包含标签:Java 的文章
Dynamic – ownership tracking in rust: difference between box (heap) and t (stack)
Trying to use the programming language rust, I found that the compiler can track the movement of some structural field…… -
Splitting strings at specific locations in Java
Suppose you have a string in the form of "word1 word2 Word3 word4" The easiest way to split it is split [0] = "word1 w…… -
Upgrade from A-Series to D-series azure virtual machines
We installed SQL sever.com on a series of virtual machines We want to upgrade to D series virtual machines Is it as si…… -
Java – isn’t it bad to import unused packages?
For example, when you work in a team with the same file, you can only partially understand the different packages requ…… -
java. Lang. illegalargumentexception “Dao fields cannot be set using spring 4 and Hibernate 4”
I'm trying to follow the tutorial (Using STS): Everything goes well except execution Here's what I got during deployme…… -
Java – appium long press and move elements (drag and drop) do not work
I have a solution to test such IOS applications: I use the following code: TouchAction action = new TouchAction(driver…… -
Java – onitemclicklistener() does not use the list adapter
I extract the data into the list adapter by calling a function called getalldishes() Now I want to add onitemclicklist…… -
The Java – equals method is incompatible with throwable
I have some externally provided callbacks to run Because they can contain anything, I prefer to risk catching throwabl…… -
The Java static method can be invoked in Kotlin.
Suppose we have a Java static method: //Java code public static void printFoo() { System.out.println("foo"); } Can…… -
The shortest representation of special lambda expressions in Java 8
I'm new to Java 8 and I'm messing up a little Now I have tried the andthen method of the function interface consumer i…… -
Why do I get Java Lang.illegalargumentexception: wrong number of parameters when calling method with varargs using reflection
See English answers > wrong number of arguments error when invoking a method class Sample{ public void doSomet…… -
Java – why does it want the method to be static?
I'm building my first game. I rely heavily on various tutorials and guides on the Java website. I have a problem packa…… -
Using lambda’s AWS dynamodb trigger in Java
I tried to trigger AWS lambda function written in Java on dynamodb stream event Amazon has the same guide, which uses …… -
Which class in Java implements the abstract class enumset?
I saw enumset Of() returns an instance of an object of type enumset Solution The following are two classes that extend…… -
Java – decimalformat deletes zeros after a dot
I want to format the user's input, it doesn't matter, but when I try to delete it by clicking decimal format, I enter …… -
Java – regular expressions match 17 uppercase characters
In Java, which regex is more suitable for matching strings with a length of 17 characters? All strings are capitalized…… -
Multithreading – can multiple threads write the same value to the same variable?
I understand the contention condition and how multiple threads access the same variable. Updates made by an update can…… -
Java – ACL security in spring boot
I encountered a problem setting ACL through Java configuration in spring boot application I created a small project to…… -
Combining values with Java 8 streams
If I have a list with integers, is there any way to build another list? If the header difference of the new list is lo…… -
Learning Java, why don’t I get some thread overlap?
I tried the following code: /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java.util.*; import java.lang…… -
Java – use the for loop to move an array of characters
I created a char [] [A,A,B,C] I want to delete the last character, then move the other characters up one and store a n…… -
Parse the CSV file in Java and delete it with a null value
I'm parsing the CSV file into my program, splitting the value into elements, and it works normally unless I have a lin…… -
Java 8 stream adds a new object to the list from the return value
I want to save the return value of the method and use it to create a new object and add it to the list Here is a clear…… -
Java – no data source is configured to run this SQL
I have a problem creating tables (for databases) in Java At present, I am using IntelliJ idea. When I write code to cr…… -
Redundant wording in Java array and ArrayList declarations
A typical ArrayList declaration in Java has the following types: ArrayList<Object> name = new ArrayList<Objec…… -
Parallel programming with threads in Java
Let's say that in Java, using executorservice, I create a 4-thread thread pool and submit it to say 10 tasks, which me…… -
Java – why do programmers say “pass by reference” is actually “pass by value?” Why is this important?
I know in C & amp; The entire concept passed by reference in C. And similar concepts only pass values in Java void…… -
com. sun. mail. smtp. SMTPSendFailedException:530-5.5. 1 requires authentication (java mail)
So I tried to make java mail work, because the other answers I saw on this website were useless. I had to assume that …… -
Set tooltips on all table cells in JavaFX
My application contains a tableview Change the row style by setting a custom cell factory with setcellfactory for this…… -
Java swing error ‘void’ type ‘is not allowed here
See the English answer > "'void 'type not allowed here" error (Java) 6 Code: public void create(JPanel jp){ jp.…… -
How do I provide an implementation for enumeration values in Java?
I have the value of the enumeration class. Assuming that it will grow over time, I hope the user adding the new enumer…… -
Java – why does the clear HashMap method clear the map added in the array list
I'm trying to reuse the same HashMap, such as the following example to populate the list First, I add some values to t……