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Java – downcasting / upcasting errors at compile time and runtime?
Please check the following procedure I wonder when the compiler will emit a conversion exception at the compiler level…… -
Java – a stored procedure that returns multiple tables to the spring JDBC template
I use the jdbctemplate to call stored procedures from my spring Dao class My problem is that stored procedures return …… -
NetBeans – how to use the scenario builder to create image buttons on Java fxml?
I'm using NetBeans and want to replace boring buttons with media files on my desktop So this is my code I want it, so …… -
Java – converts jtextfield input to integer
I'm a novice in Java. I'm trying to convert the input from jtextfield to an integer. I've tried many options, but ther…… -
Java – resteasy @ path with zero or more path parameters
I use resteasy. Com in API development My website is http: / / localhost: 8080 / project / player / m or http: / / loc…… -
How does this java code work?
I have this code class NumberMachine { public static void main(String [] args) { Integer wi1 = new Integer("…… -
Multiple object locks in Java?
Is it safe / acceptable to lock private field variables instead of using locked objects? In this way, I can have diffe…… -
Java – why not call the constructor of the class that implements the runnable interface?
I try to use the constructor of the class that implements the runnable interface But I was surprised to find that it h…… -
Java – why consider numeric values using the int parameter method?
class Test { class Test { void m1(byte b) { System.out.print("byte"); } void m1(short s) { System.out.…… -
Java – enhanced ‘for’ loop causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
This is my code: import java.util.Scanner; public class Arrays { public static void main(String[] args) { …… -
Java – a class that describes immutable ordered sets
I need some class / interface names that describe immutable ordered sets (in input order, such as linkedhashset) Of co…… -
Java – bitstamp {“error”: “API key not found”} code response: 200
I tried to send a balance request to bitstamp in Java. I wrote the following code, but I received this error: {"error"…… -
Java – how to use JSON simple to parse from JSON to map and preserve the key order
I'm using JSON simple and JSON simple lib to write configuration files, but I'm having trouble converting JSON strings…… -
How to use the between clause in Kohana ORM
I'm new to Kohana I'm using ORM to get data I want to build a query where the between clause exists as follows SELECT …… -
Java: how to deal with generic heterogeneous containers?
What (and why) is a better way to deal with heterogeneous containers (i.e. database cursors with strings, integers, et…… -
java – Integer. parseInt(“9999999990”);
See English answers > unexpected numberformatexception while parsing a hex string to an int value 5 String str="999…… -
Java – the best way to convert a numeric array to a CSV string?
If I have a string [] (assuming no comma), I can simply generate a CSV line For example, String[] header = {"header0",…… -
Java – how do I convert a string to the int value of the const class?
I have variables: String colorName = "BLUE"; I want to set this color to paint in the Android application It should be…… -
Java – predicate method equals()
I'm using the interface predict < T > from com google. common. base(Google Guava) But I don't know how to make t…… -
Use the for loop to traverse the list in Java
How to use index to iterate list data structure For example, consider a list sentence where each element is a word Can…… -
Java – propertynotfoundexception when using JSTL with Boolean value
I have a filebean that renames Boolean variables It has the following code public class FileBean { private boolea…… -
Java – array null pointer exception error
I continued my school project and seemed to have encountered another mistake So what happens is basically that I get a…… -
Use java to convert e-mail to its original format
I have been trying to create an object of mimemessage type using JavaMail API and get its original representation, but…… -
How to update tableview items outside JavaFX thread
I have a table view of list user friends. I need to update it every 5 seconds with the data I retrieve from the databa…… -
Java – vector and arraydeque classes
What is the difference between the vector and arraydeque classes? I read about the arraydeque class yesterday, and I u…… -
Java – defines a string as null or empty
I'm from C # Net background, whenever I have a string, I declare it as string Empty String myStr = null; I don't like …… -
Multithreading – thread:: join() prevents it from
To learn how to use atomics in C 11, I tried the following code snippet: #include <iostream> #include <thread…… -
Java constructors cannot use varargs
I have the following enumeration, which contains many constructors: public enum Route { HOMEPAGE("",null,UserType.G…… -
Java – change the application name in Android studio
This guy is a problem with Android studio I make a startup screen in manifest, and then I run the application in the s…… -
Java – is this a good if block?
Can these comparisons always safely create nullpointer exceptions? if( myObject == null || myObject.someMethod() == so…… -
java. Lang. IllegalStateException: stream when writing Excel files using jetty and struts as responses
I have a code to create Excel files using struts and jetty In my declared struts In the XML file: <action name="ful…… -
What is the difference between controller and handler in Java – spring MVC?
Spring MVC documentation sometimes says "handler" or "request handler" For example,……