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Tomcat server downtime solution
Error message: java. lang.Object. wait(Native Method) java. lang.ref. ReferenceQueue. remove( …… -
Feign of spring cloud
Take my personal blog system as an example to request other microservice APIs. 1、 Add Maven dependency 2、 Add @ enab…… -
Cross domain problem solving of spring cloudgateway gateway
Application scenario: all microservices pass through the gateway. When interfacing with the front end, cross domain is…… -
@Differences between requestparam and @ pathvariable and their application scenarios
@There is little difference between requestparam and @ pathvariable, mainly because the requested URL is different Whe…… -
Differences among API, compile and implementation in Android studio 3. X
First, in Android studio 3. X, compile is outdated Replaced by implementation and API Secondly, compile is completely …… -
Getting started with Android (create, compile, run, package, install)
1、 Create Android project 1. Select emtpy activity = > next 2. Configuration items Enter name save lo…… -
List of Java collection framework
1、 List: 1. Unique common methods: (one common feature is that corner markers can be operated) (1) , add Void add (in…… -
Multithreading overview
1、 JVM thread dependent When the JVM is started, a process will be started, which will start a thread. The JVM startu…… -
Thread control
1、 Thread sleep Method used: public static void sleep (long millis): let the executing thread sleep for millis Public…… -
JSP Foundation
1. Pass data from servlet to JSP: In servlet: RequestDispatcher req = request. getRequestDispatcher("NewFile.jsp"); St…… -
IO stream – file management
File f = new File(“test.txt”); The constructor of file will not create a new file when the file does not exist. The cr…… -
IO stream zip document
Zipinputstream is usually used in Java to read zip documents Zip documents (usually) store one or more files in a comp…… -
Servlet lifecycle
1、 Architecture diagram Servlet execution process: Step 1: the HTTP request is delegated to the servlet container by …… -
IO stream – text \ read / write binary data
Text IO 1、 Brief description The outputstreamwriter class uses the selected encoding method to convert the Unicode ch…… -
Java static proxy and dynamic proxy
Original link: 1、 Agent mode Proxy pattern is a frequently used design pattern. Proxy patte…… -
IO streams – Overview
I Abstract classes InputStream and OutputStream form the basis of IO classes Because byte stream oriented objects are …… -
JUnit 4 uses
1. Import junit4jar package: In eclipse, right-click bulid path on the project, then click Add libraries, and select J…… -
JUnit 4 uses
1. Import junit4jar package: In eclipse, right-click bulid path on the project, then click Add libraries, and select J…… -
Map of Java collection framework
Map: Add a pair of elements at a time (key - > value) Two column set, key value pair Common methods: 1. Add V put (…… -
JSTL tag library
1. JSTL depends on El. To use JSTL, you need to import the jar package of JSTL. JSTL has four libraries: Core: core li…… -
Getting started with Android (XIX) WebView
Original link: WebView can embed a browser in its own application to display web pages. Crea…… -
Getting started with Android (16) calling camera album
Original link: 1、 Call camera Create a project choosepicdemo and modify the activity_ main.…… -
Android Introduction (VI) fragment
Original link: 1、 Fragment Fragment is a UI fragment that can be embedded in activities. It…… -
Getting started with Android (III) activity life cycle and startup mode
Original link: 1、 Activity lifecycle 1. Return stack Activities in Android can overlap. Eve…… -
Getting started with Android (XVII) Android multithreading
Original link: 1、 Update UI in child thread Android does not allow the UI to be updated in …… -
Getting started with Android (XII) SQLite transaction and database upgrade
Original link: 1、 Business SQLite supports transactions. Let's take a look at how Android u…… -
Getting started with Android (V) UI – unit and size, listview
Original link: 1、 Units and dimensions The following units are available in the layout file…… -
Introduction to Android (VII) life cycle and qualifier of fragments
Original link: This article is almost as written in the last article, but the evil WordPress…… -
Android getting started (XV) Notice
Original link: 1. Basic usage of notification To create a notification, you first need a not……