包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – guava cachebuilder delete listener
Please tell me where I lost it I have a cache built by cachebuilder in datapool Datapool is a singleton object. Its in…… -
Collections in Java better programming practice
I see something similar in most java code that uses collections List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(…… -
Java – fail fast iterator
I got this definition: as the name implies, once they realize that the structure of the collection has changed since t…… -
Java – add load circle to JTable
I have a JTable to load data from the database Because there is too much data sometimes, I want to add a loading circl…… -
Java – how to protect SQLite dB in Android from theft
I'm making an application for a 28 MB sq Lite file, which was originally in the Android resource folder When it is ins…… -
Java – simplexml enumerations are case sensitive
I've been trying to create XML using the simplexml Library (v2.6.2) The XML I want to create must save the enumeration…… -
Null pointer exception of getter setter in Java
I have one named shareddata Getter setter class of Java When I want to hint at it on my code, I get a null pointer exc…… -
Java – spring MVC relative redirection from httpservletresponse
Given this relative redirection to another controller: @Controller @RequestMapping("/someController") public class MyC…… -
Can I get the properties defined in “gradle. Properties” in Java state?
I'm in gradle A property is defined in the properties file, as follows: user.password=mypassword Can I use it as a var…… -
java – file. Createnewfile() IOException “no such file or directory”
Although java coding has this problem: file Createnewfile() throws IOException "no such file or directory" Check out o…… -
Java – why use the “this” keyword in constructors and setters?
Constructor is used to initialize a value and assign it to class variables when creating class instances, right? publi…… -
Java – Method override
class A class A { int i=10; void show() { System.out.println("class A"); } } class B extends A { int i=…… -
Java – why doesn’t my rating bar change the user’s touch?
I tried to add a rating bar to my campaign But I can't add or delete stars on the user's touch What should I add? <…… -
Java – when using batik in webapp on tomcat, “sax2 driver class org.apache.crimson.parser.xmlreaderimpl not found”
This may be related to the classpath problem, but I'm not sure yet because I don't have this error on some machines Th…… -
Java – lint found a fatal error when assembling the release target
I am compiling my application for publishing, and I receive an error saying: <issue id="UnkNownId" severity…… -
Default class extended by all classes in Java
In Java, by default, do all classes extend the default class? Example: if I have a simple class, such as: Class A { St…… -
Java – switch statement, which defaults to the previously defined switch case?
I want to do something like this: int i = 0; switch(difficulty) { case 1: i++; break; case 2: i--; break; …… -
Java – sum of substrings of numbers
What is the best solution to find the sum of digital substrings? For example, sum (123) = 1 2 3 12 23 123 = 164 I thin…… -
MD5 uses iso-8859-1 string hash in Java
I am implementing a digital payment service interface called Suomen verkkomaksut Information about payment will be sen…… -
How to add multiline labels on the Java GUI?
I made a Java Swing GUI Now I want to display a static message on it, but the message is multi line and jlabel is sing…… -
What is the purpose of the enum class introduced in Java 5?
My suggestion: 1) The two enumerations only exist before compilation (like generics; but I've never heard anything abo…… -
Java – moves all zero values in a large array to the front of it in a time efficient manner
You will get a large array with integral type values. How can you move all zero values to the front of the array in a …… -
How do the consumer and begin methods work within the Java functional interface
Who can let me know how the following procedures work internally: public class Main { public static void main(String…… -
Java – how do I automatically log in to this site using system credentials?
I need to develop a web application for intranet users I don't want them to enter login credentials every time they vi…… -
How to change only Java net. Protocol part of URL object?
I have a Java. Net that uses HTTPS protocol net. URL object, for example: https://www.bla.com I only need to change th…… -
Verify the URL in Java
Who knows how to use regular expressions to verify the URL format in Java? thank you Solution A very sneaky way is: tr…… -
How to “time out” functions in Java?
private String indexPage(URL currentPage) throws IOException { private String indexPage(URL currentPage) throws IOExce…… -
Java reference
Is there a way to find all references to objects (in Java)? I have an object cache and want to scan it regularly to se…… -
Generate getter / setter in Java (again)
I'm thinking about writing class MyClass { @Get @Set protected int aValue; } Then, get is automatically generate…… -
Java – why not run server-side applications with daylight saving time enabled?
I have implemented a server - side application that records the timestamp when the record is created and updated The a…… -
Java – find two pairs from an array of integers in two elements
Two pairs: if there are two pairs of dice with the same number, the player scores the sum of these dice If not, the pl…… -
Java mail API: send e-mail through enterprise outlook account
I want my program to be able to send e - mail from my corporate outlook account I've seen many examples of JMA, which ……