包含标签:Java 的文章
The Java logger uses the… Function
See English answer > which of array creation vs string concatenation for logging method has better performance? 3 m…… -
Java – can I prefix each row of the stack trace in log4j?
When you write logger.error("message",exception); Log4j generates a message and a complete stack trace: Aug 9 06:26:1…… -
Java – Guice abstractmodule installation method
What does the method install () in the abstractmodule class do? Can anyone explain to me? From the documents I read fr…… -
Java – softreferences and weakreferences / outofmemoryerror
There was a problem processing soft and weak references The code has a flag that can be switched The code is a little …… -
Java – what is the difference between static and non static annotations?
Java's internal classes can be static or non - static A non - static inner class is associated with an instance of a c…… -
Java – the font name “classname” is inserted into mongodb by morphia
I just started using mongodb and morphia. I realized that there was an extra part in the mongodb file. The record cont…… -
Java – length in array and length () in string
When we talk about arrays and length (), why is the length of data fields when we talk about strings in Java? Means: i…… -
Java – Office add in development – malformed get URL (_host_info =…)
I am currently developing MS Word office addin using the JavaScript interface provided by Microsoft I used Django back…… -
Java – hikaripool-1 – driverclassname requires JDBC URL
I'll go back and program my old program https://github.com/JonkiPro/REST-Web-Services. I have updated spring boot from…… -
Just in time compilation – when does it actually happen in Java?
Recently, I participated in a discussion on Java efficiency The answer is that Java code is often compiled directly in…… -
How do I use Java regex to find all repeated character sequences in a string?
Use Java and regex to parse a random string to find repeated sequences Consider string: aaabbaaacccbb I want to find a…… -
Java – spring form without commandname [copy]
See English answer > what causes "java.lang.illegalstateexception: neither bindingresult nor plain target object fo…… -
Enhanced Java util. Cglib will throw illegalargumentexception when using the date class
I tried to use cglib to enhance Java util. Date. It's useless. I have no experience with cglib, so I want to know what…… -
Java – please recommend the view technology used in spring MVC 3 applications
I am looking for which view technology is considered the best method of spring MVC 3.0. It is flexible, maintainable a…… -
Is the Java hashtable #hashcode () implementation broken?
I wonder if the default implementation of Java's hashtable #hashcode () is broken when the hashtable only contains eac…… -
Java – passing listeners to custom snippets in Android
I'm creating a view pager in my application and using a class that extends fragment When I create an instance, I can p…… -
Java Apache POI, how to set the background color and border at the same time
At first I wanted to say that I was new in the developer world I tried to generate an excel table with a bordered mult…… -
How do I escape a set of special characters in Java in a method?
I use Lucene to search, but Lucene has a bunch of special characters to escape: - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * …… -
Java – JAXB: how to customize XML serialization of two fields
I have a legacy class with many public double fields Use double MAX_ Value initializes all double fields to indicate t…… -
Java – why can’t ‘a’ compile in C, but ` (a) `?
Why is + + I considered an l-value, but I + + is not? 11 int main() { int a = 0; ++a++; // does not compile …… -
Java – what slows down this clojure feature?
I work in clojure project Euler problem 14 I have a good general algorithm and I get the correct results, but it is di…… -
Java – specify the appropriate table size for hash
If I have a 1000 key, what is the appropriate size of my hash table? Solution This depends on the load factor ("percen…… -
Java – what is the difference between asinstanceof [x] and tox for value types?
My ability to use IntelliJ to convert java code into Scala code, which usually works well It seems that IntelliJ repla…… -
ORM – architecture of business object / database access layer
For various reasons, we are writing a new business object / data repository One of the requirements of this layer is t…… -
Java – link from HTML to JSP
In dynamic web projects, I have – default HTML page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" …… -
Java – find all concrete classes that implement abstract classes in eclipse
Click "F3" of change class in eclipse, Change change = refactoring.createChange(monitor); I can open class java. publi…… -
Java – how to add text to textarea instead of replacing it
OK, so I have a little new Java. I'm curious about how to add text to a textarea instead of replacing it I Know. Sette…… -
Java – button text disappears in KitKat (API level 19)
The main menu of my application (a game) uses standard Android buttons In addition to nexus 7 and Android 4.4 All equi…… -
Java – about the precision of float type
I can't understand why float f = Integer.MAX_VALUE; System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println((int)f);…… -
Java – default parameter in jar manifest
Is there any way to create a jar file that contains some parameters passed to the main class? (no need to add paramete…… -
Java multithreading in notebook computers with quad core processors
I'm reading a java tutorial that says that actual multithreading does not occur on a machine with a single processor I…… -
Java: can I use two different names in an enumeration to count the same thing?
I have an enumeration course with main directions (North, East, South, West): public enum Direction { NORTH,EAST,S……