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Java – app cannot load non on page ads on my real device
Test insert ads are running on my simulator But they don't apply to my real device There was a problem getting an ad r…… -
Java – how to merge two Android studio projects into one [copy]
See English answers > how to create jar for Android Library Project 8 Solution From combine Android projects togeth…… -
Java – spring MVC form errors have not been processed on JSP
I'm trying to validate the login form After clicking the login button, the control enters my controller class. With th…… -
The javalaunchhelper class is implemented in two places
Today, I upgraded my IntelliJ idea on MacOS Sierra. Now, this error occurs when I run the application in the console: …… -
How to start IOS with java code_ webkit_ debug_ proxy
I can run appium server from Java code But I want to know how I am Any pointers or suggestions will be highly apprecia…… -
java – JPA,HIBERNATE. How to get the next value from @ tablegenerator
I have an entity class with the following primary key generation strategy @Id @Column(name = "id",nullable = false) @T…… -
Java – how to force the Android camera to display in portrait mode or let me rotate
I'm a new post, so please! I saw almost all the other questions related to this and tried the most, but I was complete…… -
Reading scattered data from multiple files in Java
I am studying the reader / writer of DNG / TIFF files Since there are some options to process files (FileInputStream, …… -
Java – recover the asynch threadpooltaskexecutor after a server crash / shutdown
I have a spring rest controller that uses spring's @ async method to call asynchronous methods and immediately returns…… -
Java – assign a text array to an object variable
Consider the following codes: Object obj = {}; This results in the following errors: Type mismatch: cannot convert fro…… -
Java EE – why do I need sun jaxws on GlassFish 4 XML file?
I'm taking the first step towards the jax-ws world and using GlassFish 4 I'm just trying to rebuild the javaee7 Oracle…… -
Java – redeployment on wildfly results in OUTOFMEMORY: Metaspace
I am currently investigating our recent meta - space problems One of the main reasons seems to be that duplicate class…… -
Java – optional part of jax-ws response message
TL; Dr: how can I have an optional < part > in response to < message > for WSDL service I am: >Locate a…… -
Restrict JavaFX filechooser to initial folder
I want to limit the JavaFX file selector to its initial directory Is there any way to achieve this goal? Solution This…… -
Java – spring boot oauth2 with custom security filters
I have a spring boot setup with oauth2 authorization and resource server The user can obtain the token by sending a po…… -
Java – Android studio 2.3 error: “gradle sync failed: Reason: services. Gradle. Org”
After opening a new project in Android studio 2.3, I receive an error, such as: Google search just gave me a log file …… -
Wildcards in generics behave differently in Java 7 and 8
I have the code compiled when it is compiled into Java 7 (eclipse compiler), but it fails when I set the project to Ja…… -
Can fields of a Java class be of multiple types without using generics?
I have a class whose instances will be serialized Therefore, this class implements serializable This class has a field…… -
Javax. In JDK 7u79 smartcardio. Card. Disconnect (Boolean reset) behavior?
According to the release notes of JRE 7u72: When calling javax smartcardio. Card. When disconnect (true), even if I ha…… -
java – RabbitMQ com. rabbitmq. client. Alreadyclosedexception: the connection has been closed due to a connection error
I use rabbitmq as a proxy to send requests and responses between my different applications Although I face strange beh…… -
Java – HTML publish request (login form)
I need to log in to a website I try to archive it by sending the correct post request I can collect the required data …… -
Java – Apache spark, create hive context – nosuchmethodexception
I have the following questions. My main methods are: static public void main(String args[]){ SparkConf conf = new…… -
Java – spring mongorepository save throws duplicate key exception
I'm using Java and spring As a test, I query the object by ID and try to save the same object without updating anythin…… -
Clojure – leiningen: about classnotfoundexception of classes appearing in “lein run” / “lein uberjar” project
I am trying to implement the java interface required by the legacy runtime I am using and instantiate an instance of t…… -
Use JPA with hibernate search Lucene query
I can easily search my JPA entity full-text query using hibernate search: FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager …… -
Java Europe / Minsk time zone
I wrote the following program: import; import; i…… -
Java – gradle shadow plugin failed: error parsing plugin
I am migrating the Java Maven project to gradle. Com I added a shade plug-in to maven, but when I tried to copy it in …… -
Java – single sign on jetty with multiple webappcontext instances
I have an embedded jetty server that iterates over a list of webapps from many different locations (between different …… -
java – System. out. Print causes delay?
See the English answer > do not use system out. Println in server side code 9 package personal; public class Speed…… -
Java – the content of the element type “property” must match
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-…… -
Layout – JavaFX – vertically center text in textflow
I am currently using JavaFX's text and textflow layouts. I need to figure out how to place the text node in the center…… -
Java – the problem of “sequence binding and naming binding” occurs when calling stored procedures with JPA 2.1
use: > Spring Boot 1.4. 0. Release > JPA: 2.1 > sleep: 5.0 9 > hibernate Dialect: org hibernate. dialect. ……