包含标签:Java 的文章
Thread life cycle in Java
Thread is a topic that cannot be bypassed in Java. Today, this article will explain the life cycle of thread in Java i…… -
How to use stream in Java 8’s map
How to use stream in Java 8's map brief introduction Map is a very common collection type in Java. We usually need to …… -
Java security coding guide: file IO operation
brief introduction We often use IO operations for files. Because of the complexity of files, we also need to pay atten…… -
Mark up interfaces, annotations, and the past and present lives of annotation processors
Mark up interfaces, annotations, and the past and present lives of annotation processors brief introduction I believe …… -
Use of countdownlatch in Java concurrency
In Java concurrency, controlling the access of shared variables is very important. Sometimes we also want to control t…… -
Jdk14 performance management tool: introduction to jmap and jhat
brief introduction In the process of writing code, we often encounter the problem of memory leakage, such as the objec…… -
Java secure coding guide: input injection
brief introduction Injection is a very common problem in security. Today, let's discuss the prevention of SQL injectio…… -
Jdk15 is really coming. Let’s take a look at its new features
brief introduction The latest version of JDK twice a year, jdk15, was officially released on September 15, 2020. This …… -
Use of completionservice in Java
Use of completionservice in Java In the previous article, we talked about executorservice. Through executorservice, we…… -
A PDF to understand jdk10 GC tuning script – PDF download attached
brief introduction Today, let's talk about JVM GC tuning parameters in jdk10. There are 1957 JVM parameters in jdk10, …… -
Using locks in Java
In the previous article, we mentioned that the way to implement synchronization in Java is to use synchronized block. …… -
New feature of jdk9: jpms modularization
New feature of jdk9: jpms modularization brief introduction Jdk9 introduces a new feature called jpms (Java platform m…… -
New features of jdk14
In the release on September 17, Oracle mentioned that the function of switch expression is expected to be finalized in…… -
Use of delayqueue in Java
Use of delayqueue in Java brief introduction Today, I'd like to introduce delayqueue to you. Delayqueue is a kind of B…… -
Java Memory Model (JMM) and happens before
Java Memory Model (JMM) and happens before We know that Java programs run in the JVM, and the JVM is a virtual machine…… -
New feature of jdk12: teeing collectors
brief introduction Jdk12 is Java util. stream. Collectors added a new teeing method? Seeing that many people translate…… -
Learn about jdk12 13 14 GC tuning script – PDF download
brief introduction Want to know the GC tuning secrets in jdk12, 13 and 14? Want to know what new changes have been mad…… -
Understand the queue family in Java
Introduction to queue family in Java brief introduction Collection collection in Java has three families: list, set an…… -
50000 word long text: Best Practices for stream and lambda expressions – PDF download
1. Introduction to streams Today's stream refers to Java util. Many classes in the stream package. Stream can easily c…… -
Troubleshooting: using control + break to solve thread deadlock
brief introduction If we encounter thread deadlock in the program, how to solve it? This article will start from a pra…… -
Junior sister learning java IO: file file system
brief introduction Younger martial sister has encountered another problem. This time, the problem is about file creati…… -
Skillfully use one line of HashMap code to count the number of words
brief introduction JDK has been updated iteratively, and many familiar classes have quietly added some new method feat…… -
Java secure coding guide: mutability variability
brief introduction Mutable (variable) and immutable (immutable) objects are often used in the process of Java programm…… -
Use of Java Concurrent exchange
brief introduction Exchange is a concurrent class introduced by Java 5. As its name implies, exchange is used for exch…… -
This paper solves the little secret of string coding in Java
brief introduction In this article, you will learn about the relationship between Unicode and UTF-8, utf-16 and UTF-32…… -
The essence of ABA problem and its solution
brief introduction The full name of CAS is compare and swap, which is the basis of Java synchronization class, Java ut…… -
Use of executorservice in Java concurrency
Executorservice is an asynchronous execution framework in Java. It is convenient to create a multithreaded execution e…… -
Java security coding guide: dead lock
brief introduction In order to ensure the security of shared data in Java, we introduce the lock mechanism. With a loc…… -
New features of jdk14: jfr, JMC and jfr event flow
New features of JDK 14: jfr, JMC and jfr event flow brief introduction Java flight recorder (jfr) is a diagnostic and …… -
The difference between wait and sleep in Java
In this article, we will discuss the differences between wait () and sleep () methods in Java. And discuss how to use …… -
New gitbook export pdf
NPM module of gitbook Markdown PDF using vscode plug-in use Command@R_675_2419 @ GitBook Exporter