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Java – what are the disadvantages of writing! string. isEmpty()?
In if statements in Java code, I often read if (string! = null & & string. Isempty() = = false) and so on I am…… -
Java – sort F: selectitems list based on tags
I have a list of selectitem values and tags The data is obtained from the database. The selectitem list has the follow…… -
From Java runtime Exec read stream
I have the following code snippets: Process proc = runtime.exec(command); errorGobbler = new ErrorStreamGobbler(proc.g…… -
Java – Android layout files do not allow characters such as &, <, >
When I try to use &, <, > as main XML and strings XML, which returns an error I want to mean "&" and "&l…… -
Java – business rules – where are they in OOP?
I have a lesson: timetable public class Schedule { private int locationNum; private int cost; private String costReas…… -
Java – Android – how to delete an item from a cursor?
Suppose I use the following cursor to get someone's call record: String[] strFields = { android.provider.CallLog.C…… -
Using XML as a database in Java
I want to use an XML file as a database I want to store the ID and its corresponding string path Like: <item> …… -
Java – socket and datainputstream
I'm trying to understand this code DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream( new ByteArrayI…… -
Language independent – use hash mapping to optimize the binary tree and insert o (1) to write to the subtree
First of all, I assume that I have missed some important things when considering this problem, but I still want to rel…… -
Java – what is a regular expression that removes spaces in parentheses?
I'm writing a program in Java to accept queries If I had a query like this insert into abc values ( e,…… -
An effective way to shuffle JSON arrays in Java?
Is this the best way? Now, I convert my jsonarray to an ArrayList of a custom class, using collections Shuffle () to p…… -
Java reads UTF-8 encoded files character by character
I have a file saved as UTF - 8 (actually saved by my application) How do you read it word for word? File file = new Fi…… -
Java definition: tag, token
I wrote this: (fitness> ? return 1 : return -1; And received the following error: Syntax error on token, …… -
Forking processes with Java
Can a complete "program" branch be created from a single execution sequence into two subroutines? The subroutines are …… -
Java – use methods on each item in the array
I have a dynamically populated string array I want to run this function: String[] name = request.getParameterValues("n…… -
Java – what’s wrong with my factory?
I have some code like this: public abstract class Foo { public static Foo getFoo() { return new FooImpl();…… -
MVC pattern in Java swing?
Please give an example of the MVC pattern used in the Java Swing package? Solution Basically, the swing component itse…… -
Is it necessary to explicitly disconnect from the database when using Java?
After completing the job in Java, you must disconnect from the database? If the connection is not disconnected, will i…… -
Java – bouncycastle installs the provider programmatically
Can the bouncycastle provider be installed programmatically without modifying the security policy file? Solution of co…… -
Java – opencv “Hello world” example for Android
How do I use opencv on Android? If possible, please provide a simple "Hello world" opencv code example for Android Sol…… -
Java – cache in C accessed through JNI
Does building an LRU type cache in C / C + + and letting Java access it through JNI help improve performance? Solution…… -
Java list best practices
I need some containers to hold elements. If I'm going to try to get the size () I element, I'll get the element number…… -
Java – JDBC and threads
I have a program that needs to query the database within a given time interval, perform some operations through the re…… -
BlackBerry JDE ArrayList?
BlackBerry JDE does not contain Java util. ArrayList, even if it knows Java util? What's going on? Does BB have the s…… -
java. util. prefs. Preferences. Put() is valid, but preferences Nodeexists() always returns false
I have some simple code for learning OAuth authentication using the landmark library I'm trying to use Java util. pref…… -
Java – reads a byte array from the socket
I have read the sun guide and different similar questions I want to read some unknown number of bytes from the socket …… -
Output a block to the console in Java
Hi, I'm doing my course. My task is to use "*" to make a 5 × 5, but you must use "." Fill in like this: ***** *...* *.…… -
Java – jump to the beginning of the for loop in a Scala program
In the for loop in my Scala code, I want to jump to the beginning of the loop. If the specific condition is true, the …… -
java – Ping vs HTTP HEAD
I am writing a Java application that has the ability to check whether it is connected to the Internet by periodically …… -
Where to find synchronization contention evidence in Java?
Our Tomcat web application feels slow when used by hundreds of users The server is in the hosting company, and their r…… -
Java – is it easier to use foo when it is represented by the class ArrayList rather than the interface list?
I see a lot of grammar and don't understand the reasons behind it I think you usually want to use classes instead of i…… -