包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – exception: zlib input stream ended unexpectedly
There is a problem with gzipinputstream or gzipoutputstream Read the following code (or run it to see what happens): d…… -
Java – spring data rest: the repositoryeventhandler method was not called
I tried to add a repository EventHandler to the rest repository as follows: @RepositoryRestResource(collectionResource…… -
Java – the opposite of “isassignablefrom” for class objects?
Given a class object, how to check whether one of the "ancestors" belongs to a class? Solution Given a Class C1, do yo…… -
Java – the easiest way to check whether a string consists of unique characters?
If a word consists of unique letters (case insensitive), I need to check Java Because the direct solution is boring, I…… -
Multithreading – are semaphore P and V operations atomic?
Are the P () and V () operations that can be performed on semaphores atomic? Can semaphores prevent two processes from…… -
These java files are in scala What is the purpose in runtime?
In scala In the runtime directory, there are some * in the scala source tree Java file Those files seem simple, G. dou…… -
Java keylistener stutters
I make a very simple table tennis game in Java. I'm using keylistener to do this I want it, so when the user presses t…… -
Java – shift bit operator, shift by negative number
I encountered an interesting situation when using the bitwise shift operator If the second operand is negative, how do…… -
Java – onpagefinished cannot be triggered correctly when rendering web pages
For some reason, onpagefinished is triggering before WebView loading is complete - I can't figure out why public class…… -
Java – how to disable automatic updates in Hibernate / JPA
Can I stop hibernate from automatically updating persistent objects? @Transactional public ResultTO updateRecord(R…… -
Java – JBoss as 7 cannot inject resource using @ persistencecontext_ Local container managed entitymanagers
I am using JBoss as 7.1 1, and you can configure a new JTA data source and connect it to my EJB @PersistenceContext(un…… -
Why doesn’t Java allow static methods to be hidden through instance methods?
As http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/override.html As shown in, Java allows >Override instance meth…… -
Asynchronous task pattern in Java
As I moved from c# to Java, I needed to implement a set of asynchronous tasks I have a good understanding of Java thre…… -
What is the difference between Java – takeWhile and filters?
How is takeWhile () different from filter () in Java 9 What additional utilities does it have? Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7…… -
Is there a Java equivalent Python Eval function?
Is there a Java equivalent Python Eval function? This will be a function that uses an arbitrary string and attempts to…… -
Java – removes the “first” object from the collection
In some cases, I need to expel the earliest elements in the Java collection The collection is implemented using linked…… -
Deserialization of embedded Java objects
I have to deserialize the following JSON to use the Jackson library to enter the client class { "code":"C001","city…… -
Java – unsupported major Minor version 49.0
When I log in to my application, I get the following exception What does that mean? How can I solve the problem? Solut…… -
Java – eclipse (using J2EE plug-ins) does not build class files into the output directory
I have several versions of eclipse that have this problem In some cases, eclipse does not output bytecode class files …… -
Java – can some unit tests be ignored?
I am developing a project that uses JUnit 4 widely in all modules We are using Maven 2 to build the project, and Hudso…… -
Is there any way to modify the value of the “private static final” field in Java?
I know it's usually stupid, but don't shoot me before reading this question I promise I have a good reason to do this:…… -
Simple natural language processing to start Java
See English answer > is there a good natural language processing library [closed] 3 Unfortunately, I didn't see any…… -
Java – integration test using redis
With the help of jedis library, I began to use redis.com in my project All work normally, but now I have a problem. My…… -
Java – how to apply spring boot filters based on URL patterns?
I created a spring boot filter – implementing genericfilterbean with the @ Component annotation @Component public cla…… -
Java – displays a histogram of image data
Sometimes I need to display the representation of image data in the form of a histogram I am particularly interested i…… -
Java – any tutorial on the official GWT MVP framework?
Has anyone found / written any tutorials in the official GWT MVP framework found in GWT 2.1 RC? Solution Google has up…… -
java. lang.reflect. Method. Name comparison in equals (object obj)
The following is Java in Java 7 lang.reflect. Method. Implementation of equals (object obj): /** * Compares this {@co…… -
Java – XPath for finding ancestor nodes containing CSS classes
I'm writing some selenium tests. I need to be able to find the ancestors of the webelement I've found This is what I'm…… -
Java – vertical header file in JTable?
Is there a way to rotate the JTable column header 90 degrees? Solution View Darryl's vertical table header cell render…… -
Java – access referenced libraries from packages in eclipse
If I save the class in the default package, I can only access the referenced library class If I try to access it from …… -
Java – Tomcat does not parse War symbolic link
I have a development machine. I installed Tomcat before and just run it as the same user who is developing I will $Cat…… -
Java – spring Roo, field enumeration
I'm new to spring MVC and spring roo What is field enumeration? How do I enumerate all allowed values? Is it implement……