包含标签:Java 的文章
Varargs performance of Java
Let me check the vararg performance of Java I write the following test code: public class T { public static void …… -
How to compare image similarity using java
Recently, I had the opportunity to cooperate with image processing technology. As part of my project, my task is to fi…… -
Java – use the pop-up startup and security of the custom angularjs login page
I'm implementing a custom angularjs login page for spring security, and I have a problem verifying it I'm following th…… -
Java – changing bit values with byte
I have some data in the field type byte (I save eight inputs in the byte, and each bit is an input) Solution Set the s…… -
Scope of the Java – do while loop?
In Java, the body of a do - while loop and the loop condition do not belong to the same scope Therefore, the following…… -
Java – Auto boxing: so I can write: integer I = 0; Instead: integer I = new integer (0);
Automatic packing seems to come down to the fact that I can write: Integer i = 0; Substitute: Integer i = new Integer(…… -
Multithreading – you can wait for network on windows Socket. Accept Haskell or Haskell OS thread?
-- thread A -- thread A t <- forkIO $do _ <- accept listener -- blocks -- thread B killThread t On Linux (pos…… -
Java – JAXB generated XML – root element prefix problem
I'm trying to generate XML using JAXB I created XSD and generated Java classes For example: I want a root tag <repo…… -
Java – general purpose card lists API calls in the file system of Hadoop
tl; Dr: in order to be able to use wildcards (globs) in the listed paths, just use globstatus (...) Instead of liststa…… -
Java – AutoCompleteTextView forces all items to be displayed
There was a time in my application when I had to force all items in the suggestion list to be displayed no matter what…… -
Java equals(): reflect or not
This problem is related to the equals () method of objects that cover a large number of fields First of all, let me sa…… -
Java – set powemockito static
I want to use powermock and mockito to simulate some static method calls I have followed the instructions and examples…… -
Java – how to run a single JUnit test method in eclipse?
There is already an answer to this question: > running a single JUnit test in eclipse 12 For example, how to run a …… -
Macros in Java?
I know there are no macros in Java, but there is a solution to do this: #ifdef _FOO_FLAG_ import com.x.y.z.Foo; #else …… -
Virtual machine – how does the vagrant package save changes to the new box
My question is about this here, but I didn't let it work I use from vagrant@R_355_2419 @.es( http://goo.gl/KwQSa2 )I …… -
Java – taglibs and variable declarations generate blank lines at the top of the source page
I declared some taglibs and variables in the JSP page, as follows: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;…… -
Calculate Sha 3 hash in Java
I have been using the Sha-3 hash from the cryptojs (i.e. cryptojs. Algo. Sha3. Create()) library to the front end (see…… -
Java – used in Apache POI instead of the deprecated cellrangeaddress valueOf
I wanted to add conditional formatting in this region, but one of the methods I saw in the tutorial has been deprecate…… -
Java – fair setting in semaphore class
I'm trying to understand the usefulness of fair property in semaphore grade Specifically, reference Javadoc to mention…… -
Java – spring JPA / Hibernate: failed to import bean definition
Hitting my head against the wall for several hours can't solve this problem. It seems to be an error in my configurati…… -
Java – recursively find the nth element in the linked list
I'm practicing basic data structures. I have some difficulties in recursion I understand how to do this iteratively, b…… -
Java – code color styles in eclipse
A good simple question: is there anything similar to http://studiostyl.es/ Eclipse? Update: since I use this link to l…… -
Java – how to assign method reference values to runnable
I discussed the problem of Java 8 runnable public static void main(String[] args) { Runnable r1 = Test::t1; Ru…… -
Java – finds the number of active sessions created from a given client IP
Is there a way to determine the number of active sessions created from a given client IP address? Solution The standar…… -
Java – reverse color
I have a user setting where they can choose the color of the alarm The alarm is the background color on the text or bu…… -
Java – GWT: gotcha’s
My team is starting its first GWT project We are quite powerful for swing applications, and almost all our work involv…… -
How do I reset the file pointer to the beginning of a file in Java?
I'm writing a program in Java. I need to compare the data in two files I have to check each line of file 2 from each l…… -
Java – how to generate a unique int from a unique string?
I have a string object with a unique ID How to convert a string to a unique int in the simplest / fastest way? 10X. Ed…… -
Java – spring auto assembly of parameterized collections
Hello everyone, thank you for your help I have a problem that spring cannot automatically assemble parameterized membe…… -
Using Java Exe executes silent mode
I wonder if there is a way to execute "Java. Exe" as a background process (in silent mode) For example: Java - CP. MyC…… -
Add Java packages to GWT
I've tried to search, but I can't figure out how to add my package to the GWT project My tree structure is as follows:…… -
Java – how to make Apache Tomcat accept the delete method
I'm developing a restful web services project. I'm using Apache Tomcat and jax-rs I want to accept the delete request ……