包含标签:Java 的文章
Java fork / join framework
brief introduction From jdk1 At the beginning of July 7, Java provided fork / join framework for parallel execution of…… -
JDK1. Implementation of HashMap in 8
JDK1. The implementation of HashMap in 8 is similar to jdk1 The implementation in 7 is very different. Jdk1 is analyze…… -
E-commerce promotion background logic
In the final analysis, the so-called marketing of e-commerce is the change of order amount; If we clearly know the cal…… -
Asynchronous, never synchronous, parallel, never serial 1. Future A future represents the result of an asynchronous ca…… -
Java export Excel
preface As we all know, excel is divided into two steps: These two steps are time-consuming. Generally, we check the d…… -
Java 8 Documentation Download
Java API download method https://www.oracle.com/index.html https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se.html http:…… -
Java rule engine easy rules
1. Easy rules overview Easy rules is a Java rule engine, inspired by an article entitled "should I use a rules engine?…… -
Java NIO
1. General Java NiO (New IO) consists of the following three core components: Generally, in NiO, IO starts with a chan…… -
Sharding JDBC quick start lesson 1
1. General Shardingsphere is an ecosystem composed of a set of open source distributed database middleware solutions. …… -
Introduction to bitmap
1. BitMap The basic idea of bit map is to mark the value corresponding to an element with a bit bit, and the key is th…… -
Best memory cache framework caffeine
Caffeine is a high-performance cache library and the best (optimal) cache framework based on Java 8. Cache (CACHE), ba…… -
Concurrent inventory reduction
There are many scenes of second kill, such as rush buying, ticket grabbing, red envelope grabbing, etc. In short, ther…… -
Upward leadership and downward empowerment
After all these years in the pit, as a Java siege lion and senior code Porter, I have something to say: 1. Raise techn…… -
Introduction to reactive
Reactive is ideal for low latency, high throughput workloads. Reactive processing is a paradigm (specification) that e…… -
There will always be a few wrong steps in the long way of optimization (remember an interface optimization)
Recently, I did a search interface optimization, repeated pressure testing for four times, and finally met the require…… -
JDK1. Thread pool in 8
The above code has been used all the time. I'm often asked during the interview, but I've never studied it deeply. I d…… -
Basic usage of completable future
Asynchronous computing Limitations of future interface The future interface can build asynchronous applications, but i…… -
Android multilingual
Android multilingual 3. Use @ Strings / key in the layout file to reference the corresponding resources -
JSP uses freemaker to generate word documents based on word template
Using freemaker to generate word document based on word template Introduction to freemaker FreeMarker is a template en…… -
Android development failed to install * apk on device ’emulator-5554′: EOF
This error occurs when running the Android program: Failed to install homework. apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF…… -
Java calls the HTML template to send the mail of HTML content
When the project needs to send e-mail, the e-mail with ordinary content feels too monotonous, ugly and unqualified. Th…… -
Maven Foundation
Maven introduction What is Maven Maven's correct pronunciation is[ ˈ mev ə n] , not "horse plague" and other plagues. …… -
Collection, generic
primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 collection 1.1 collection overview Since both sets and arrays are conta…… -
I reviewed the contents of request and response in these two days. primary coverage HTTP * 概念:Hyper Text Transfer P…… -
primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter 1 multithreading Before, the programs we learned were executed from top t…… -
primary coverage 1. JSP: 1. 指令 2. 注释 3. 内置对象 2. MVC开发模式 3. EL表达式 4. JSTL标签 5. 三层架构 JSP: 1. …… -
List, set, data structure, collections
primary coverage Learning objectives Chapter I data structure 1.1 what is the use of data structures? When you use the…… -
AJAX 1. 概念: ASynchronous JavaScript And XML 异步的JavaScript 和 XML * 异步和同步:客户端和服务器端相互通信的基础上…… -
Today's content JQuery Foundation: JQuery advanced: JQuery Basics 1. 概念: 一个JavaScript框架。简化JS开发 * jQuery是…… -
Java implements multi-threaded download and supports breakpoint continuation
Full code: https://github.com/iyuanyb/Downloader The implementation of multi-threaded download and breakpoint continua……