包含标签:Java 的文章
Use of httpserver
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/net/httpserver/spec/overview-summary.html Programmers must implement the …… -
Troubleshooting tools in JDK 7 — reprint
This chapter describes in detail the troubleshooting tools that are available in JDK 7. In addition,the chapter lists …… -
Java tuple usage instance — reprint
Original address: http://50vip.com/35.html @H_ 403_ 3 @ I. why use tuples tuple@H_403_3 @? Tuples, like lists, can be…… -
Java concurrenthashmap example and iterator — to
Original address: http://www.journaldev.com/122/java-concurrenthashmap-example-iterator#comment -27448 Today we will l…… -
Lambdas in Java 8–reference
Part 1 reference: http://jaxenter.com/lambdas-in-java-8-part-1-49700.html Get to kNow lambda expressions in Java 8. Fe…… -
Dynamics of Java programming, Part 6: aspect oriented changes using javassist — reprint
@H_ 403_ 0 @ this series's < a href=“ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-dyn0916/ "& gt; Part 4 and &l…… -
Those Java open source libraries worth a try on GitHub — turn
Original address: http://www.jianshu.com/p/ad40e6dd3789 As a programmer, you use those on GitHub almost every day, suc…… -
Generating RSA keys in pkcs#1 format in Java
Original address: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7611383/generating-rsa-keys-in-pkcs1-format-in-java When I gener…… -
Java ZIP File Example—refernce
In this tutorial we are going to see how to ZIP a file in Java. ZIP is an archive file format that enables data compre…… -
Emoji filtering
isNotEmojiCharacter( (codePoint == 0x0) ||== 0x9) ||== 0xA) ||== 0xD) ||>= 0x20) && (codePoint <= 0…… -
java. lang.Long cannot be cast to java. Lang. integer solution
Scenario: Mybatis connecting to Oracle report errors: When the test increases, an error is reported lang.Long cannot b…… -
The relationship among database, instance and session in MySQL
1. No suitable driver found for jdbc_ URL error. JDBC uses its own protocol. The correct pa…… -
Analysis of selector mechanism of Java NiO class library — to
Since the version, a new class library has been released, which not only introduces a new and efficient mechanism, but…… -
How to include custom library into maven local repository?– turn
Original address: https://www.mkyong.com/maven/how-to-include-library-manully-into-maven-local-repository/ There are 2…… -
A civilian application performance optimization Checklist (complete) — turn
Original address: http://calvin1978.blogcn.com/articles/checklist.html 1. General principles Some correct but slightly…… -
In depth understanding of Java G1 garbage collector — to
Original address: http://blog.jobbole.com/109170/?utm_source=hao.jobbole.com&utm_medium=relatedArticle This paper …… -
In depth analysis of the system architecture and mapping principle of ibatis framework — reprint
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-ibatis-principle/ Ibatis maps Java objects into SQL statements through …… -
Eclispe uses external Tomcat to summarize
1. Configure Tomcat Servers-->new Configure the path of Tomcat 2. Add / remove application Note: when removing an a…… -
Printwriter out of servlet = response Getwriter() uses
All along, I only know that out can input data (HTML, TXT, etc.) to the client browser page. Today, I found that my un…… -
Java multithreaded programming: volatile solution — turn
http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/java-multi-thread-volatile/ 1. Foreword The volatile keyword may be a keyword that Ja…… -
The gradlew wrapper uses the gradlew Zip file assembly — transfer
Original address: http://www.myexception.cn/mobile/1860089.html The gradlew wrapper uses the gradlew Zip file installa…… -
Dynamics of Java programming, Part 5: dynamic conversion classes — reprint
In part 4, "", you learned how to use the javassist framework to convert the Java class file generated by the compiler…… -
Java gets the real IP address — reprint
= request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for" (ip == || ip.length() == 0 || "unkNown"= request.getHeader("Proxy-Client-I…… -
Transaction strategy: understand transaction traps — forward
Common errors to pay attention to when implementing transactions in the Java platform Transactions are often used in a…… -
Implementation of MMAP in Java — to
Specific reference Filechannel in Java provides map and force methods. Map creates file and memory mappings, -
Java performance optimization reading notes (1)
1. Create objects by clone () All classes in the Java language inherit from Java by default Lang. object, there is a c…… -
What is weakhashmap — turn
Original address: http://laravel.iteye.com/blog/2303244 Where is the Java weakhashmap? Is it really weak? What are the…… -
3 Ways of JDK Source Code Attachment in Eclipse—reference
You wanna look at a JVM class while you are coding and you cannot. Here is the solution. First of all, your related JD……