包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – create the assertclass () method in JUnit
I am creating a test platform for the protocol project based on Apache Mina In Mina, when you receive a packet, the me…… -
Java – how to get the contact name from the Android (calllog. Calls. Content_uri) table?
I am new to Android and am developing an application. I need all outgoing call logs, numbers, call duration and contac…… -
Java – clicking on an item results in an IllegalStateException
How did this happen? I used recyclerview in the clip, and the clip itself implements my click listener Sometimes, clic…… -
Java – numbers and occurrences in the array
My job is to use the package implementation of array. You can add and delete numbers as needed So far, I have successf…… -
Java – spring data JPA – custom sorting in jparepository
I used spring data JPA and spring data rest and created a jparepository for my thing entity @Repository public interfa…… -
Java . Charat (I) comparison problem
Why do you have to get a char from a string when comparing a char with another char? For example; It doesn't work whil…… -
JavaFX: draw sharp thin lines
I want to know how to use JavaFX to draw sharp thin lines I think my line is black, 1 pixel high This is what I have n…… -
Use lambda to provide stack based context (for example, the path of a file operation)
I have a subtle way (which may have been implemented and discussed) to do the same in groovy (from groovy documentatio…… -
Implementation of redblacktree insertion in Java
I am trying to implement the CLRs pseudo code of red black tree NullPointerException is thrown when I try to run the p…… -
Java – bounded wildcard of static factory pattern of return type
I read in effective Java that you shouldn't use bounded wildcards as return types, but I don't know what I should do T…… -
Java: find out what uses all memory
I have an out of memory Java application, but I don't know which code is allocating memory Is there an app I can view?…… -
Java – Jenkins – configure JDK – text box only, and automatic installation fails
I'm trying to create a Jenkins - based build server for our Android application The build failed because it cannot aut…… -
Java – querydsl query parameters?
Using JPA, we have the namedquery witch. Let's pass the parameters in this way: public <T2> T2 getSingleResult(S…… -
Java – what is the motivation for attributes?
I'm a little confused about why language has these I'm a java programmer at the beginning of my career, so Java is the…… -
Java – does spring data JPA need eclipse links and Hibernate?
I've changed spring data from 1.7 1 upgrade to 1.9 0 and get dependencies and compilation errors immediately: For vari…… -
Java – why doesn’t my code compile which string starts with a vowel check?
if (flipped.charAt(0) = "a" || "e" || "i" || "o" || "u"){ if (flipped.charAt(0) = "a" || "e" || "i" || "o" || "u"){ …… -
Java – how to export the DDL of all objects (such as tables, indexes, etc.) in Sybase IQ / Sybase ASE without using any tools?
I've created a sample program, and I want to use get_ The DDL method obtains the DDL of all objects, such as table, tr…… -
Java – delete the lowest bit
Given a binary number, what is the fastest way to delete the lowest bit? 01001001010 – > 01001001000 It will be use…… -
Java – type conversion via composition (interfaces and classes)
When I try to use methods that contain generic classes, two of which implement interfaces, I have a major disconnect I…… -
Java – how to create a long value with all bits = 1
I tried the following methods: public static final long DEVICE_ID_UNKNowN = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; But it can lead to The…… -
How to use reduce to sort lists in Java 8?
I have an object list list < BOM > in BOM, I have a list < bomline >, and now I have to use reduce pair Bo…… -
PowerMockito:java. lang.NoClassDefFoundError
I need to simulate a static final class in JUnit test: private MyFinalClient client; @Before public void setup() { …… -
Using generics in Java
I just started using Java, so this may be a stupid question for most people, Set<T> mySet; Eclipse gives an erro…… -
Java – a common JPA repository for multiple entities
I have several entities and use the spring data JPA repository and specifications to query my database Therefore, I cr…… -
Java – causality requirements in JMM
I try to understand JMM's causality requirements This part of JMM describes https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/s…… -
Java – parsing tables with jsoup
I'm trying to use jsoup to extract email addresses and phone numbers from the LinkedIn configuration file, each in a t…… -
Java – after GC applications run slowly
I have an application (game) running on the JVM The game's update logic (run 60 times / second) is complete, about 25%…… -
Java – unable to configure “keep alive” in camel HTTP component
I'm having some trouble setting up the HTTP component correctly Currently, microservices extract JSON content from the…… -
Java – Samsung pass SDK to change standby text in fingerprint dialog box
I am using pass SDK v1 2.1. According to the programming guide, there is a method to change the standby text displayed…… -
Java – is it possible to call soap WebService using retrofit?
Retrofit is a type safe HTTP client for Android and Java. My problem is to call Net server Can I use the retrofit inte…… -
Java – what is the best way to create an InputStream from Jackson jsonnode?
I want to find the smartest way to create the Java library Jackson's jsonnode's InputStream So far, I have done: IoUti…… -
Java – test report EclEmma vs sonar
I am running EclEmma and measuring the test coverage in the project Why are the results of the two tools different? So……