包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – opengl for space simulator
Together with several friends, we started this Java based project independent of amateur platform for space combat sim…… -
Java – what’s wrong with my factory?
I have some code like this: public abstract class Foo { public static Foo getFoo() { return new FooImpl();…… -
java:new File(“”,“name”)!= new file(“name”)? (file constructor with empty string)
We have noticed this today Since there is a file named "existing" in the PWD of java process (Windows) new File("exist…… -
Java – spring promotion_ Required transaction attribute?
In http://www.vermatech.com/code/SpringTransactionExamples.html In the first case study given, testModel.deleteAllCoun…… -
Java Swing: separating UI components from logical behavior – how do you handle this?
What do I do in NetBeans, for example: >Create a UI component class with the suffix swing component type, for examp…… -
Java – spring: how to ensure that a class is instantiated only by spring, not by new
Is it possible to ensure that only spring can instantiate a class instead of using the keyword new at compile time? (a…… -
Java color opacity
I have a way to determine the color based on certain values The method is as follows: public Color color(double val) {…… -
Java – graph: find an algorithm to determine the shortest path from one point to another in a rectangular maze?
I am trying to work out an appropriate algorithm to move from the start position to the exit position in the maze 10 3…… -
Java – how to create an optional binding in Guice?
This is my client: @H_ 403_ 8@ @H_ 403_ 8@ class Client { @Inject(optional=true) Service service; } Sometimes we d…… -
Java – findbugs wants readObject (…) private serialization. Why?
I run findbugs on some code and it says that the readObject (...) method must be private to be called for serializatio…… -
Java – how do I download new files only from the server?
I have many CSV files that I want to download from Yahoo Finance every day I want my application to read the creation …… -
How do I convert bufferedimage to / from an image?
I want to convert buffered image to Java awt. Image. My source image is TIF, so I use Jai to read it as planarimage: T…… -
Java simple sentence parser
Is there any simple way to create a sentence parser in normal Java The parser should not only focus on the white space…… -
Java – how to test Guice singleton?
Guice singletons is strange to me First of all, I thought IService ser = Guice.createInjector().getInstance(IService.c…… -
Java – is it easier to use foo when it is represented by the class ArrayList rather than the interface list?
I see a lot of grammar and don't understand the reasons behind it I think you usually want to use classes instead of i…… -
Java – use methods on each item in the array
I have a dynamically populated string array I want to run this function: String[] name = request.getParameterValues("n…… -
Java decimal precision problem
I have a problem. I have to print in long decimal places Solution In C or Java, you won't get so much decimal precisio…… -
Java – list sorting challenges
Suppose I have final Iterable<String> unsorted = asList("FOO","BAR","PREFA","ZOO","PREFZ","PREFOO"); What can I …… -
Is there any way to generate content type headers from file extensions in Java?
I have a Java application that sometimes has to be changed from a file list to a content - type header Is there any wa…… -
Java – is there a way to fix the window?
Is there any way to fix the window so that users cannot change the window size in Java? Solution The frame class (and …… -
How many classes and packages do we have in Java 6?
I want to know the number of built-in classes and packages provided by Java 6 Please provide a web address for this in…… -
Java – monitor Internet activity
I want to design the Java application for montior Internet activity Let's consider opening different browsers and send…… -
How to write a Java directory selector?
How to write a directory selector is as follows: or In Java? PS 1: I'm developing a desktop application. I use swing i…… -
Java – swing component: vertical text problem
If I have a button like the one in this image: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?4cd775814c.png How can I make…… -
Java – get request parameters in @ viewscoped bean
I have a list from which the user can select "PQ" (link list) When clicking or otherwise entering the browser, the mai…… -
How to wait and close the command prompt in Java
I use the following code to execute the batch file: java.lang.Runtime rt = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr …… -
Java – convert object to object []
The method in the library I'm using returns an object, but it's actually an array of objects I'm trapped where I need …… -
Java – what does this’ static ‘mean and why
public class tt { public class tt { static{ System.out.println("class tt"); } } This is the first time I have …… -
Java API for calling rest services
Can anyone suggest a better open source Java API to call rest services? I also want to know if the restlet API support…… -
Where to find synchronization contention evidence in Java?
Our Tomcat web application feels slow when used by hundreds of users The server is in the hosting company, and their r…… -
Forking processes with Java
Can a complete "program" branch be created from a single execution sequence into two subroutines? The subroutines are ……