包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – why not use the element zero of the heap array?
This is the beginning of my rough sketch of a heap with arbitrary values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9…… -
Java – why choose JMS for asynchronous resolution? Why is it better than a simple entity bean?
In most of the projects I participated in, the choice of asynchronous solution has always been the source of a lot of …… -
Java – get threads waiting indefinitely
I have a java thread to handle outgoing communication with the socket I just want the thread to run, and the pending o…… -
Java – why does type promotion take precedence over varargs of overloaded methods
public class Test public class Test { public static void printValue(int i,int j,int k) { System.out.pr…… -
Is the Java virtual machine language agnostic?
To be sure, the Java virtual machine was originally designed for the Java programming language, but now other develope…… -
Java – use the console to read system. Java for IntelliJ in
I need to open the console and use IntelliJ to enter my homework Is there any way to do this? My code is as follows: p…… -
java – org. hibernate. Persistent objectexception: passing detached entities to persistence – using JPA
I'm creating a simple application that just inserts a row into the table (if the table doesn't exist, create it) using…… -
Java – final static method test
I've been studying for my software development course and got this problem from the example: "Why do you have both sta…… -
Java – a simple GUI toolkit for clojure
The length of this problem is which GUI toolkit creates a very simple UI and is easy to use clojure? Here are further …… -
Java – how to use JAXB to validate XML schema?
I am using XML and JAXB because I ungroup and group XML into Java objects and vice versa Now I try to validate our XML…… -
Java – Google cloud messaging – instant or long received messages
I'm using Google cloud messaging in my last year's college project Everything is going well, but I've been having trou…… -
Java – * and *? In spring @ scheduled (cron = “…”)
I've been looking at the spring boot example to schedule tasks( https://spring.io/guides/gs/scheduling-tasks/ )And r…… -
Java – all natural numbers, the sum is n, and the reverse sum is 1
I have a problem to solve N natural numbers are given I need to find a list of natural numbers, sum to a given number,…… -
Javafx-2 – JavaFX, how to freeze the position of some columns in a tableview
The idea is: on a tableview with n columns, the first m column can always be visible even with a horizontal scroll bar…… -
Parallel assignment in Java?
Does java have a python like [a, B, C] = (1,2,3) or PHP list ($a, $B, $C) = array (1,3)? Solution It's not true You ca…… -
Java – GWT superdevmode breakpoint does not work
I'm using IntelliJ. I try to put a breakpoint in a class. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it brings the debugger int…… -
Select statement in Java
public void search() throws Exception{ public void search() throws Exception{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc…… -
Java – immutable array thread safe
I have a question about the JAVA memory model This is a simple class introduction question: public class ImmutableIntA…… -
Java – advantages of log4j
The advantage of log4j is that the system Out and system Err set to output to log file? Solution At a high level, log4…… -
Java – why use J_ Username and spring_ SECURITY_ LAST_ Username variable?
Why do things turn out like this? <input type="text" name="j_username" value="${SPRING_Security_LAST_USERNAME}">…… -
Java series reel to disk
Because some very large lists and collections are built during a transaction, I ran out of memory in Java and repeated…… -
Java – how to add a JDBC MySQL driver to an eclipse project?
There is already an answer to this question: > how to install jdbc driver in eclipse web project without facing Jav…… -
Will JavaFX 8 implement text field validation support?
JavaFX 2 does not provide validation support (mask, input filtering, etc.) It is difficult to adopt technologies that …… -
Java – add API baselines in eclipse
Compiling the eclipse source library I tried to add API baseline, but I don't know how to add it or add it What are AP…… -
Opencv enumeration variables (such as cv_bgr2gray or cv_aa) are missing from recent Java APIs?
I set up a java project in eclipse to detect faces and eyes in images Solution CV_ Bgr2gray shall be defined as imgpro…… -
Java – multiple DEX file definitions / buildconfig, unable to find reason:
I am using the new graduate building system and I am facing the following problems: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: co…… -
Java – is there any way to force Maven to copy changes to the resource folder?
I use Maven 2.2 1 and M2 eclipse I have two resource folders When I save changes to any file in any resource folder, M…… -
Java – the best way to create child objects from parent objects [copy]
See the English answer > java: creating a subclass object from a parent object 10 public class Child extends Person…… -
Java / Python communication via message broker
What is a good solution for communicating through a message broker that supports (c) Python and Java / JMS application…… -
Java – eclipse war export: optimized for a specific server runtime
In eclipse, this option is available when exporting a web project to a war / ear file What happens under the hood when…… -
How to store Java types and allow only some specific types?
Suppose I want to have a class descriptor for records, where each record has a set of properties Each attribute has a …… -
Undiluted date, with additional numbers in Java
What's wrong with this code? I try to parse the date format between months and months import java.text.SimpleDateForma……