
Recent Posts
  • Learn Android layout together

    This article briefly describes the simple application of layout in Android development, which belongs to basic knowled……
  • Java calls the HTML template to send the mail of HTML content

    When the project needs to send e-mail, the e-mail with ordinary content feels too monotonous, ugly and unqualified. Th……
  • Android development failed to install * apk on device ’emulator-5554′: EOF

    This error occurs when running the Android program:   Failed to install homework. apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF……
  • JSP uses freemaker to generate word documents based on word template

    Using freemaker to generate word document based on word template Introduction to freemaker FreeMarker is a template en……
  • Android multilingual

    Android multilingual     3. Use @ Strings / key in the layout file to reference the corresponding resources
  • Common API_ two

    primary coverage Learning objectives -[] be able to describe the characteristics of the object class - [] be able to o……
  • JAVA memory leak

    Memory management in Java To understand memory leaks in Java, you must first know how memory in Java is managed. In Ja……
  • New features of jdk8

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter I functional interface 1.1 concept Functional interface in Java refers to……
  • Inheritance and polymorphism

    inherit summary origin When the same attributes and behaviors exist in multiple classes, these contents are extracted ……
  • Xml

    Today I reviewed XML and learned about jsup. primary coverage XML 1. 概念 2. 语法 3. 解析 XML: 1. 概……
  • Spring getting started notes

    Chapter 1 spring overview 1.1 spring overview 1.1. 1 what is spring Spring is a lightweight open source framework for ……
  • Filter&Listener

    Filter: filter 1. 概念: * 生活中的过滤器:净水器,空气净化器... * web中的过滤器:当访问服务器的资源时,过滤器可以将……
  • JQuery

    Today's content JQuery Foundation: JQuery advanced: JQuery Basics 1. 概念: 一个JavaScript框架。简化JS开发 * jQuery是……
  • List, set, data structure, collections

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter I data structure 1.1 what is the use of data structures? When you use the……
  • Multithreading

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 multithreading Before, the programs we learned were executed from top t……
  • Collection, generic

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 collection 1.1 collection overview Since both sets and arrays are conta……
  • How Java compares floating point numbers correctly

    Look at the following code to compare D1 and D2 floating-point numbers. What will be the output result? double d1 = .1……
  • Enterprise authority management system

    brief introduction This project uses spring + spring MVC + mybatis framework integration for enterprise background per……
  • Simple dependency injection using java annotations

    The code is as follows:
  • Map

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 map set 1.1 general In real life, we often see such a collection: IP ad……
  • Share the httpwatch 10 pro with LIC activation file

    Recently, when learning JavaWeb and capturing packets with httpwatch, I installed the normal version of 10 for the fir……
  • Lambda expression

    primary coverage Teaching objectives -[] be able to understand the advantages of functional programming over object-or……
  • Tomcat&Servlet

    Today I reviewed Tomcat and servlet. I used eclipse last time and idea this time. primary coverage 1. web相关概念回顾 ……
  • Network programming

    primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 Introduction to network programming 1.1 software structure B / S struct……
  • Xml & Tomcat

    Xml What's the use of XML? Define XML Document declaration 简单声明,version : 解析这个xml的时候,使用什么版本的解析器……
  • Java basic syntax

    Sort out some knowledge points of learning java basic syntax before. JRE and JDK If we want to run an existing Java pr……
  • Redis Foundation

    primary coverage redis 1. 概念 2. 下载安装 3. 命令操作 1. 数据结构 4. 持久化操作 5. 使用Java客户端操作redis Re……
  • Java implements multi-threaded download and supports breakpoint continuation

    Full code: https://github.com/iyuanyb/Downloader The implementation of multi-threaded download and breakpoint continua……
  • Ajax&Json

    AJAX 1. 概念: ASynchronous JavaScript And XML 异步的JavaScript 和 XML * 异步和同步:客户端和服务器端相互通信的基础上……

    primary coverage 1. JSP: 1. 指令 2. 注释 3. 内置对象 2. MVC开发模式 3. EL表达式 4. JSTL标签 5. 三层架构 JSP: 1. ……
  • Request&Response

    I reviewed the contents of request and response in these two days. primary coverage HTTP * 概念:Hyper Text Transfer P……
  • Maven Foundation

    Maven introduction What is Maven Maven's correct pronunciation is[ ˈ mev ə n] , not "horse plague" and other plagues. ……