包含标签:Java 的文章
Does it make sense to use a simple framework for Java Web applications?
I have done a lot of Java Web development using JSPS and servlets, and I find this method direct and flexible Some of …… -
Java – should the main method copy input parameters?
One can imagine this Code: public static void main(final String[] args) { // do something } It should be public sta…… -
Was the formatting syntax of simpledateformat invented by Java?
Is the syntax of the date time format string defined by the simpledateformat class of Java (such as "EEE, mmm D", "YY"…… -
Java – can I get the SQL alias of the connection table of Hibernate sqlrestriction?
I have a person class that has an alias for a collection of strings that represent additional names that people may go…… -
How to handle exceptions in map() in observable in rxjava
I want to do this: Observable.just(bitmap) .map(new Func1<Bitmap,File>() { @Override…… -
Java – prints elements from the array, commas between elements except the last word
I output elements from the array list. I want to add a comma between every word except the last word Now I do this: fo…… -
Java – MySQL does not reconnect with JNDI Tomcat 6
I am using JNDI and Tomcat6 to manage my MySQL connection, my Catalina / domain com / ROOT. XML includes: <Resource…… -
Java – how do I find out if an object is an integer or isa string or isa Boolean?
I have an object that I want to detect, so I can call if (obj isa Integer) put(key,integerval); if (obj isa String…… -
Java – a view in runonuithread
I'm making a custom ImageView One way is to load images from URLs And I want to retrieve the bitmap in a thread and lo…… -
Automated unit testing for maintaining object method contracts in Java?
When developing Java applications, I often rewrite object methods (usually equals and hashcode) I want some ways to sy…… -
Warning: [unchecked] unchecked call put (k, V) as a member of the original type Java util. Hashtable localParams. put(name,values);
I have two warnings: HELPDESKGESTION2\src\java\glpi\filter\LoginFilter.java:289: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call t…… -
R: Use the position information of the element when looping the vector
Can I use the index of the element and the element when looping through a vector? a. Vector < - C ("a", "B", "C", "…… -
Exception in thread “main” Java Lang. outofmemoryerror: GC overhead limit exceeded in GWT application
I am developing applications using GWT and gae When I try to rebuild it or create an artifact, I get a lot of errors a…… -
Java – gets the number of specific elements in the list
I'm looking for a quick way to find the number of list elements as a specific element: List<String> list = new A…… -
Java: what are ioexceptions in BufferedReader’s readline()?
I can "fix" the following exception with a try catch loop, but I can't understand the reason >Why does the "in. Rea…… -
Date to UTC format Java
I have such a string 2013-10-22t01:37:56 I need to change this string to UTC date format, such as mm / DD / yyyy KK: m…… -
Java – severe: configure org apache. catalina. deploy. An error occurred while using the application listener for the applicationlistener class
This is the web site where I tried to run my project XML error This is the main mistake I face when I try to run the w…… -
Java – about statically preserving monomer mode
According to the situation of volatile / lazy singles, eager singles, normal singles and through enum, I have develope…… -
Update existing Excel files in Java Apache poi
I'm trying to write a java program that runs every day (using the task scheduler) and attaches a column to the Excel s…… -
Java – cannot prevent ant from generating compiler sun proprietary API warnings
I call javac from this ant script: <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" source="1.6" target="1.6" de…… -
Java – what is runtime binding?
I was browsing the Android development training document and came across: "Intent is an object that provides runtime b…… -
Java – missing soapaction header when using CXF
I have a WSDL file from an external WS and I am connecting to it I'm trying to use CXF (with Jax - WS) But I got error…… -
Ignore SSL authentication in Java
I must use an invalid SSL certificate to call the HTTP service hosted on the web server In dev, I use keytool to impor…… -
Java – jdesktoppane resizing
We have one application with two jframes and two jdesktopanes The problem we encounter is that after moving the intern…… -
Java – Jax WS changes the content type to content type because the server is super sensitive
I have to connect to a poorly executed server that can only understand content type (capital-t), not content type How …… -
Java – find whether the certificate is self signed or Ca signed
I have a web application that allows users to upload pkcs12 I store pkcs12 in the database as a binary file Is there a…… -
Java – unable to convert db ‘/ data / data / my easymedi. controller/databases/EasyMediInfo. The locale of db ‘is changed to “en_us”
There is a predefined database in my Android application, which is located in the assets folder I created a table of A…… -
Multithreading – golang blocking and non blocking
I'm a little confused about how to handle non - blocking io Will go use to block IO when reading a file from a file or…… -
Java – set the default heap size in windows
See the English answer > how to increase Java heap memory permanently? three Solution Java_ Opts is set to a system…… -
Java – meaning and solution of spring 3 error message “getresponsebodyasstream is recommended”
I am using spring 3. Every time I submit an HTML form to the spring control, I receive this message. I don't understan…… -
Get the nth element from the list using the Java stream
I have a list of strings, such as "/ 100" "/ 100 / 200" As we all know, the length n of each internal list is the larg…… -
Java – Google Guice: provider with parameters
I have a constructor that depends on classes a and B I define it as follows: @Inject TestClass(A a,B b) Is there any w……