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Architects take you to a deeper understanding of Java interfaces and abstract classes
Abstract is one of the characteristics of object-oriented programming. In Java, OOP abstraction can be embodied in two…… -
Java program implements the method of exporting excel (supports ie low version)
Today, I want to sort out an export problem I encountered some time ago. Because of the requirements of the project, s…… -
ASP. NET MVC4+EF5+EasyUI+Unity2. Front end page framework construction and source code sharing of background management system injected by X
At the beginning, we have a series of solutions. Let's start to build a new system. The user experience needs more and…… -
Overloading and rewriting instance code of Java functions
In Java, polymorphism can be divided into two types: compile time polymorphism (overloading) and run-time polymorphism…… -
Explain in detail the usage of inheriting classes using externds keyword in Java
Understanding inheritance is the key to understanding object-oriented programming. In Java, an existing class is inher…… -
String. In Java Summary of split() usage
In Java Lang package contains string The split () method returns an array I use some in the application to summarize f…… -
Deep understanding of Java interfaces and abstract classes
Abstract is one of the characteristics of object-oriented programming. In Java, OOP abstraction can be embodied in two…… -
Summary of java development novice problems
Java is one of the most popular programming languages & mdash& mdash; It can be used to write windows programs…… -
Deep understanding of Java exception handling mechanism
1. Introduction Try... Catch... Finally I'm afraid it's a familiar sentence, and it feels very simple to use, and …… -
Javaurlrewrite record of website URL rewriting process
Now most websites and shopping malls will use URL rewriting. It is also because of the E-commerce mall they are doing.…… -
Summary of experience in dealing with character coding in Java
When facing a string of byte streams, its actual meaning cannot be known if its encoding is not specified. This senten…… -
Java implements code sharing to find the maximum palindrome string of the current string
Look at the code first 1、 Palindrome judgment of string Judge whether a string is palindrome Problem Description: giv…… -
Common java development exceptions and explanations
Explanation of common Java exceptions: (translator's note: non-technical analysis. Reading is risky, understanding sho…… -
Java JDBC connects to MySQL database to realize the operation of addition, deletion, modification and query
JDBC is no stranger to us. As long as you are engaged in Java, you have to learn such a thing when you first contact J…… -
How much memory does a Java object occupy?
Recently, I read in-depth understanding of Java virtual machine and had a further understanding of the memory layout o…… -
Explain JavaScript from the perspective of Java developers
We can't explain all the details of JavaScript in a blog post. If you are more or less involved in web application dev…… -
Java 8 method of reading files
JDK7 introduces a new file operation class java nio. file. File, which contains many useful methods to manipulate file…… -
Wechat randomly generated red envelope amount algorithm java version
The craziest thing to play in recent years should be sending red envelopes, especially during the new year. The follow…… -
10 ways to get JAVA done in a few weeks
Don't confuse java with JavaScript. The goal of Java is & ldquo; Compile once and debug everywhere & rdquo; (E…… -
Java implements a simple chat room program based on UDP protocol
I've been relatively idle recently. I've been taking the time to review some technical applications in Java. Nothing t…… -
Eclipse tips
I'm used to developing Java programs in eclipse. The company's recent projects are all developed by idea. Meanwhile, A…… -
Performance optimization summary of 35 java development codes
Foreword Code optimization is a very important topic. Some people may think it's useless. What can be changed in some …… -
Several configuration methods of Java database connection pool (taking MySQL database as an example)
I Tomcat configuration data source: Premise: you need to put the jar package connecting the MySQL database driver into…… -
How much memory can Java objects occupy?
Recently, I read in-depth understanding of Java virtual machine and had a further understanding of the memory layout o…… -
20 common java code snippets
Here are 20 very useful java program fragments. I hope they can be useful to you. 1. Strings have integer conversi…… -
MySQL download, installation, deployment and graphical detailed operation tutorial
MySQL is a tool that must learn how to install and deploy. It is different from other stupid applications / programs. …… -
10 classic javamain method interview questions
The following is what I think is a classic interview question about Java main method. It is not so much a Java intervi…… -
Java — debug a maven program from Eclipse
I have a project in eclipse that has the following package structure after assembly launcher.tar.gz |-- launcher.jar …… -
Java – why is “010” equal to 8?
My simple question is why: System.out.println(010|4); Print "12"? I understand the bitwise OR operator, but why is "01…… -
Java – recursively cancel alloff completable future
If I had CompletableFuture<Something> future1 = service.request(param1); CompletableFuture<Something> futu…… -
Java – parsing XML feed modules using “element already used”
I am parsing xml feeds using simplexml in Android:…… -
Java – how to use Jfilechooser to get directory paths?
I have a small java GUI application with a text field on it When the user clicks the text field, an event is triggered……