包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how do I implement boxing and unpacking in my own classes?
There is no operator override like I C in Java, so I can't figure out how to box / unpack my own class For example, wh…… -
How to confirm a message in message driven beans
In the JMS document, I read that message driven beans do not support client_ Acknowledge mode, only supports dups_ OK_…… -
Java – definition of jax-ws and jax-rs [closed]
I read somewhere on the Internet that Jax - WS is a soap implementation and Jax - RS is a rest implementation It's tru…… -
Java – is there a better algorithm than the one I gave in the TripAdvisor interview?
Just received a telephone interview from TripAdvisor (no reduction) I got the following code and asked to implement fi…… -
Best practices for checking duplicate values in a database using java
I use @ column to set the unique constraint of the user name (unique = true) >By capturing the exception that the p…… -
Persistent blocking queue in Java?
TL; DR; I need to know if there is a lib with persistent blocking queues, which is a performance I have a classic prod…… -
What is the best cycle diagram representation for Java GC
Or I might ask if the New GC is important? If so, do you need to manage links between nodes through lookup tables or u…… -
How do I replace {a string inside Java
Anyone can help me replace 'in the string in Java{‘ For example String str = "abc{ad}"; str = str.replace("{","("); Bu…… -
Java – find the median in the B-tree
I need to implement a B - tree I need to create the following methods: >Insert (x) – 0 (log_t (x)). > Search – s…… -
Java – refresh JTable when setautocreaterowsorter is true
I wrote a default table as follows: public class CustTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{ @Override …… -
Java – XML unmarshalling using JAXB with namespace and schema
I have an XML document as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:msgdata xmlns:xs="http://www.my…… -
Java listen button and keyboard click
How to press the key and trigger JButton? For example: I use "a" JButton as the GUI on the panel I implemented a butto…… -
Java – convert audio stereo to audio bytes
I'm trying to do some audio processing. I'm really stuck in stereo to mono conversion I checked the stereo to mono con…… -
Java – what does it mean when someone says “the result is not thread safe”
When I read this document, I was writing an application specific Java HBase API wrapper: http://hbase.apache.org/apido…… -
Java – which one to choose between calling the function twice and storing the return value in a variable?
I have the following situation I occasionally encounter similar situations Which is more suitable for the following tw…… -
Partitioning and analyzing Java arrays using multithreading
I have to initialize a floating point [12000] 12000 times through the for loop Then I scan the array for values that e…… -
Using other modes except ECB and decrypting with DES will throw “invalidkeyexception: missing parameter”
I basically use http://www.avajava.com/tutorials/lessons/how-do-i-encrypt-and-decrypt-files-using-des.html The code en…… -
Java – StringBuilder using string instead of StringBuilder
I use StringBuilder instead of string in my code But when I look at its source code, the substring () method abstracts…… -
What caused my program to hang without quitting normally? (pipeline, read system call, while loop)
I have a program. I write to the pipeline from several sub processes, and then try to read all messages written to eac…… -
Java – is there any reason to use constants instead of messages?
I want to internationalize my GWT application After reading the documentation, I can't see why constants are used inst…… -
Java – get null when retrieving int from another class
Basically, I did this program, and the computer generated a random card I created a class called 'rndnumber', which ge…… -
Java – convert sentences to arrays and delete characters and print new sentences
Disclaimer: This is a homework assignment The goal of the program is to propose a sentence and then: – convert upperca…… -
Can I use JavaCard framework 2.2 In version 1, the ‘alg’ in the ‘signature’ class is used_ HMAC_ SHA1 ‘method?
I want to use JavaCard security. ALG in signature class_ HMAC_ SHA1 method But my JavaCard Framework version is 2.2 1.…… -
Java – how do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory?
I have a directory containing files, directories, subdirectories, etc How do I use the Apache Hadoop API to get an abs…… -
Java:String. How does the contains (string) function work in Java?
I know that the time complexity of brute force method is n * m (M is the length of the first string and N is the lengt…… -
What is the difference between stackpane and root in JavaFX?
I'm doing pie charts for JavaFX practice The following is the code for developing pie chart If I use group and stackpa…… -
Java – data is not written to the printwriter
I'm actually trying to create a program: public void setUpNetwork(){ try { Socket sock = new Socket("l…… -
Neo4j Connector for java
Does the neo4j server running on localhost: 7474 have a connector that can be used in Java? I'm looking for 'JDBC' sim…… -
Java – eclipse RCP internationalization independent plug-in
No tutorial provides specific examples of how to create international plug - in fragments I need to translate to plugi…… -
Java – deletes items from the index when looping through the list
public boolean isTwoPair() { public boolean isTwoPair() { boolean isTwoPair = false; Collections.sort(deck); …… -
Java – calendar gettime() returns only est
Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")); Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(…… -
Java – I get a dead code warning when I try to write an if condition
I received a dead code warning: Topic topic = findTopicByID(point.getIDTopic()); if (topic != null) { ... } else i……