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Java – how to convert char [] to int?
I have a problem. I need to take an array of characters (only composed of numbers) and print its value as an integer p…… -
We can use system. Net in Java Web applications exit()
We are using java to develop web applications I want to use system. Com in one of my methods Exit() instead of return …… -
Java – bitwise OP unexpectedly becomes negative
Can someone explain to me why I got these results? public static int ipv4ToInt(String address) { int result = 0; …… -
Java – how to replace a JPanel with another JPanel in the same location?
I have a JFrame of about four frames After a given action, I want to replace one panel with another in the same positi…… -
Java – how to open PDF in a new tab and display it in the browser (no download required)?
I have a PDF link. When I click it, I want it to open a new tab and render it in the new tab, instead of asking me to …… -
Java – how to change Derby to read / write mode
I have a derby database that gives me a read-only error The database worked normally until last week when there was in…… -
Java – Amazon – MWS: differences between reports and order lists
I'm trying to integrate Amazon mall orders into our system I did it with Magento before and thought it should be easy,…… -
Java – invalid default value for field warning message from Avro?
I have an Avro architecture like this, where I will be is_ userid_ I want to set the default value to false, so I prop…… -
Switch classes in Java?
I want to create a class for heap data structure in Java, allowing users to select minheap or maxheap @H_ 403_ 8@ The …… -
Java – separate arrays in other arrays
I have an array. I need to divide it into different arrays I have a string array that needs to be divided into differe…… -
Java – how does arraybuffer work in memory?
I want to use arraybuffer in my program to save a list of numbers I want to use it as a queue Delete the first item in…… -
Java – learn rest and get stuck on the IllegalStateException
I'm trying to learn from rest. I'm trying to make a simple test project to act as a smoke test I did four classes @App…… -
Java – thread safe enum singleton
Enumeration helps create singles I know enumeration methods are not thread safe, so I try to make them thread safe Any…… -
Java – extract the first letter from each word in the sentence
I have developed a voice to text program where users can say a short sentence and insert it into a text box How do I e…… -
Java – use TreeSet for sorting without providing comparator
I know that TreeSet in Java will automatically sort its elements in ascending order to ensure the order For example, i…… -
Java – list iteration – General Logic
I have a bean list (list < aclass >), from which I create two sub lists based on some logic, including checking …… -
Creating dirty methods for threads in Java
I recently started to delve into multithreading in Java In the process of exploring things, I found that there are two…… -
Java – spring MVC, excel file download, file destruction
I handle excel export function in one of my webapps I set up a small test case and made the download work, but the xls…… -
Java – missing datasource explorer in eclipse Kepler
I recently downloaded eclipse Kepler Datasource Explorer is missing in this version of Kepler Datasource Explorer can …… -
When should I use POJOs (not EJBs) in Java EE applications?
I am currently learning Java EE I use Oracle Java EE 7 tutorial According to section 34.1.1 of this tutorial In Sectio…… -
Java – stringreader from string Error given in split output
An exception occurred while using stringreader When creating an object, the string I parse is through string Split gen…… -
Java – Braintree does not update the user’s preferred / default payment method
When a customer wants to select his payment method when creating a sales order, I see that it has changed in dropinui …… -
Cannot find the type: Java Lang. Long’s verifier Post ID
What's wrong with my plan? I received an error HTTP Status 500 - Request processing Failed; nested exception is javax.…… -
Java – why does shadow affect ‘final’ behavior?
Here are three sscces. I think they should be compiled and behave the same The only thing I want to change is the firs…… -
Java – count (*) (asterisk) on querydsl / MySQL?
The initial function is MySQL query, which lists all providers of all tags: SELECT * FROM provider INNER JOIN provid…… -
Java – the value of the nonvolatile variable during wait() and the notifyall() call in both threads
Suppose I have two threads a and B, and I have synchronization blocks in both threads, in which an int variable is con…… -
Java – should I leave behind methods I don’t use in class?
I have a class (> 400000 instances) that is heavily used in programs with heavy performance Will leaving these meth…… -
Java – where data is stored in the kubernetes cluster
How do I write / read data controlled by the replication controller and "hide" behind the service in kubernetes? If I …… -
Java – in POM The Proguard configuration file is included in the XML
I tried to confuse Java class files I've used ant before, so I've built it through 'build XML 'contains the following …… -
Volatile in double check locking in Java
See English answers > why is volatile used in double checked locking class Foo { private volatile Bar _barInsta…… -
Java – why does 10 > > 2 5 > > 2 evaluate to zero?
Consider the following codes: int a=10,b=5; int c=a>>2+b>>2; System.out.println(c); At run time, the (surp…… -
Multithreading – do I have to signal an anonymous thread if the main thread completes?
Is it necessary to explicitly stop all threads prior to exiting a Win32 Application? 5 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sen……