包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how to publish files using jsoup?
I use jsoup to publish values using the following code: Document document = Jsoup.connect("http://www......com/....PHP…… -
Java – get the inserted ID in the same statement
There is already an answer to this question: > how to get the insert ID in JDBC? six Thanks for your help. John pol…… -
How to delete elements in ArrayList from the indicated index
As shown in the figure, after running one method at a time, I want to delete the old item and prepare for the next cal…… -
Java – case insensitive checking of roles in HttpServletRequest
javax. servlet. http. The HttpServletRequest class has a method named isuserinrole I use it to check whether the user …… -
How to suppress the “picked up java_tool_options: – javaagent: / usr / share / Java / jayatanaag. Jar” message
I use Ubuntu 15.04 and Java 1.7 After updating to 15.04, whenever I enter any Java command, I will receive the followi…… -
Confusing the use of synchronization in Java: patterns or antipatterns?
I'm doing a code review of changes to Java products I don't own I am not a Java expert, but I strongly doubt that this…… -
Java – number of processor cores and size of thread pool
Many times, I've heard that the number of threads maintained in the thread pool is better than the number of cores in …… -
Multithreading – multi core CPUs share MMus and page tables?
On a single - core computer, one thread executes at a time At each context switch, the scheduler checks whether the ne…… -
Java – persistence. 0 was not found during Maven testing xml
I'm trying to load the test database in the test database for the Maven build process of integration testing persisten…… -
Java – JSF CDI: dialog scope bean [S] best practices
I am currently learning JSF 2.0 and am very happy with the existence of this session scope function, which is very use…… -
Algorithm – track the median of the extended array
Interview questions: The following edit gives you an array You make 2 stacks, one minheap and the other maximum heap N…… -
Java – persistent connection with JDBC to MySQL
I have an application that uses JDBC to connect to MySQL In some cases, the JDBC connection is idle for hours (or even…… -
Imposing constraints or restrictions on method bodies in Java
Context (Edit) Some clarifications are needed, so I will try to summarize the impact >The goal of the project is to…… -
Java – the ability to get progress on future objects
Refer to Java util. Concurrent package and future interface. I noticed (unless I was wrong) that the function of start…… -
java-ee – Web. XML: invalid content found starting with element JavaEE
I encountered this error on the eclipse ide <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http:/…… -
Java – is this vague method error eclipse Juno wrong?
I've been playing eclipse Juno today From Helios, this is a good upgrade Everything is fine except for a new compilati…… -
Java – how to forge initialcontext using default constructor
All, I try to do some unit tests in some old java code (no interface, no abstraction, etc.) This is a servlet using Se…… -
Java – creates an N by N diagonal matrix using basic logic
I want to create a matrix of N size, where n is a globally defined constant value. Now I just want to create a matrix …… -
Java – stop long running threads accessing the database
I started a few threads, but I didn't have a reference signal, a stop signal or something I am using a ThreadGroup and…… -
Java – get wrap_ Content height
My goal is to animate an invisible linear layout when a specific button is clicked To do this, I set the default heigh…… -
Setting variables by name in Java
I'm looking for something to implement in Java: class Foo{ private int lorem; // private int ipsum; public s…… -
What does Java – equals (object obj) do?
I often find an equal way in different places What does it actually do? Do we have to have this important in every cla…… -
Wrapping C / C in Java++
I develop applications in C / C + + I prefer these two languages and like to be a C developer I want to know how to cr…… -
Java – converts comma separated values to lists
Suppose I have a set of numbers, such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 inputs as a string I want to convert these numbers into a long …… -
How do I convert a string to a Java 8 character stream?
I found that this question is about getting Java from a Java string util. streams. Intstream, but I haven't found this…… -
Java EE – CDI: weld-001408 dissatisfied dependencies, how to solve them?
I do a small test project of CDI My application consists of EJB ear and war, all deployed on GlassFish 4 I use hiberna…… -
Java socket: dataoutputstream or OutputStream?
I'm still a relatively new socket, and I haven't seen any information about this topic To write to a connected socket,…… -
Is there any Java HTML parser where the generated nodes retain the index of the original text?
I want to use HTML documents as XML queries (for example, using XPath), so I need to pass HTML through some form of HT…… -
Java – how to detect when objects are no longer referenced
Is there any way to create or register a handler that will be called completely the last time an object is referenced?…… -
Java – what is the Maven coordinate of the Tomcat JDBC connection pool?
What is the Maven coordinate of Tomcat JDBC connection pool? Solution Through the improved search function on the Mave…… -
Java – any simple way to generate a findbug HTML report from Maven no site: site?
I tried to integrate findbugs in a maven project Does anyone have a sample POM XML generates a simple findbug HTML rep…… -
Java – parameter names in WSDL with important names
I am using jaxws RI to create a web service in Java I have implemented the following: WebService interface @WebService……