包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – dumptreshold does not work properly
I use Jax - WS RI to exchange soap XML with other services at org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invok…… -
Java, symbol error not found?
I tried to calculate the total price of unit price 17 and the quantity of goods 20 public class hw1_task3 { public…… -
Java – avoid isinstance statements
How can I refactor this example to avoid the need to check isinstance in each data type? Can I follow any pattern? pub…… -
Why does this code snippet not have runtime errors as described in the Java tutorials documentation?
public class @R_150_2419@ { public class @R_150_2419@ { private Object object; public void set(Object object)…… -
Java – what is the syntax for creating serializable groovy classes for Jenkins workflows / pipes
When using Jenkins workflow groovy, I encountered a serialization error while trying to create an object for a dead si…… -
Vector – clojure – define a data structure for a person
In other languages, how to create structures is very self - evident How would you do such a thing in clojure? For exam…… -
Java – why does jasperreports try to load org. Org springframework. core. io. Resource class?
Recently, we integrated Jasper reports into our enterprise applications Some of our users get Java. Com on the client …… -
Java – how to add metadata to PDF documents using pdfbox?
I have an input stream of PDF documents for me to use I want to add the topic metadata to the document and save it I d…… -
Java – spring stomp over websocket: message / buffer / cache / stream limit
I can't understand my different parameters in the websocket configuration for developing chat applications involving i…… -
Java – why can’t the final variable be used in a switch statement?
When I type the following code in eclipse, it complains that "case expressions must be constant expressions." If the a…… -
Java – array initializers are not allowed here
I have some model classes. I try to declare a list with them, but I get that the array initializer is not allowed here…… -
Java – cut and stack arrays
I have an int array as input The length of the array is always 2 ^ n. I want to cut the array in half and stack it Rep…… -
Java cucumber: obtain @ cucumber options from external sources, such as property files
Whether it can be from Java Get the cucumber option value from the properties file? In this so post, it shows that it …… -
Java – Convert list to map and filter null keys
Using the Java 8 stream, I want to convert the list into a map as described in the solution of Java 8 list < V >…… -
Java — call Runtime. in the onLowMemory method. gc()
Should we use runtime GC () or system GC () to clear the memory in the production code in the onlowmemory () method in…… -
Java Runtime. getRuntime(). Freememory() problem
I searched and saw some threads, but none solved the specific problem I encountered I tried to use runtime getRuntime(…… -
Using java to convert children to parent problems
class Parent { class Parent { int i = 60; } class Child extends Parent { int i = 70; } class Main { pub…… -
Java – how do I use group mapping streams?
I have a long child // ordered by parent.id / child.id Stream<Child> childStream; Say, Child(id = 1,parent(id = …… -
Java – how do I check that the value is equal to at least one field in the list?
I have this method: for (String fieldName : fieldArray) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria…… -
Java – 25 even and even random number generator
I need to generate 25 random numbers and divide them into two arrays, depending on whether they are odd or even This i…… -
How do I scroll down to click an element in Android using appium and Java?
I wonder how to scroll down to click an element in Android using appium and Java? I have a list of elements in "Androi…… -
Java – why does my scanner still need a blank char
Input: 1 2 3 Objective: each number will be filled in the same array Space will be excluded Scanner in = new Scanner(s…… -
Java – JUnit: call @ after to set the object to null
Suppose I have the following simple JUnit test private Person person; @Before public void createObject() { String …… -
Java – if the return type of the rewriting method is original (such as double), can we change the return type of the rewriting method (such as int, char)?
As follows: Method to override: double add (int a,int b){ } Method of covering the above method: int add(int a,int …… -
Java-8 – pass the Java 8 stream mapping function as a parameter
I have a comma separated string that I want to convert to an array But in some cases, I need integer parsing, and some…… -
Java – how to visualize recursion
I try to understand recursion in Java through visualization I've taken some tutorials on youtube and used one of the e…… -
Repeated projection of Java nested mapping
Why does the actor work? import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class TestMap { public static voi…… -
Java 8 lambda specifies the map type and makes it immutable
I have the following code, generated using Lambdas for several months Map<Integer,String> tempMap = new LinkedHa…… -
Java 8 stream – merge two sets to make them unique in a specific field [copy]
See English answers > java 8 distinct by property 20 This is the best I can do in Java, but it collects unique name…… -
Java – how do I wait for the alert box to perform an action in selenium?
I press the Cancel button than check some text according to my code In chrome and Firefox, it works normally, but in i…… -
Java – should hibernate use a unique sequence for each table?
I have several entities using automatic key generation strategies with hibernate and Postgres @Id @GeneratedValue(stra…… -
Pass checkstyle to Java Hello World
So I'm a novice using checkstyle. For my simple HelloWorld Java program, I received a lot of errors that I don't under……