包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – find the nearest point (nearest neighbor) of each point
I'm writing a method that takes an array of points as input and finds the closest point to each point in the array exc…… -
Java – wsimport generates incorrect code
I use wsimport to generate my java stub file To do this, I used an ant build file in Eclipse: <taskdef name="wsimpo…… -
Java – xmladapter to JAXB binding joda interval?
I have encountered a web service problem in my JAXB binding. I have been trapped for several hours: In order to prepar…… -
Java – SharedPreferences cannot work across activities
I'm trying to save some filters / states in one activity and then use the data in the next activity I'm using shared p…… -
Java – unable to load main class manifest attribute
I have an error after exporting from eclipse: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin>java C:\wamp\www\JOGL\test.jar Excepti…… -
Java inheritance and generics
I have some classes that look like this: Model public abstract class BaseEntity<O extends Object> { ... } publi…… -
Java – play frame JPA problems with save()
I'm trying to save a simple object in the database, but it gives me some problems This is my object class: @Entity @Ta…… -
Java – does the implementation of hasmap store key value pairs in the linked list
I read in a book that when we place an element in a HashMap, it is stored internally in a bucket My question is >Do…… -
How to set expiration date in Java
I'm trying to write some code to correctly set the expiration date of a given date For example, this is what I have Da…… -
In Java, when the ThreadLocal object is modified, will the change be retained in the next request?
In a typical web application, when a request enters, the filter looks for the context object in the HTTP session If it…… -
Java – installing J2ME applications in Samsung Mobile
We develop J2ME applications for low-end mobile devices that support Java, such as Nokia S40 phones In our application…… -
Java general problems
The following code compiles, but if I uncomment the comment line, it won't. I'm confused why HashMap does extend abstr…… -
Java – subclass inheritance using different packages?
Thanks for the great answer about inheritance Another question: Subclasses can always inherit protected members of the…… -
Java – get the IP address of the Android device when connecting to the 3G mobile network
When I connect to WiFi, I can get the IP address of Android phone However, when you connect to a mobile network such a…… -
Java – what is the best way to verify multiple instanceof with basic types (for example, switch case)?
I searched the answer here, and every post I found is actually the "fragment" I am looking for I want to find a better…… -
Java – spring hibernate JDBC batch size
I have several scenes. I think it's a little unclear from hibernate documentation Data class: class HibernateDao { …… -
Java – I received this warning: com sun. org. apache. xml. internal. serialize. Outputformat is a proprietary sun API and may be removed in future releases
My code is OutputFormat wOf = new OutputFormat( "XML","ISO-8859-1",true ); Help me solve this warning Thank you in adv…… -
How to adjust the scroll bar using the images zoomin and zoomout in swing
I want to adjust the scroll bar when the images zoom in and zoom out. My image display on JPanel and JScrollPane conta…… -
Java – get content from HTTP request even without content length header
I'm testing a client that sends me an HTTP request with content but no content length title How do I extract this cont…… -
Logical comparison between Java synchronized keyword and spring @ transactional annotation
In one of the demonstrations on spring / Hibernate transactions, I made an opinion that @ transactional has many logic…… -
Java – project Euler #11
I recently started using java to test my skills I have problem 11, so that all previous problems are correct There is …… -
Java – IllegalStateException: unable to overwrite guava map Reasons in put
I use to create a map new MapMaker().softValues().maximumSize(cacheSize).makeMap(); This seems to work, but after depl…… -
Operating system event handlers using java
I have a java process as a daemon that monitors directroy on the file system. Once a newy file is added to the java pr…… -
The fastest way to find strings in text files using java
What is the fastest way to check whether a file contains a string or number? Solution Take a look at the scanner class…… -
Generating random unique sequences in Java
I have a series of numbers, for example, that's it [1,3,5,7,9] It is possible to generate 5! This is a unique sequence…… -
JUnit conditional disassembly
I want conditional disassembly in my JUnit test cases, such as @Test testmethod1() { //condition to be tested } @Teard…… -
Java and type security
When comparing Java and JavaScript, the MDN JavaScript guide explains the following: Of course, with regard to the fir…… -
Import nanos into Java sql. Timestamp
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/Timestamp.html The only ctor that doesn't belittle needs millis Is t…… -
Java – sequencegenerator problem for unit testing in HSQLDB / H2
I've tried to use HSQLDB and H2 for unit testing, but I'm facing the problem of sequence generator The field declarati…… -
Java: how to make this serializable?
I need the following class to be serializable package helpers; public class XY implements Comparable<XY> { …… -
Java – generic parameters for serializable collections
I have such members in a serializable class: private final Map<String,List<T>> categoryMap = Maps.newHashM…… -
Java – how do I get numbers? How many items have different names?
I have a list < custom > Where is custom class Custom { public int id; public String name; } How do I ge……