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Converting Java applications to Mac OS X applications
Is there a way to convert Java applications to Mac OS X executable applications? I use NetBeans to develop java, and I…… -
How to set the default file name of swing Jfilechooser?
I want to set the default file name to untitled. In this Jfilechooser text box txt. Can I set it? Solution Use the fol…… -
Java – use huge memory in notifications
I am developing a service application that displays the progress of the timer in the notification area (with progress …… -
Is there a Java geometry library? (not JTS)
I want to be equivalent to CGAL (c) – I want convex partitions of polygons or at least triangulation It must also be f…… -
Java – why do we need to synchronize on the same object to make notify () work
I got Java lang.IllegalMonitorStateException. I mentioned this problem and it solved my problem The first answer is To…… -
Deadlock in Java: when occurs
I'm developing an application for J2ME. Sometimes it's completely frozen. AMS takes a long time to close it In my opin…… -
Java execution process – Rewriting methods execute first than constructors
I have the following code in the same java file import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; public class …… -
Java instantiation
>When an object is instantiated in Java, what really enters memory? I understand the usual Abstract explanation for…… -
Java – firebase cannot find the property serialized with the object in publishing mode
I wrote a method to push real-time location data to firebase: private void writeNewMarker(int sessionType,String myUui…… -
Java – addfirst method of arraydeque class
java. util. The code for the addfirst method in the arraydeque class is public void addFirst(E e) { if (e == null)…… -
How do I change the default class loader in Java?
Suppose I have three classes, classA, example ClassB and example ClassLoader. ClassA prints out HelloWorld and ClassB …… -
Can two Java interfaces be mutually exclusive?
I have two interfaces that should be excluded: interface Animal{} interface Cat extends Animal{} interface Bird extend…… -
What is the preferred way to get the frame rate of a JavaFX application?
This is a very simple question: What is the preferred way to get the frame rate of a JavaFX application? Google showed…… -
Java – why does the following code compile without errors?
I am new to Java and try to understand the following The length of the array is different The code still executes with…… -
Create a unique timestamp in Java
I need to create a timestamp (in milliseconds) in Java that is guaranteed to be unique in this particular VM instance …… -
Java – BlackBerry browser return Click
After loading the browser, I want to go back to the previous page, but it takes three clicks I tried to override the b…… -
Java – how to improve my JUnit test
My JUnit test looks like a long story: >I create 4 users > I delete 1 user > I try to log in with the deleted…… -
Generating patterns from entities using JPA2 hibernate eclipse 4.2 MySQL 5.5
I'm new to hibernate / JPA, and I insist it's the last step Solution If you are using hibernate, you can: >Set "hib…… -
Embedding a web browser window in Java
Does anyone know to open an instance of a platform (Windows / Linux / MAC) browser in a swing window integrated into a…… -
Create Java Native methods for constructors
I'm writing a program in Java. I want to create a native interface for the library written in C But I'm confused about…… -
Java – code object o = true? New integer (0): new long (1) returns long with a value of 0 Why?
See the English answer > java conditional operator?: Result type5 Object obj = true ? new Integer(0) : new Long(1);…… -
Java – how to print a long type value using the input size modifier?
This is basically what I want to do // ... some code,calculations,what have you ... long timeToAdd = returnTimeToAddIn…… -
Should spring management be “everything” in Java – spring applications?
We are developing a new application and we want to use spring (University project!) When writing a new spring applicat…… -
Should I use playback framework or normal Java EE
I plan to launch a website that I will use commercially I've heard of the play framework recently. It looks good But I…… -
Java – jmockit failed through agentinitializationexception: the agent jar was loaded but the agent failed to initialize
I'm developing a plug - in for eclipse Kepler Adding @ runwith (jmockit. Class) to my test class will cause the follow…… -
Java – which eclipse files are excluded from subversion repo
As a development team, we always like subversion and solar eclipse. We checked everything and everything was fine Unti…… -
Java – how to use GridLayout to set component size? Is there a better way?
I'm using java to develop a bigger GUI, and I'm getting angry with the layout manager I have a "settings panel" that c…… -
Java jar ant include folder
My question is: how can I put files into subdirectories into my jar through ants? Now my code is: <jar destfile="${…… -
Java – the deleted entity is passed to the persistent exception
I have such entities: I'm just trying to delete a file, such as entitymanager Remove (file); However, an error occurre…… -
Java – how do I subclass ByteBuffer?
Therefore, the Java NiO architect does not create a ByteBuffer interface, but a ByteBuffer class. It is not a final cl…… -
Java – nullpointer exception in LinkedList when using for each loop
I encountered very strange Java behavior. I don't know whether it is a bug or not The code simply passes through the s…… -
Packaged Java applications run faster in Windows XP compatibility mode
According to some of my customers, Java applications run faster in Windows XP compatibility mode of Windows 7, but why……