包含标签:Java 的文章
Java introspection – strange behavior
The following code is a small example that can easily reproduce the problem So I have a variable of type string and se…… -
Java – where to run complex algorithms? Server or client?
I'm trying to develop a social network Android application with a huge user database I am very new to android app deve…… -
Java – save files to SharePoint Server using jax-ws
I tried to save a file to a SharePoint Server using Jax - WS The web service call reports success, but the file is not…… -
Java – why is maptoint() not in the optionalint class?
The intstream class has map(), maptoobj(), maptolong() and maptodouble() methods, but these methods seem to be missing…… -
Java – how does akka implement the relationship before JMM?
In the official akka document, they refused: For details, please refer to the doc I wonder how akka did it I just pass…… -
Java – incompatible types and fresh type variables
I get the following compilation message: [javac] ... error: incompatible types [javac] exceptionClassHolder …… -
JavaFX – how to make ComboBox hgrow?
I have JavaFX (8), H@R_509_2419 @, Combo@R_509_2419 @And hgrow This is my fxml Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…… -
Java – you can mark interfaces, such as serializable, which contains default methods?
I don't think it can, because the principle of markup interface is that there is no method, but I don't know because t…… -
Java – should you report the message text of the exception?
Consider some code that can throw a check exception (an exception of type exception) Of course, your code catches exce…… -
java – Make Enum. Tostring() localization
I'm developing an Android application and I want to know if I can set enum Tostring() multilingual I'll use this enume…… -
Java – when to use servicetracker and servicereference
I've just started using OSGi programming, and I've encountered two ways to listen to activated services The first meth…… -
Parallelism and plan view in Java 8 streams
Hey, I have a problem with parallelism when I use flatmap IntStream.of(-1,1).parallel().flatMap(i->IntStream.range(…… -
Java – why do you get a NullPointerException when comparing a string with null?
My code uses NullPointerException to break in the following line: if (stringVariable.equals(null)){ Before this statem…… -
java – com. w3c. dom. Document does not have xml version =“1.0”encoding =“UTF-8”standalone =“no”?>
I'm using the following code to create com. Com from string w3c. dom. Document: DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = D…… -
Java – LinkedHashMap signature
Looking at the JDK source code of LinkedHashMap, I notice that this class is declared as: public class LinkedHashMap&l…… -
Remote virtual machine using vagrant
I want to use vagrant to make the virtual machine run on a more powerful server than my laptop Can I use vagrant remot…… -
Java – Maven cannot find dependencies
I use Maven 3.1 Version 1 I'm trying to compile with dependency springs I see that this should exist in Maven through …… -
Java – get the metadata of the file
Can I know the metadata of a file through Java? If so, how to get the metadata of the file in Java? Solution You can g…… -
Java – “a value of type string cannot be opened below the source level..” error
I am using eclipse to develop a java program I had to downgrade JRE and JDK from 1.7x to 1.6 Now everything points to …… -
How does Java’s dynamic proxy actually work?
I know how to use dynamic proxies in Java, but what I don't understand is how VM actually creates dynamic proxies Does…… -
Java – how to set the ForeignKey name when I have @ manytomany
I am using JPA class to create database If we have a manytoone relationship, we can override the ForeignKey name, as s…… -
Java – JPA POJO as data object
What are the best practices for using JPA entities? Since the JPA entity is only a POJO, is it appropriate to use this…… -
Jpa-2.0 – execute @ postload_ after_ Eagerly extract?
Using JPA2 / Hibernate, I created an entity a with a one-way mapping to entity x (see below) In a, I also have a tempo…… -
How do I register JavaScript callbacks in a java applet?
I'm developing an invisible Java applet that will be completely controlled by JavaScript I can easily call the Java me…… -
Java – how to disable errorpagefilter in spring boot?
I am creating a soap service that should run on Tomcat @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = ErrorMvcAutoC…… -
Java – automatically redirect from one JSP page to another
Once the home page is loaded, can users be automatically redirected to the second JSP page@ H_ 502_ 2@ resolvent Solut…… -
Using Java’s recursive expression evaluator
I want to write an expression evaluator that only does addition and subtraction I have a simple algorithm to do this; …… -
Java – does JSF use JSP?
I'm learning JSF and I have some questions I know JSF is a UI framework for making pages. I'm using it and successfull…… -
Java – spring data JPA If no result returns the default value, find max
I implemented in my spring repository interface: @Query("SELECT max(ch.id) FROM MyEntity ch") Long getMaxId(); If DB i…… -
Java – convert a C long type to JNI jlong
I use JNI to transfer data between C and Java I need to pass a "long" type and use something like this: long myLongVal…… -
Java – SSL connection reset
I tried to connect to an HTTPS endpoint via Java Each method I tried (more details below) eventually generates this st…… -
Java – Jackson and jettison’s use in Jersey
The Jersey framework uses Jackson and jettison libraries for JSON unmarshalling / marshalling For the same JSON genera……