包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how to parse the “DD mm” date format to get the current year? “
I have to use java to parse the date in "17 - Jun" format The problem is that when I try to parse the "DD mm" format u…… -
Java problems for beginners (string output)
So I'm reading the input of a file that says these lines: NEO You're the Oracle? NEO Yeah. So I just want to ou…… -
Java – stream result using struts 2
I tried to use stream results to return images from a struts 2 application I seem to be having trouble configuring the…… -
Why can’t the java compiler solve this problem?
Why can't the compiler from collections. In the following example Emptyset() infers the correct type of result? import…… -
Java compiler replaces StringBuilder with concatenation
Here are some simple java code: String s = new StringBuilder().append("a").append("b").append("c").toString(); I compi…… -
Java: how to get the connection port from InetAddress?
I'm trying to use Apache Mina to build a socket server based on Java NiO I really need to know the port of the remote …… -
Java – switches the number in the int array according to the mode
I've been scanning the Internet and trying to come up with a solution for this simple program. Basically, users enter …… -
Java – Dao class method naming
I'm using spring MVC and hibernate to build a small java web application. I'm confused about the naming of Dao class m…… -
Java reflection: finding fields of subclasses
I have a class hierarchy as follows: (= > indicates the subclass of "yes") anonymous instance class => abstract …… -
Java – what is the difference between putting the most likely real conditions in if, else if, or else
Is there any difference in putting the most likely conditions in if, else if, or else conditions For example: int[] a …… -
Java – generics and comparators
I was studying generics and found that the following code gave compile - time errors when comparing methods class A<…… -
Infinite loop in Java
I'm new to Java I tried to extract employee data from a text file and store it in a collection I use stringtokenizer t…… -
Java – wait(), notify() – which thread is unlocked first?
Try to understand wait() and notify() I know when thread a enters wait (). It will be awakened by notify () from other…… -
How do I round numbers in Java?
For this program, I write the number of minutes I am accepting user input, and then round it to the next hour >1 mi…… -
Java – naming convention for O / R mapping
I map my database tables to my Java objects Generally speaking, I name my form in the plural, because the form holding…… -
Java – wicket table with variable number of columns
I have been creating tables by adding a listview in the page (providing my data as list < MyObject >) and assign…… -
Java – define multiple hash functions for the same object
I have several collections that store objects of the same class, but I want to specify a different identification func…… -
Isn’t Java doing things asynchronously?
I'm trying to learn Java. I'm reading a tutorial that says: while (N <= 0) { TextIO.put("The starting po…… -
Java – why does the shift right operator produce zero instead of one?
I'm learning Java by myself. I practice in thinking in Java On page 116, exercise 11, you should move an integer right…… -
Java me – J2ME app and browser on mobile phone
Recently, I started to develop J2ME app prototype I noticed how difficult it is to develop a nice user interface Consi…… -
Java – last working day of last month and localdate
public static String getLastWorkingDayOfPrevIoUsMonth() { public static String getLastWorkingDayOfPrevIoUsMonth() { …… -
Java – what database do you want to use?
I'm new to database, but I think I've finally encountered a situation where flat files don't work properly I'm writing…… -
Java – why are array assignments incompatible, even if their data type is?
byte b =10; byte b =10; int a = b; // Primitive data type widening // Works perfectly fine The ab…… -
Java – an effective implementation of equals (object o)
After I finished writing the title, I read so post, but still decided to discuss the implementation of bugs in Java Th…… -
Java – Android navigationview cannot respond to the click event on the project
I'm trying to add a Navigation view to my application, but for some reason, I can't make it respond to any click event…… -
Arguments of type ‘volatile char *’ are incompatible with arguments of type ‘const char *’
I have a function whose prototype is as follows: void foo(const char * data); Elsewhere in my code, I have a global va…… -
Java arithmetic
Why does this code return the wrong value? int i=Integer.MAX_VALUE+1; long l=Integer.MAX_VALUE+1; System.out.println(l…… -
If HashMap Java exists, it gets the value
I want to get a value from hasmap, but sometimes the value does not exist, so I did this: int var = 0; if (hashMapHous…… -
Java – combine allmatch, nonematch, and anymatch on a single stream
I think there is the following logic: (I know it doesn't work because it consumes the stream more than once) But I don…… -
Javadoc cannot run in Android projects
I use eclipse 3.5.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 2. Android development I installed: >Sun's JDK comes from the Ubuntu repository…… -
Java is the last day of next month
I have a variable of nowdate type. I want to set the variable nextdate to include the last day of the next month For e…… -
Use Java stream to get the index of Min size list in ArrayList
I have a list of integers, such as LIST1 = (1,2,3) and List2 = (0,1) My list contains LIST1 and List2 It can contain m……