包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – Jersey rest server: instantiating resource classes
The tutorial on Jersey rest server [1] said to Jersey small server: When the servlet "selects the correct class and me…… -
Java – transformation 2.0b2: how to get InputStream from response?
I'm using retrofit 2.0b2 After getting the response, I try to get an InputStream from the response: Response<JsonNo…… -
Java – what is using atomicreferencearray?
When is it a good idea to use atomicreferencearray? Please give an example Solution It seems to be functionally equiva…… -
Java – the correct way to configure logs in wildfly 8.2
I'm setting up wildfly-8.2 0's log was confused Initially, I used my own log system, with log4j built into the war fil…… -
Java – what is the purpose of using final for loop variables in an enhanced for loop?
I understand how the following statement works for(final Animal animal : animalList){ //do some function } But what is…… -
Enable MySQL general query log using JDBC
Is there any way to enable MySQL general query records through JDBC? The closest thing I found through my search was t…… -
GWT test error NoClassDefFoundError: COM / Google / GWT / dev / CFG / condition
Maybe someone can help me. I try to write my first GWT unit test, but this is the problem. When I run my test with mav…… -
Java – Android home screen shortcut permission error
In my program, it adds shortcuts to the screen I get the icon on the screen, but when I click it, I get: 03-01 20:00:2…… -
Java: use decimalformat to format doubles and integers, but keep integers without decimal separator
I tried to format some numbers in a java program Numbers will be double and integer When dealing with double precision…… -
Java – I need to know how Haskell represents data and can write a good Haskell program?
I'm learning Haskell from a Java background When I program java, I think I know very well how objects are arranged in …… -
Java – real ORM: how to handle maps?
I'm creating an Android application. I need to persist map < string, MyClass > Solution As you've noticed, real …… -
java – Resources. Openrawresource () releases Android
I have a database file in RES / raw / folder I'm calling resources Openrawresource(), the file name is r.raw Filename,…… -
SIGTERM is not received by the java process using ‘docker stop’ and the official JAVA image
I use Debian / Jessie based image Java: 7u79 to run the dropwizard Java application in the docker container My java ap…… -
Java – file path / name from InputStream
How do I get the file path / name from InputStream in Java? Solution It's impossible. (not FileInputStream in Java API…… -
Import javax servlet. Annotation cannot be resolved
I tried to create a servlet for my project, but I encountered import javax servlet. Annotation cannot be resolved I ha…… -
Java – JPA @ elementcollection list specifies the connection column name
I have the following entities: @Entity public class Shirt implements Serializable { @Id @Size(max=9) priv…… -
Java – convert local time to UTC time considering daylight saving time and vice versa
I know how to convert local time to UTC time and vice versa Anyone can answer the following questions: 1 When converti…… -
Java – JTable – press tab to put the cell into edit mode
There may be a trivial solution, but I'm already at the end of my tether, so I hope someone can help I use a JTable wi…… -
Java regex: matches (pattern, value) returns true, but group () cannot match
I have a strange problem with regular expressions in Java I tested my regular expression and my value here, how it wor…… -
Javac: invalid target version: 1.8 on MAC when Maven command is executed
I'm running automated tests on the Mac I installed Maven and Java, JDK as follows: java version "1.8.0_25" Java(TM) SE…… -
“Add to set” returns a Boolean value in Java – how about Python?
In Java, I like to use the Boolean value returned by the "add to collection" operation to test whether the element alr…… -
[in java.lang.string; cannot be cast to java.lang.string
I'm getting vector from the product's API Vector<?> dataVector = dataAPI.getReturnVector(); The expected vector …… -
Java – how to get a class literal from a general specific class
Such a method requires class text as a parameter Collection<EmpInfo> emps = SomesqlUtil.select( EmpInfo.…… -
Make the Java program return value to call the shell script
UNIX master! I have a java program that passes some parameters to a servlet The servlet inputs the information into a …… -
Java – reference classes are constructed by classes
I am a web developer (game developer as a hobby) and I have seen myself using the following example several times (bot…… -
Java – creates a heap dump from within the application without the need for a hotspot diagnostic mxbean
How to create heap dumps in my application without using the hotspotdiagnosticmxbean class >This solution does not …… -
Java – how do I ignore certain types of uncapped exceptions in eclipse?
I use third - party libraries in my java applications This third - party library throws a custom uncapped exception wh…… -
Java – logback file error: [rollingpolicy] has no applicable operation. The current mode is [[configuration] [appender] [rollingpolicy]]
I am using login akka to write the log to the file. Everything is good until my log file stops writing the log. Maybe …… -
Java – the keyword “class” is in the declaration
I was faced with a rather simple question in the interview Why do we use the class keyword to declare classes? Solutio…… -
Java – use system exit(0)
public class WrapperTest { public class WrapperTest { static { print(10); } static void print(int…… -
Unable to find Java nio. File package
My java compiler can't find Java nio. File package consider: import java.nio.file.*; public class Test { public st…… -
Java – pdfbox: attempt to decrypt pdf
The following this answer I tried to use pdf@R_300_2419 @Decrypt PDF document: PDDocument pd = PDDocument.load(path); ……