包含标签:Java 的文章
Java bug? GB2312 files cannot be read directly using scanner
I have a gb3212 encoded file (Chinese) Download the file from here http://lingua.mtsu.edu/chinese-computing/statistics…… -
Java – changing the log4j properties file at run time will result in the creation of an empty default log
I have an application that uses log4j to log in to a text file, and I put a log4j. Net in my executable jar file Prope…… -
Java – stop code formatting and remove spaces from eclipse
I recently started using java again. I set up my development environment in eclipse. It has a convenient format functi…… -
Java – Apache Tomcat simple comet Servlet
I'm trying to create a very simple comet servlet that will push Hello World messages to subscribers: @WebServlet("/Cha…… -
Java – (J2ME) how to get the file / resource list in my jar application
So I'm using J2ME and lwuit to create a mobile application My question is how to get the list of files in the jar appl…… -
Java – how to run jvisualvm. Java under the local system account under Windows Server 2008 exe?
I've been looking for a comparable method, such as publishing here for Windows Server 2003, to start jvisualvm under t…… -
Using an array to implement three stacks, can this code work?
This is what I found in the algorithm / interview question book. Others have several posts on this question, but I sti…… -
Java – add margins for LinearLayout in Android
I have some problems setting the deposit! body_content = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.body_content); int gSLength…… -
Game performance based on Java OpenGL block
I'm using lwjgl and Java to build a block - based 3D game, just like minecraft I currently have a block class, which c…… -
How to write script input of Java program
I am writing a java program that requires its (technical) users to write scripts for input; It interprets these script…… -
Java – continuous integration of swing UI testing
I've done automated UI testing on a major WPF project before, and it works well I am now turning to the Java Swing pro…… -
Exception in thread “main” Java Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: mainly in eclipse on OSX 10.6
When I tried to run a simple hello world application in eclipse, I got Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDef…… -
Java – Weka vs mahout recommendation engine
I look forward to proposing a collaborative filtering solution I am very satisfied with Java and found that Weka or ma…… -
JDBC batch creation in Sybase
I need to update a table with about 5 million rows Righht now I have 100 batches and it works normally But when I add …… -
Java – use struts to check PFX file types
Is there any way to check that the uploaded certificate is really a PFX certificate? I try the following code: LazyVal…… -
Java – in the case of MSSQL, metadata Gettables result set is empty
I tried to select all table names from the database Use the following code line DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = c…… -
Java – layering multiple glasspanes in the root container
Can I add multiple glasspanes to a single JFrame, or do I have to use uncomfortable layeredpane and opacity attributes…… -
Does the CLI communicate with a running Java application?
When you start an application, you can pass parameters to the application But how do I pass parameters to a running (J…… -
Java – Android heap 1-byte array type is very large
So, I'm studying games in Android. I'm checking the heap and allocation to see if there's any problem with memory and …… -
Java – JPA, many to many relationship, delete all previous relationships and enter new relationships
Here, I am trying the many to many relationship in JPA. I have created tables "tblcourse" and "tblstudent". Students c…… -
Java – run a jar file in PHP and write a file
When executing the jar file, I have the following problems in PHP I use the following command: exec("java -jar JavaPro…… -
Magento Java soap invalid XML response
I am using Apache CXF to write magento.xml on the soap client So I set up a Magento store on the online server Except …… -
Best java thread safe object pool
I'm not familiar with Java's concurrency library, so I usually only write my own mutex management code for the followi…… -
How to generate Javadoc of only one package
I only generate a specific package through NetBeans Javadoc If I press the panel "generate JavaDocs", I get JavaDocs f…… -
Java EE – enabling role-based security in WebSphere 7
My web application (created using struts 2) contains 2 pages >1) make request > 2) approve request )Deployed in…… -
Java – Service Architecture – WebServices | SOA
I would like to know which method is most suitable for managing the following schemes For example, there are 25 applic…… -
GWT compilation pending
I created a Google Web toolkit project in eclipse (indigo, GWT 2.4, Linux, Ubuntu), made some changes (mainly, renamed…… -
Java – convert characters or strings to shapes / regions
I want to be able to convert any character or string into a shape or area so that I can draw the character in any size…… -
Java – equinox class loader deadlock
On equinox - based applications, deadlocks sometimes occur on the internal class loader -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions…… -
How do I get all child threads from a thread in Java?
I'm developing a framework that allows customers to write their own code in Java And this framework invokes its code i…… -
NetBeans java code completion is eager to please
Is the default behavior of code completion normal when editing Java? >If I import a package, after entering the fir……