包含标签:Java 的文章
Struts 2 dynamic result set code example
The dynamic result set can specify the page to jump to in the action (${} is an ojnl expression, not an EL expression)…… -
Java polymorphism definition and usage examples
This article describes the definition and usage of Java polymorphism with examples. Share with you for your reference,…… -
Spring boot custom 404 error message method example
preface This article will give you a brief introduction to how to personalize 404 error information in springboot and …… -
Method of converting excel table into JSON by Java
Today, a friend of mine asked me if there was any way to use Excel and JSON everywhere. I found several tools on the I…… -
Java calls 7zip to decompress an instance of the compressed package
preface Recent projects need to use the function of decompressing the package. The format of the compressed package gi…… -
An example of stack and queue in Java data structure
An example of stack and queue in Java data structure Stack and queue are two important linear data structures, which s…… -
Introduction to Hadoop components
Install HBase First download the latest stable version of HBase http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hbase/ file:///ho…… -
Typical case of java interface implementation
No more nonsense, go straight to the code The above typical case of java interface implementation is all the content s…… -
Detailed explanation of struts 2 using ognl to traverse map
I Code in action: mapaction java II Front end test page: testmap jsp Java code Attachment: the type of map is map <…… -
Detailed explanation of simple factory pattern of Java design pattern
Simple factory mode: a factory object determines which kind of instance to create. 1. Abstract class 2. Specific categ…… -
Analysis of exception handling mechanism in struts 2
Because an exception is thrown when the execute method of action is declared, we don't need to catch the exception in …… -
Java export JSON format file sample code
This article introduces the sample code of Java exporting JSON format files and shares it with you. The details are as…… -
Simple use of zookeeper in Java
1、 Fundamentals of zookeeper The data model is as follows: The structure of zookeeper data model is very similar to U…… -
Realization of positive film lamination effect in java image processing tutorial
preface This article mainly introduces the method of how to realize the positive film stacking effect by using Java, a…… -
Detailed explanation of HBase and hive data synchronization
Hive's table data can be synchronized to impala. Generally, impala provides real-time query operations, such as time-c…… -
Mybatis batch modification operation code
1. The modified field values are the same, but the IDs are different Collection: if it represents a type, it is writte…… -
Java design pattern – proxy pattern (example explanation)
Proxy pattern is one of the most common design patterns in Java. Spring's AOP uses the proxy mode. Generally speaking,…… -
Java non blocking I / O usage
Most of the knowledge and examples come from O'Reilly's Java network programming, Fourth Edition, by elliotte rusty Ha…… -
Spring boot method for reading static resource files
1、 Demand scenario Sometimes we need to use some static resource files in the project, such as the city information f…… -
An example of how Java uses regular expressions to get sub text
This article illustrates how Java uses regular expressions to get sub text. Share with you for your reference, as foll…… -
SSM framework construction graphic tutorial (recommended)
I've been thinking about building an SSM framework for a long time. It's convenient for me to use it in the future. Ho…… -
Struts 2 method of realizing permission control through custom tags
Recently, I encountered a demand in development: whether to display an operation button according to the user's permis…… -
Java implements a tool class instance that translates digital dates into English words
This example describes the Java implementation of the tool class to translate digital dates into English words. Share …… -
In mybatis analysis
When using mybatis, our SQL is written in the XML Mapping file. If there are some special characters in the written SQ…… -
Dead loop of Java non static member variables (detailed explanation)
1. Non static member variable 翻译错误 TIMEOUT example: result: Analysis: when new constructorcls() instantiates const…… -
What language is Hadoop
What is Hadoop? Hadoop is a software platform for developing and running large-scale data processing. It is an open-so…… -
Detailed explanation of merge sorting algorithm in Java
Detailed explanation of merge sorting algorithm in Java Merge sorting algorithm, as its name suggests, is an algorithm…… -
Setting up spring security environment
At present, spring officially only provides Maven download methods. But in http://maven.springframework.org There are …… -
Detailed explanation of single example mode of Java design pattern [lazy and hungry]
This article describes the singleton pattern of Java design pattern. Share with you for your reference, as follows: Si…… -
Explain the integration of spring and Shiro in detail
Shiro's components are JavaBean / POJO components, so it is very easy to use spring for component management. It is ve…… -
On spring boot event monitoring
Spring boot event listener: provides support for message communication between beans. When a bean has done something, …… -
Explain the mutex semaphore and multithreading waiting mechanism in Java
Mutex and semaphore are the basic concepts designed for concurrent programming in the operating system. The difference……