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Java – symbol error not found in CMD, but not in IDE
I'm trying to compile the following code (I need one of the two files to complete this job), but I encountered 2 error…… -
Java – how to unit test and simulate methods with files as parameters
I have a collectionobject class to create an ArrayList public class CollectionObject { private List<String>…… -
Java – rise from preferencearag and preferencefragments using optionsitemselected
I'm having trouble using optionsitemselected when using Android studio's default set activity (extended appcompatprefe…… -
java. Lang.illegalargumentexception: unable to initialize due to invalid key
I received an encryption exception I'm running >OS X 10.11 > java 1.8 > groovy version: 2.4 4 > Gradle 2.3…… -
RX Java – retry the same project after the error
I'm trying to build a robust processing pipeline using RX - Java, but I have a problem Here is an example: public stat…… -
Java – selenium webdriver: cannot find element in iframe using TinyMCE editor
Maybe my problem is similar to this selenium webdriver cannot locate element within an iframe, and throws NoSuchElemen…… -
Java – use the stringtokenizer to return the rest of the string
After watching it for more than an hour, I can't seem to find a way to achieve this If I do StringTokenizer sTokenizer…… -
Java – hibernate – OGM [persistenceunit: person] cannot build hibernate sessionfactory
I received the following error Utilty. java public class Utility { private static EntityManagerFactory entityManag…… -
Java – use Jackson to generate CSV without quotation marks
I'm using Jackson CSV to generate CSV files, but I want references everywhere I can't find any information on apidoc C…… -
Does Java automatically optimize loops for multi-core processors
A developer told me today that Java (or JIT) can automatically optimize the execution of the for loop, so that it can …… -
Java – overriding protected methods of superclasses
In the following example, why does string B print null and string c print "GG" If I am wrong, please correct me whenev…… -
Java – the following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice?
The following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice? public class enu extends Thread { …… -
Java – why not ArrayList < > Add() work?
I'm new to Java. I'm currently using Android studio I just can't understand why Add does not work Topics and jobs are …… -
How to use Jackson to serialize / deserialize Java util. stream. Stream?
Suppose I have the following objects public class DataObjectA { private Stream<DataObjectB> dataObjectBStrea…… -
JavaFX – set two ‘setonaction’ buttons to be the same
I get the EventHandler from another class. I want to set this EventHandler to the same button as other actionevents Is…… -
Java – spring oauth2 access token in HTTP header
I try to use authorization server to implement spring oauth2 settings in an application and resource server in a separ…… -
Java – why use factories instead of ‘new’?
I'm reading this book EMF: Eclipse modeling framework, which says: Why encourage the use of factories instead of new o…… -
JavaFX – how to focus on one phase
My application has a main application stage from which a second window can be opened I just want to focus on one stage…… -
Java – first item name of JTable jcombobox error
I added a swing to a JTable JCombo@R_695_2419 @, but the tag of my first project was always javax swing. JCombo@R_695_…… -
Java class by default, it implicitly extends Java lang.Object
See English answers > java doesn't support multiple inheritance but implicitly every class in Java extends object a…… -
Using objects as keys in Java HashMap
package test; package test; import java.util.HashMap; public class test { public static void main(String args[])…… -
Java: can wildcard array types be used as parameters and return types?
For example, consider a function that accepts the ArrayList of strings, splits it into string arrays, and returns the …… -
CPU – what is a clock interrupt?
I can't find the correct definition of this on the Internet >Does every clock tick happen? > Does it happen ever…… -
Java – unable to parse com parse. ParseQueryAdapter
My current settings: >Operating system: Windows 7 > ide: Android studio (with updated SDK) > parse jar (V 1.1…… -
Java – no suitable method for sort (int [], >) found
Algorithm problem: given a list of nonnegative integers, arrange them into the largest number For example, given [3,30…… -
Java – what’s the point of a clonable interface?
What's the point of a clonable interface in Java? The core object in Java has a clone () method Can you override that …… -
Ternary comparison if in Java
Why is it incorrect to use such triples, because it is correct to use if? //Error when using as ternary Character.isDi…… -
JavaFX and network
I am a novice in socket and network programming. This is my attempt to create a simple chat server. My code seems to h…… -
Java – exclude packages from gradle dependencies
I encountered a problem that multiple versions of the same class appeared in my classpath The problematic class is jav…… -
Java – null and stringutils Differences between isblank()
I want to check whether a string is empty. I want to know which of the following is better, which is better and under …… -
Special behavior of for loop in Java
Today, while reading boxing and automatic boxing, I came up with a scene and found that I was trapped in an infinite c…… -
How to get special methods of classes in Java?
I have a class with some methods in Java, as shown below: public class Class1 { private String a; private Stri……