包含标签:Java 的文章
Has java – Clone () really been used? How about defensive replication in getter / setter?
Do people almost always use defensive inhalers / installers? For me, 99% of the time I intend to take the object you s…… -
Java – hibernate named queries and their performance advantages?
As stated in the hibernate document, the purpose of named queries is to purge HQL from different locations in the proj…… -
Java – error: trying to call method ‘format’ on an empty context object
Spring-boot v1. four point one The following lines of code in my view: <td th:each = "sprint : ${sprints}" th:text …… -
Java and Net: Base64 conversion confusion
I'm converting text to Java (Android) and Net (Visual Basic) ASCII characters in simple (readable) form are converted …… -
Java – ANTLR independent input
I have a syntax file, boardfile G4 (only relevant parts): grammar Board; //Tokens GADGET : 'squareBumper' | 'circleBu…… -
Best practices for JavaDocs – interface, implementation, or both?
I have a Dao interface and Dao implementation JavaDocs in the interface is the content displayed by NetBeans to client…… -
Java’s httpurlconnection does not support report / propfind – what should I do?
Httpurlconnection only supports things like get, post and head - but there is no report / propfind I will implement a …… -
Java – deploy to Tomcat 7 ok but unable to access the application
I have a Java wicket application deployed using Jenkins CI – > Tomcat 7 on the server Everything seems to be fine u…… -
java – JPA / Hibernate Embedded id
I want to do something like that: >An object, reportingfile, can be a logrequest or logreport file (both have the s…… -
Java – play framework 2.3 – CORS title
Updated play 2.5 to provide a new CORS filter With the completion of the migration of the response class to promise cl…… -
JavaFX menu items display shortcuts on the right
Take the menu item in the edit menu in JavaFX scene builder as an example See how they display the shortcut on the rig…… -
Java – how to include JSP files from different projects in my project
How do I include JSP files from different projects in my project? <%@ include file="./common/webappfooter.jsp"%>…… -
Java – how to declare the return type of a method as the return type of the last lambda in the array passed to the method
I ask for something that I think is impossible. If so, I will delete the problem I have ways: public Object convertBy(…… -
Java – is it safe to lock multiple reentrantreadwritelocks in the same try block?
Suppose I have two key resources, Foo and bar I protected them with some reentrantreadwritelock reentrantreadwritelock…… -
Java – how to use mockmvc to pass the @ requestbody parameter of the controller
Parameters with @ requestparam annotation can use: Post ("/ **********************************************************…… -
Java – primefaces UI: duplicate does not work
I'm trying to create an accordionpanel in primefaces I'm trying to create it using the UI: repeat, so I can create pan…… -
Java – use MapReduce to find the average of numbers
I've been trying to write some code to find the average of numbers using MapReduce I try to use global counters to ach…… -
Java – sliding into simpletarget does not comply with the specified width and height
I'm using glide to load the image, resize it, and save it to a file via simpletarget < bitmap > These images wil…… -
Java – ActiveMQ: dead letter queue keeps my message order
I use ActiveMQ as a proxy to deliver messages These messages are written in dabatase Sometimes, the database cannot be…… -
JavaFX displays properties in controls
I am completing the JavaFX tutorial for Oracle myself After years of rocking (a long time ago), I was fascinated by ne…… -
How to use Xdebug and eclipse IDE for PHP
Hello, my PHP project is set up on the remote test machine I need to use the eclipse IDE for debugging How can I impro…… -
How does Java – callable work under the hood? How do callable objects return values?
I'm trying to understand how callable returns a value when running on another thread I'm looking at the classes execut…… -
Java lower bound wildcard
I'm trying to solve this problem and wonder if anyone can explain it I have three classes of staff, people and angels …… -
Java – how to write cron jobs in play framework 2.3
I'm using play 2.3 8 (activator) & mongodb is DB I have some products in the product series. Each product has a va…… -
Java – fragment variable ondestroy ()
There is already an answer to this question: > ondestroy() – to set or not to set instance variables to null? one S…… -
java – android. view. Inflateexception: binary XML file line #9: error class expansion
I've been studying this problem for hours and similar errors, and the solution doesn't do that I reuse this XML file i…… -
C-std:: remove in STD:: vector_ if polymorphic std :: unique_ ptr
I have a three - level hierarchy, derived from optional and paintable derivatives Then I have a vector unique_ PTR <…… -
Java – how do I specify the name of a resource annotation at compile time?
Our code has this: @Resource(name = "java:comp/resource/foo/bar/ONE_QUEUE") private Queue queue; However, in a deploym…… -
Java – how to configure a single threaded forkjoinpool?
Can forkjoinpool be configured to use 1 execution thread? I am executing code that calls Random in ForkJoinPool. Every…… -
How to add mouselistener to a frame
I want to add a mouselistener to the MT JFrame framework, but when I execute frame When addMouseListener (this), I get…… -
Java – which is better when calling a function: twice or storing the result in a variable?
I doubted this problem many times, but I couldn't find the right solution I'll clear it this time I like something 1. …… -
Java – Android gets the PID of other applications
I want to be able to start an activity or service and get the PID of the process as soon as possible, which will be th……