包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how to fix com mysql. jdbc. exceptions. jdbc4. Mysqlnontransientconnectionexception: no operation is allowed after the connection is closed Exceptions?
This is a query for my records public void saveTotal(JTextField txtGtotal,JTextField txtPTotal) { try { Re…… -
The Java 8 stream aggregates a map
I tried to do something that seemed straightforward, but so far I have no luck I have a list of maps from a bunch of p…… -
Java string finder – how do I switch case sensitivity?
I have a method to search the file for the string you give it and return a count But I have a case sensitivity problem…… -
Java – missing datasource explorer in eclipse Kepler
I recently downloaded eclipse Kepler Datasource Explorer is missing in this version of Kepler Datasource Explorer can …… -
Java – bitwise OP unexpectedly becomes negative
Can someone explain to me why I got these results? public static int ipv4ToInt(String address) { int result = 0; …… -
Java – changes to Lucene index files during document acquisition / update / deletion?
I'm working on the latest version of Lucene 4.10 2. It combines Java as the front end and Oracle 12C as the database I…… -
Cannot instantiate a value of type java.util.linkedhashmap from a string value (‘{‘); there is no single string constructor / factory method
I have the following two classes: @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnkNown = true) public class ChangesJSON { @JsonPro…… -
Java – synchronized vs readwritelock performance
I try to prove that synchronized slows down when there are many readers and only a few authors Somehow, I proved the o…… -
Alternatives to Java applets
I'm going to write a simple program to graphically display my college students' course prerequisites (i.e. networks as…… -
Java – implement equals and hashcode for BST
This problem is a follow-up problem of implementing hashcode for a BST My question was hard to think of, so I got an a…… -
JavaFX – how to focus on one phase
My application has a main application stage from which a second window can be opened I just want to focus on one stage…… -
Java – how to unit test and simulate methods with files as parameters
I have a collectionobject class to create an ArrayList public class CollectionObject { private List<String>…… -
Java – how to determine whether the JRE is 32 / 64 bit from the folder structure / file
I have a JRE folder on windows Is there any way to determine whether the JRE is 32-bit or 64 bit by looking at the int…… -
JavaFX: null tableview message
I am developing a java project using eclipse, JavaFX and tableview My application has three languages to choose from. …… -
Is java – volatile propagated to instance members?
Suppose you have some simple container declarations and instantiate them like this class Test { private volatile L…… -
JavaFX filteredlist, which filters based on the properties of the items in the list
I have a case where I need to filter an observablelist < item > based on some attributes of the item (that is, t…… -
Java – I need to insert randomly generated numbers into the array
I examined these questions carefully with similar words or intentions, but it seems that I can't find any questions th…… -
java. Lang. IllegalStateException: commit has been called
I tried the following code, try { final Activity activity = ctx; FragmentTransaction ft = activity.getFragment…… -
Java – mybatis uses XML configuration in spring to return large results
I need to dump data from tables in Oracle to elastic search (100 million records), package com.fudy.mapper; import jav…… -
Java – null pointer exception error, no obvious code error
I have a mistake here. I don't know where it comes from My java course for beginners is high school, so I don't have m…… -
Get the start time of the first 30 days in Java
I tried to get the current date and time for the first 30 days But it's nothing else new Date(System.currentTimeMillis…… -
Java hashcode () conflicts for objects that contain different but similar strings
When verifying the output data of the program, I determined that the hash codes of two different objects are the same …… -
Java – spring boot gradle application on heroku: unable to access jarfile
I have a spring boot gradle app that I can run successfully on my computer: heroku local When I go, it can also be suc…… -
Multithreading – redis cluster in multithreading
I am currently using the redis cluster mode with three primary instances. I use jedis (Java client) in the listening s…… -
Java – why use factories instead of ‘new’?
I'm reading this book EMF: Eclipse modeling framework, which says: Why encourage the use of factories instead of new o…… -
Java – symbol error not found in CMD, but not in IDE
I'm trying to compile the following code (I need one of the two files to complete this job), but I encountered 2 error…… -
Java – can this loop code be simplified in some way?
I have a problem... Basically my code is ugly and I don't like it I wonder if there is a way to simplify it (I use Jav…… -
Java – type iterator The next () method returns to the character class
I tried to display the contents of the following HashMap: HashMap<Character,Integer> hm = new HashMap<Charact…… -
Java – how do I display an input dialog box with a drop-down list with icons for each item?
I use this java code in my swing application to display an input dialog box with a drop-down selection list so that us…… -
Java – how do I ignore spaces in substrings?
I have a text box that makes suggestions based on user input. One of my text boxes is location - based The problem is …… -
Java – how to make textflow optional
I made a textflow because I need to use multiple font poses (I have set the specific "text" to italic or normal) Once …… -
Java EE – reasons for different search results of the same elastic search query on two nodes
I have a two node elastic search setting. The same search query on one node leads to different results from the other ……