包含标签:Java 的文章
Why does Java enum need to check class and declaringclass in the CompareTo method
The type parameter E in enum is defined as < e extends enum < E > > So why do we need to check getClass ()…… -
Java – IIS 403 that prohibits the use of / in URLs
I have IIS (Microsoft IIS / 7.5) returned 403 Forbidden, I can't figure out why I narrow it down to / but only if it h…… -
Is java an import keyword for source or binary files?
I know I can use the import statement to include a class or group of classes in my java project For example, import Ja…… -
Why use bitwise or in catch blocks to handle exceptions in Java?
Why use bitwise OR here? try { //some errorprone code } catch(NullPointerException |NumberFormatExceptioon…… -
Struggling Extending T > wildcard in Java
I have a very basic question The following code cannot be compiled (assuming Apple extensions fruit): List<? extend…… -
Java – two different variables that get the same value
I am currently working on a small java application, but I have a problem I created two different variables, but after …… -
Modify BigInteger after Java partition
I've read a lot here and can't completely find out why this line is wrong: ArrayList <BigInteger> data = new Arr…… -
Changes of Java 7 for HashMap in Java 5
I am not a Java expert. I just experience the changes in the output of the following programs on Java 5 and Java 7 Doe…… -
Java – IntelliJ: search for checked exceptions, declare them in the method signature, but never throw them into the body
I have a fairly simple IntelliJ / tools question here: Thank you in advance Solution Open the settings and select edit…… -
How do I enable gzip for restcontroller?
See English answers > using gzip compression with spring boot / MVC / javaconfig with restful 8 @RestController pub…… -
AWS SQS Java. Not all messages are retrieved from the SQS queue
I've been trying to use AWS SDK for Java to retrieve all messages from the SQS queue I have learned about the distribu…… -
Date – how do I get the start and end times of a period?
I have an enumeration timeframe with values such as yesterday, lastweek, nextmonth, etc I'm trying to write a method t…… -
The Java list ` of ‘method is very confusing
When I look at a Java document It is very overloaded, and the number of all elements ranges from 1 to 10 It says: I do…… -
java – ClassNotFoundException:org. glassfish. jersey. internal. Runtimedelegateimpl was not found in the OSGi package with CXF dependencies embedded
This is related to jax-rs-2-0-change-default-implementation When I try to deploy webapp, I get the following exception…… -
Java – the best way to store locators
I'm focusing on Selenium's automated page object design pattern, and I can guess that many people store locators in Pr…… -
Java – adds a command call to a UNIX command line application
I am writing a Solaris command line application using java 6 I want to be able to scroll through the history of previo…… -
How to easily convert a two-dimensional array into a two-dimensional vector?
I'm focusing on rust wasm tutorial. I hope to easily add a ship (a real shape) to the universe in the game of life As …… -
Java – how to use the return value of executorservice
I run the for loop under executorservice If any return type fails, I need to return resposne as "fail" or I need to re…… -
Replace values that appear more than once in the vector in R
I have a value vector x <- c(1,2,3,4,5) For each occurrence, I want to replace it with the value in vector Y: y <…… -
Java return returns blank
I'm trying to create a Java method that returns the sum of two values X and y Currently, when I run the code, the outp…… -
Java – if it is not null, put the value into the map
Does java have anything similar? map.putIfValueNotNull(key,value) Therefore, I can put the value in the map only if it…… -
Java – a simpler way to reverse the comparator created inline by static methods (functional interfaces)?
Since the comparator < T > is a functional interface, I can do this Comparator<Instant> instantComparator …… -
Java – which EJB 3 persistent provider should I use?
I use EJB 3 on a fairly large J2EE project. By default, NetBeans sets the persistence provider of entity beans to TopL…… -
Java – logback roll only for file size
I'm using logback 1.0 13. I want my log files to scroll completely based on file size If it takes two hours or two yea…… -
Java – interpretation of V – > V > 5
I have a given function call, and Java gives me an error because the object cannot be compared with int (of course...)…… -
Java – JUnit asserts double arrays
How do I assert that two double arrays contain the same elements There are some ways to assert that integer arrays and…… -
java – Log. D log is not displayed in logcat Android studio d
Android studio does not display any logs I wrote in the code I have tried to set the log to verbose and debug I'm usin…… -
Java – override methods and then face problems
When the overlay method then faces a problem: public interface IProduct { public void sendMessage(Object object); …… -
Java – null check using Date object [copy]
See English answers > java object null check for method 8 Solution Check if it is empty: if (date == null) {...} Ch…… -
Java – spring H2 embedded database
See the English answer > does spring embedded database support different SQL conversations? 3 MODE=MysqL DB_CLOSE_O…… -
Java – activator 1.3 0 error on SBT project?
I'm happily working on some SBT projects. After I download and use the new version of typesafe activator, I can't open…… -
Java generics: return bounded generic types
I follow this Code: public <T extends ParentException> T managedException(Exception cause) { if(Exce……