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Android performance: useless global variables and inheritance
Suppose I have objects a and B that extend A. B has global variables (an array and some counters) that are not related…… -
The android-tidiohandler.write procedure cannot be run on a mobile device
I am trying to send streams from mobile devices (IOS, Android) to TCP server. For server and client, I am using Indy c…… -
Configuration and acquisition of meta data extension element data in manifest
In the androidmanifest.xml manifest file, we sometimes see the following configuration contents starting from the <…… -
Curved edge of Android view
I'm trying to use cardview, whose bottom edge is bent like the image below. I don't want to bend the corner, just want…… -
Using photoview in Android initially displays the full image
I'm developing an Android application. In my application, I need the zoom image function like Facebook. Therefore, I u…… -
How to unit test Android for HTTP requests
I used another possible framework of robolectric library. It is suitable for Android…… -
Android – why does findlastcompletelyvisibleitemposition() return – 1?
I'm trying to use paging in fragments for endless recycler view. But the problems are as follows >Findlastcompletly…… -
Java – no tabs for fragment display
I need to create a scrollable tab at the top of the application. Tabhost looks ok, but I don't need fragment display (…… -
Android – how to play. MP3 files in the shuttle application?
I wrote a dart web application that retrieves. MP3 files from the server and plays them; I'm trying to write a mobile …… -
Android mapbox tag offset
I have to set the tag offset to the bottom (center by default). I found how to do this on JS or IOS, but how to do it …… -
Tagmanager and datalayer are missing in android-10.0.1
I used the gradle script compile "" But the import content…… -
Detect some different images – is there a java implementation of perceptual hash and differential hash?
I am working on a solution for detecting similar and slightly different media images I have come across many articles …… -
Android EditText doesn’t focus on touch
My EditText looks like: <EditText android:id="@+id/uuidInput" android:layout_width="100dp" android:layo…… -
Android – when I click list view in mediaplayer, multiple songs are playing
Hello, I'm creating a music player app I have a problem. When I click the list view, the song will play When I click t…… -
I want to send a specific link in the notification and send the notification through firebase push notification. What should I do?
Suppose that in my notification, today is x's birthday. It will open the FB link of X when clicking the notification. …… -
Android gets data from the list view
I am currently programming an app with the list view, which is full of data from the SQLite table, as shown below: pub…… -
Android – draw text on bitmap
I'm trying to put text on the map marker, but it always appears below it. First, I convert drawable to bitmap, and the…… -
I need to implement serializable for the model class while using gson (serialization / deserialization Library)
I use the default httpurlconnection class to make API calls, and use gson to convert Java objects into JSON requests a…… -
The Android Google Calendar API is not registered on the API console
The following error was encountered while integrating Google Calendar Please check my code below Thank you in advance …… -
Android – how to download images from AWS S3 to ImageView?
Therefore, I want to be able to grab an image from the S3 bucket and load it (using taxiing or Picasso) into ImageView…… -
The direction of the Android listpopupwindow menu pop-up animation is from left to right
I have a listpopupmenu with the following code public void showPopupMenu(View view) { ListPopupWindow listPopupWin…… -
The Java Android client did not receive the message from the node.js server
I have used to connect the Android client to the node.js server and can send messages to the server, but I c…… -
“There is no instance of type variable R, so observable complies with observable” error when updating to rxjava2
I am trying to call the API using retreading and rxjava. When using rxjava 1, the following code seems to work well, b…… -
Android – displays the Google play game welcome dialog box when all apps start
The best example I try can be described by the behavior of the SimCity application (and I'm sure that many others I ma…… -
What are the advantages and disadvantages of asynctask in the Java Android framework?
I'm learning Android application development from by Google engineers. They say, "Using 'asynctask' is not…… -
Hide the progress bar after loading WebView in Android
When I add this code to my code, I want to know what the problem is web.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { pub…… -
Horizontal recyclerview inside Android vertical recyclerview
I'm trying to do such a thing Therefore, my idea is that I have a vertical recyclerview with a channel, and in the sec…… -
Android Cordoba hides the status bar when the splash screen is displayed
The startup screen is displayed through the plug-in Cordova plugin splash screen. However, when the application starts…… -
How to change text color in datepicker header Android
Hi, I'm trying to change the color of the datepicker header text, but I can't find a property to change this property.…… -
Android – although the permission has been granted, it still obtains the SecurityException
I didn't get a java.lang.securityexception for my app and didn't grant android.permission.write_ Settings. Even if I h…… -
Android – ‘com. B.a.b.a’ requires’ sequence ‘attribute – Proguard
When I use Proguard to issue LoginFragment, my application will trigger this exception. I saw this previous question, …… -
Networkonmainthreadexception in Android flatmap
I am new to rxjava or rxandroid. I want to change asynctask and callback to observable and subscriber. But I have ques……