包含标签:Java 的文章
Java: datainputstream replaced with byte order
The following is my code to replace datainputstream to wrap an InputStream, but in addition to the common method of re…… -
Java – hibernate criteria: different entities and then restrictions
I have a standard to return all the data required by the application, basically: Criteria criteria = session.createCri…… -
Converting Java applications to Mac OS X applications
Is there a way to convert Java applications to Mac OS X executable applications? I use NetBeans to develop java, and I…… -
Populate check boxes in JSP pages with data from JavaBeans
I have a JSP page with check boxes in the HTML form, as shown below Now, when editing user skills, I want to get comma…… -
“Synchronized (this)” vs. “synchronized ((baseClass) this)” in Java
Is this variable being safely accessed by using synchronization? Heirs of For the following procedures, Class SubClass…… -
Java – spring: file upload restful Web Service
I am using spring 4.0 to create a PoC for restful web services @RequestMapping(value="/getcontent/file",method=Request…… -
Java – how to understand Maven dependency tree
Please forgive me if this is a dump problem, but I searched a lot and didn't understand how to actually read Maven dep…… -
Java – the error message “attempt to split long or double on the stack” indicates?
The following error occurred in my code: I am ignorant of the origin of this error and do not know how to debug it Wha…… -
Java – how to create docker image files and value parameters for local applications
I have a Java application (jar file) that I want to be able to run from the dock image I created a docker file to crea…… -
How to configure Java imported organizations in NetBeans
At present, NetBeans (I use version 7.3.1) has the built-in function of organizing java file import through the menu s…… -
Java – deploying spring boot applications in Weblogic
I deployed a spring boot application in Weblogic 12C 10.4. 4 403 prohibit the server from understanding the request, b…… -
Java – “with private access” errors and generics
I have a problem I can solve myself, but I still don't understand why my original code doesn't work, or if there is a …… -
Java – is this object mutable?
If I have such a class: @ h_ 301_ 2@public class MyObject { private int myField = 2; public void setMyField(int f) { t…… -
Java – have I implemented equals and hashcode correctly using Google guava?
I am using hibernate and need to rewrite equals and hashcode () I chose to use Google guava's equals and hashcode assi…… -
Java – what about Dagger’s custom range?
How to create a custom range with dagger? Are there any guidelines? I didn't find them I am developing vaadin applicat…… -
java – WSContext. Getuserprincipal() returns null for password digest validation
In my web service, I need to record the caller's ID, but wscontext Getuserprincipal() returns null, even if the user a…… -
Java – comparison of positive and negative zeros
Why is java inconsistent when comparing - 0.0 and 0.0? What is the Java standard way to compare numbers to - 0 / 0? I …… -
Java – best practices for controlling access to “. Internal” packages
I write eclipse plug-ins and export some classes as APIs, while I want to restrict access to other classes I follow ec…… -
Java – the best way to compare enumerations
See the English answer > comparing Java enum members: = = or equals()? 16 Color c1 = Brown,c2 = Red What is the bes…… -
java. Lang.illegalstateexception: cannot perform this operation after onsaveinstancestate: – fragment error
Hi, I use segment a and the second segment B. call B and use the asynctask method, but I use this first time, it works…… -
What’s the difference between Java’s equals () and C’s operator = =?
When a question regulating the use of typeID is C, I suggest it can be used to compare types in objects I don't see it…… -
Java – does explicit locking automatically provide memory visibility?
Example code: class Sample{ private int v; public void setV(){ Lock a=new Lock(); a.lock(); …… -
Java – using maven, OSGi, and bndtools
Today, I was asked that using Maven in our current OSGi application is a good idea We use bndtools and it's great beca…… -
How do I check the number of threads currently running in Java?
I'm looking for a way to see how many threads are currently running >First > programmatically via windows Soluti…… -
Java – who defines state transitions in state patterns?
I understand that the state pattern can be used to simulate objects that change behavior according to States and vario…… -
Java – how to use hibernate to insert data as soon as possible
I read the file and create an object from it and store it in the PostgreSQL database My file has 100000 files. I read …… -
Using JavaFX application. On the shutdown hook Stop() method
So I use shutdown hooks for cleaning, because it does not always guarantee the execution of the shutdown hooks thread.…… -
Java – softreference collects garbage too early
I am implementing a caching mechanism for my Android application@ H_ 404_ 2 @ I use softreference, just like many exam…… -
Java – sets the ideal size of the thread pool
See English answers > performance issues with newfixedthreadpool vs newsinglethreadexecutior1 newSingleThreadExecut…… -
JavaFX in enterprise web applications – a good alternative to traditional web pages?
We have developed several web applications for different customers, from a simple and boring crud style GUI to a favor…… -
Reading HTML files into DOM trees using java
Is there a parser / library that can read HTML documents into DOM trees using Java? I want to use the standard DOM / X…… -
Java – where to call public static void main?
I just want to know where our main methods are called Solution It is specified in the Java language specification, 12.……