包含标签:Java 的文章
Concurrency – Erlang – dining philosophers error
If the code is hard to follow, I apologize If anyone is interested, these are instructions: http://www.kth.se/polopoly…… -
Javafx-2 – Java FX 2 treeview model reference
I tried to get treeitems valueproperty during the onmouseclick event I have a treeview of the following types: @FXML p…… -
Insert a sequential Dictionary (such as Java’s LinkedHashMap) in swift?
A standard swift class is a dictionary, but keep the type insertion order like @ L_ 301_ 1@? If not, how will it be i…… -
Java – parses JSON responses into objects
Good evening, import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.c…… -
Java – repository classes in DDD
I'm trying to focus on DDD. I have a question class and a feedback class (etc.) I want to be able to count the number …… -
Java – total flight time between two time zones?
If we leave Frankfurt at 14:05 and arrive in Los Angeles at 16:40 How long does it take? I've tried the following: Zon…… -
Java – Android audiorecord does not initialize
I'm trying to implement an application that monitors microphone input (especially breathing) and provides data based o…… -
Java – will Add the class file to your eclipse project
This is a new question, but I can't understand it, so I think I'll ask it here to see what happened The problem here: …… -
Java GUI: Document Object Model
HTML has a document object model, and then JavaScript can manipulate / move When I create a GUI in swing - the model l…… -
How to use a single replaceall to find the common characters of two strings in Java?
So suppose I have: String s = "1479K"; String t = "459LP"; I want to come back String commonChars = "49"; The common c…… -
Java – running applets in Web Applications
I want to run a simple applet in my web application using the HTML applet tag, but it gives an error java. lang.ClassN…… -
Java – find the location of the search hit from Lucene
Using Lucene, what is the recommended method to find a match in the search results? More specifically, assume that the…… -
Upload Base64 encoded images to Amazon S3 using java
I'm trying to upload files to Amazon S3 storage using Amazon's Java API Code is Byte[] b = data.getBytes(); InputStrea…… -
java LinkedHashSet
I have been studying for ocjp (former scjp), and I have encountered the following example of using linkedhashset: publ…… -
Java – property file point separated key names
I just noticed that almost all key values in the properties file are dot separated names Solution There's no specific …… -
How to use multi-threaded wait and notify protocols
Specifically, someone can tell me what's wrong with this code It should start the thread, so it should print "input th…… -
Java – why can’t I extend instantiatable classes with new value components while retaining the CompareTo contract?
Each valid Java for Joshua Bloch: Could you please explain the above problems through examples and challenges? Can you…… -
Java – warning: [overloads] method M1 and method M2 have potential uncertainty
import java.util.function.*; import java.util.function.*; class Test { void test(int foo,Consumer<Integer&…… -
Multithreading – why only 32 threads run when calling futures?
When I found the futures business test: user=> (time (doall (map deref (for [i (range 1000)] #_=> (future (…… -
Java – some values are missing when sorting maps by values What causes this strange behavior?
I tried to sort the maps according to word frequency (i.e. based on value) To this end, I have overwritten the compara…… -
Initialization of Java 7 Diamond operators and derived classes
class A {} class A {} class B extends A {} class Holder<T> { T object; Holder(T object) { th…… -
Java – oncheckedchangelistener or onclicklistener with if statement for checkbox? What’s the difference between functions?
Hello, I'm creating an Android application that uses checkboxes. I want to know if onchecked changelister is better us…… -
Java – any way to disable known host checking using jsch?
I tried to ridicule jsch and SSH tire connection to Java local remote (Solaris) host I usually use putty. Every time I…… -
How to simulate soap web services in Java
There are web applications that use soap web services But I want a copy of it I want to perform unit tests on my appli…… -
Compiler error – ‘error: cannot find or load main class com sun. tools. javac. Main’
I just started learning Java. I installed JDK on my computer, but now I'm trying Java's simple instead of compiling I …… -
Java – complexity of two dependent loops of an external loop with log n complexity
problem Calculate the complexity of this algorithm: for(i=n; i>1;i=i/2) for(j=i;j<n;j++){ statement;…… -
Java EE – jee6: what can @ resource inject?
I try to find out what can be injected into a stateless session bean through the @ resource annotation Where can I fin…… -
Strange behavior of println () method in Java
class W { class W { static int count=0; W() { count++; System.out.print("c "); } pub…… -
Run command line operations from Java
I built a very simple program to test the command line operation of running Java That is: later, I hope to modify this…… -
Java – search WindowBuilder documentation / APIs
I'm working on a project using WindowBuilder pro. While trying to catch it, I've been looking for good documents witho……