包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – JPA or hibernate generates (non primary key) column values instead of starting with 1
I want a JPA / Hibernate (preferably JPA) annotation that can generate the value of a column. It is not a primary key …… -
How to refactor this HashSet in Java
I'm new to Java I have a HashSet method. I want to know a better method to encode the following code: public HashSet&l…… -
Java – HashMap places duplicate values unnecessarily
I have the following code. I want to insert the result into the database, but now I just want to print out the key wit…… -
Java – eclipse Mars toolbar entries have several blanks
I have updated the moon from the moon to Mars, and there is a big gap in the toolbar entries Right clicking a toolbar …… -
Java: can wildcard array types be used as parameters and return types?
For example, consider a function that accepts the ArrayList of strings, splits it into string arrays, and returns the …… -
Java – selenium webdriver: cannot find element in iframe using TinyMCE editor
Maybe my problem is similar to this selenium webdriver cannot locate element within an iframe, and throws NoSuchElemen…… -
Java – how to encode stream findNth()?
And stream Similar to findfirst(), is there any way to write stream findNth()? I'm practicing Java 8. 0 by rewriting …… -
Java – flyway 3.1 migration checksum mismatch The calculation of the checksum depends on the platform
I have exactly the same project source and SQL script on windows and Ubuntu clients and development platforms Cause: o…… -
Java – why does the @ requestmapping spring annotation in the controller capture more of what I want?
I have a simple spring controller and mapping: @Controller public class HomeController { @RequestMapping(value = "/hom…… -
Java – how to get the number of characters in jtextarea?
I have a jtextarea. I need to convert the character of each field to another character So I thought of a simple cycle:…… -
Java: check whether the IP address is in the array list
Is there a special method to check whether there are IP addresses in ArrayList? Now I have an ArrayList composed of IP…… -
Java – Stanford parser out of memory
I tried to run the Stanford parser in Ubuntu using Python code My text file is 500 MB and I tried to parse it I have a…… -
JavaFX freeze problem
I'm messing with the JavaFX API. For some reason, the application seems to freeze after a (seemingly) random time It i…… -
Java – flexible search with parameters returns a null value
I have to perform this flexible search query in the service Java class: select sum({oe:totalPrice}) from {Order as or…… -
Java – xpages: managedbeans often “lose” global domino session objects
I'm building a managedbean for the xpages application Currently, the bean is registered in the view - scoped faces - c…… -
Java – is there a way to loop variable names?
For example, I have the following variables: //String Var1 = something,Var2 = something etc.. for (int i = 1; i <= …… -
How does Haskell remove list usage from this code?
I'm trying to learn Haskell and binary io I try to read many word32 values and some word8 values (metadata) from a giv…… -
Why in Java util. Static Java. Java is declared in collections util. Collections. Fill () method instead of Java util. Instance method in abstractlist?
In Java util. In collections, there is a method: public static <T> void fill(List<? super T> list,T obj) P…… -
Using objects as keys in Java HashMap
package test; package test; import java.util.HashMap; public class test { public static void main(String args[])…… -
RX Java – retry the same project after the error
I'm trying to build a robust processing pipeline using RX - Java, but I have a problem Here is an example: public stat…… -
Use the or “|” operator on statements in Java
Suppose I have an array a [], if I want to change the value of a [i] and change it to zero, I can do it by using the t…… -
Evaluation order of sub expressions in Java expressions
I have the following code snippets: int x=2,y=3; if ( (y == x++) | (x < ++y) ) // rest of code I know that in C you…… -
Java swing gridbaglayout – add a button without spaces
How to delete the spacing caused by gridbaglayout and make them stick together? import java.awt.BorderLayout; import j…… -
Java – why can’t the final static variable be assigned in the instance block?
class Test { class Test { static final String name; { name = "User"; /* shows error. As …… -
Java sorts a collection of date and time values
I'm using notes Jar Lotus Notes API to extract the date and time of E - mail When I add them to the collection, if I a…… -
Java – webelement or webdriver calls findelement method?
What's the difference if we use webelement or webdriver to call the findelement method? Does each of them have an adva…… -
If the specific conditions are incorrect, I can’t return anything
I'm writing a matrix class. I've written a getnumber method that returns the number in a specific slot in the matrix W…… -
Java – how to use the if else statement returned by the function?
I always try to avoid nested statements They guided me to put the code in curly braces When the amount of code in each…… -
Error passing volatile STD:: queue discard qualifier [- fpermissive] C 98
I have one volatile std::queue<int> requestQueue; When I try to call any of its methods (pop, push, empty, front…… -
Generic – rxkotlin: attempt to add custom error capture
I'm trying to write my own extension function for rxkotlin, which will make observable handle a specific error type (t…… -
Java – is there any other throw role instead of propagating checked exceptions?
After more and more research on the throws statement in exception handling, I am confused I found – class @R_474_2419@…… -
Java – Jackson mapping: deserializing JSON with different attribute names
I have a server that returns JSON strings: {"pId": "ChIJ2Vn0h5wOlR4RsOSteUYYM6g"} Now, I can use Jackson to deserializ……