包含标签:Java 的文章
Strictfp in Java
I have implemented some neural network libraries in Java, and there are tight double (not double) matrix operations. T…… -
How to convert jdbc4connection to pgconnection?
I want to use Postgres copymanager: CopyManager cp = ((PGConnection) dataSource.getConnection()).getCopyAPI(); Because…… -
Java – how to check whether column names exist in cachedrowset?
I am viewing data in views that may change I need to know before I make a CRS Whether the column exists before get ***…… -
Java jtextarea multiline help
One problem I encounter is that I have two jtext areas, and I need to add a project list for them public void setInclu…… -
Java – get term frequency in Lucene
Is there a quick and easy way to get term frequencies from the Lucene index without using the termvectorfrequencies cl…… -
Java – spring hibernate persistence does not cause insertion
I'm trying to implement a simple Dao @Repository("iUserDao") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class UserDao impl…… -
How to create an extensible list using Java Swing
I need to make an extensible list using java swing I'll try to demonstrate: Not expanded: >[Expand me!] >[And m…… -
java. Lang. SecurityException: sealing violation:
I use GWT in my java application When I try to run it as a web application, I receive the following error: If I Google…… -
Java – find nouns and verbs in the Stanford parser
I need to find out whether a word is a verb or a noun, or both For example, the word "search" can be either a noun or …… -
java – Apache Axis ConfigurationException
I am using Apache axis to connect my java application to the web server I use wsdl2java to create stubs for me, but wh…… -
Java Swing – UI Freezing
I did some routines in Java (1.5) swing, which took some time How is the best way to implement this route outside the …… -
Java – accessing WSDL on Tomcat
I have a web service and I'm deploying it on GlassFish I passed http://localhost:10697/APIService/APIServiceService?ws…… -
Repeat arrangement in Java (string form: 0000111222)
I have a string in the form of 00001122222 That is, consecutive numbers repeat randomly without Time Other examples ma…… -
Java – eclipse – an unexpected exception [closed] occurred when trying to create a web service based on a WSDL file
I am creating a web service in the eclipse Java EE IDE (Helios service release 2, Windows 7 32-bit) based on the WSDL …… -
Java – JPA: @ embeddable object how to get a reference to its owner?
I have a user class, @ embedded a profile class How to give an instance of a profile a user class reference to its own…… -
Java – hibernate exception: unknown name value of enumeration class
When I try to retrieve a record from the DB, I get the unknown name value of the enumeration class Using JSF 2.0, JPA …… -
Java mapping concurrent update
I'm trying to create a map with int value and increase them through multiple threads Two or more threads may add the s…… -
How to use Java 6 to build a java project for the Java 1.4 library?
I have a project originally written for Java 1.4, but I only have Java 6 on my Mac, and I can't install Java 1.4 Usual…… -
What is the object field initialization and constructor order in Java
I ended the following scenario in the code earlier today (I admit it's a little strange, I've refactored it) When I ru…… -
Java – shutdown hook and finalizer methods
I just don't understand why I have to use runtime addShutdownHook. If you want to do some cleanup when the JVM exits, …… -
Java – spring boot – environment @ Autowired throws NullPointerException
I have one that uses spring boot 0.5 0.m5 project settings In one of my profiles, I tried to @ autowire environment, b…… -
Java – send and receive serialized objects over UDP
I tried to send a serialized object from the server process to the client process in Java using UDP The problem is tha…… -
Java – guava: why method create () instead of constructor?
Excuse me, can you explain why guava creators like to define constructors as private and define static methods create …… -
Extract from strings in Java
I have a string; String value = "(5+5) + ((5+8 + (85*4))+524)"; How to split / extract the logical value from this str…… -
Java – reads and stores the contents of the file as a double array
I need to write a program to read and store input files with double arrays in Java The number of values in the file is…… -
Java – jetty: stopping programmatically causes “1 thread cannot be stopped”
I have an embedded jetty 6.1 26 examples @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res…… -
Java – how to open a Lucene 4.3 index?
I'm new to Lucene. I'm trying to open a Lucene 4.3 index using Luke (I created it with my simple Lucene 4.3.1 applicat…… -
Java annotation processing: how do I know that a round is the last?
When abstractprocessor is extended, it is possible to override init (...), but there is no "opposite" method, which wi…… -
List and list Extending InterfaceI > in Java
ArrayList of list < InterfaceI > and list both have class objects that implement InterfaceI When should I use i…… -
Java – Jackson: multiple back reference attributes named ‘defaultreference’
I tried to map a JSON (string format) to an object, and I got the following error This is a JSON string {"pledge":"74"…… -
Java – how to run common code for most requests in spring MVC web app?
Namely I mapped various URLs using spring MVC requestmapping @RequestMapping(value = "/mystuff",method = RequestMethod…… -
Java – how do I format an integer as a string of four zeros?
I try to do something similar in Java (eclipse indigo): input - 16 (integer); Output - "0016" ; input - 201 (integer)……