包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – Tomcat log request parameters
Is there any way to record request parameters in Tomcat? What if so? thank you. Solution Tomcat has a requestdumperfil…… -
Java – best practice response getOutputStream
Allow users to download any comments about my code if(fileObject !=null) response.setHeader("Content-disposition","att…… -
Java – running Grails in a remote environment
I have a "named" server, which seems to cause Grails to be unable to find localhost Running Grails application.. 2011-…… -
Add listener at runtime? – Java MVC
In my MVC mode, my model generates components at runtime and provides them to the view to be displayed on the screen t…… -
Java – Notification led – color
I'm trying to experiment with LED colors on my Nexus One and I'm having trouble creating any LED lights (colors) with …… -
Why avoid using the c keyword in Java?
A popular editor uses highlighting to help programmers avoid using C keywords in Java Display the following words in t…… -
How to download CSV files using java servlets?
I have a sample java servlet file But it is exported to a local file But do I need to download the CSV file when I cli…… -
Java – use the layout to set the panel in the center of the screen
I try to set the position of the child panel in the center of the parent panel by using parent_panel.setLayout(new Bor…… -
Java – link list Insert integers in order
I have a linked list of integers When I insert a new node, I need to insert it not at the end, but at ord... I.e. 2,4,…… -
Java – cannot run jar files on another PC Possible problems with environment variables?
I have built a jar file that performs well on my PC (XP) with eclipse installed It also applies to another PC that als…… -
Java – use Boolean objects
I had a problem trying to get the results I wanted Basically, what I want to do is have a Boolean object, which will a…… -
Release code containing Java swing, what license?
I'm close to the completion of the project. I want to open source my code and release it under gplv2 or Apache However…… -
java. util. zip:putNextEntry
I'm trying to use Java util. Net to modify the file in the zip file Here are the most important parts I tried: Enumera…… -
Java – how to get the user name of the user who started the build in Hudson
I am using the groovy post build plug-in http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Groovy +Postbuild+Plugin I want to a…… -
Java – numeric assignment should throw an error
I'm doing some tests with number conversion and cast in Java, and I find this strange behavior (for me) class Test { p…… -
How to deal with the website database written in Java, more specifically wicket?
I'm new to web development in Java, but I've started using wicket and created a small web site I want to expand what I…… -
Java – converting jars using ikvm (flying navigator – xhtmlrenderer)
I think so Net, so I try to use ikvm to convert the flying navigator Library: ikvmc core-renderer.jar For some reason,…… -
Creating non editable data files using java
I am currently writing a program that accepts user input and creates comma - separated CSV file line I need a way to s…… -
Java – method selector?
I come from Objective-C background In objective - C, you can use the @ selector variable to store references to method…… -
Java – accepts multiple user names and passwords
How do I accept multiple user names and passwords using the following code? if(value1.equals(“username”)&& val…… -
Using Java awt. Robot simulation backspace key
Using Java awt. There seems to be a problem with robot's simulated backspace key This thread seems to confirm this, bu…… -
Java – how to scroll content to the bottom by default in jtextpane?
My window has jtextpane and I have jtextfield When I enter enter in jtextfield, the text will be added to jtextpane Ev…… -
Java – how to get resources in another jar
I have a jar embedded in a package. I need to obtain the resources packaged with it, as shown below: MyBundle -\ src…… -
Java – how to obtain the dependency of SQL JDBC 4 using eclipse and Maven 2?
I am using eclipse and Maven 2 plug - ins I want to add dependencies for sqljdbc 4. What should I do? Can't seem to fi…… -
Need help getting Java’s Web site HTML
I got some code from Java httpurlconnection cutting off HTML, which is almost the same as the code I got from websites…… -
Java – do you have to use no pure HTML in RichFaces? Why?
Someone can point to me or explain whether this is true. Can't you use ordinary HTML tags in JSF or JSF libraries (suc…… -
. Net – mixed stored procedure business logic and orm
The company I work for has developed a large application based almost entirely on stored procedures We use classic ASP…… -
Java – ArrayList e session JSP
There is something wrong with my procedure I have a servlet; Save session properties in this Servlet ArrayList<Inte…… -
When using getresourceasstream, the findbugs “method may not be able to close the stream”
If I have the following code in the servlet: Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/…… -
Can you reflect on private static methods in Java?
First of all, this is not some normal action I want to do, but this marginal situation involves a lot of legacy code t…… -
How to implement getconnection () in datasource in Java?
I'm reading datasource, here and trying to implement it in my own small project by using a simple file as my "data sou…… -
Where can I find good Ajax support in Java / Python?
I want a framework (or anything) to help me do rich client GUIs I know my server side, but I don't like programming in……