that most of the Java code covered paint or paintcomponent, and most of them did not restore the old state …… -
Java OUTOFMEMORY exception: MMAP error loading zip file
I run my application to produce env (RHEL 5.2 x64, Oracle JRE 1.7_05, Tomcat 7.0.28) and JVM parameters: -Xms8192m -Xm……