包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how Jenkins finds out if a given slave server is running a job
I have this unique requirement to check whether a given node is running a job I'm thinking about using groovy because …… -
Java – GCM: how to send heartbeat to GCM server
I want to send a heartbeat from my application to the GCM server, so the connection will remain active How can I do th…… -
Volatile in double check locking in Java
See English answers > why is volatile used in double checked locking class Foo { private volatile Bar _barInsta…… -
Java – extract the first letter from each word in the sentence
I have developed a voice to text program where users can say a short sentence and insert it into a text box How do I e…… -
How to use Java Time parses the date in the string from the year and week
In old Java, I could do this: System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy w",Locale.UK).parse("2015 1")); // shows M…… -
Can an object array be regarded as a collection of objects in Java?
The collection definition of Oracle site is: A collection — sometimes called a container — is simply an object that gr…… -
General functions in Java
I'm not familiar with some general syntax in Java public static<T> T foo(T... a) Can anyone explain its meaning …… -
Java – HashMap that maintains the original key / value when entering duplicate keys
Can HashMap retain its original key / value pair when entering duplicate keys? For example, suppose I have something l…… -
Java – what is the difference between using mappartitions and combining broadcast variables and maps in Apache spark
In spark, we use broadcast variables to make each machine read-only copies of variables We usually create a broadcast …… -
Java – exclude packages from gradle dependencies
I encountered a problem that multiple versions of the same class appeared in my classpath The problematic class is jav…… -
Java – why not ArrayList < > Add() work?
I'm new to Java. I'm currently using Android studio I just can't understand why Add does not work Topics and jobs are …… -
Java – how to access LinkedList in main from my JFrame button call
:::::: update::::: I tried to update my JFrame to take LinkedList as a parameter. It looks like public userLogin(Linke…… -
Java – illegalargumentexception when trying to import xlsx data into R
When importing the xlsx file into R, I faced the following errors – mydata <- read.xlsx("C:\\Users\\aniruddha\\Down…… -
How to convert javax xml. datatype. Duration
I have javax from the server xml. datatype. Response in duration format thank you. Solution A simple and direct soluti…… -
Java – randomly divide a given number m into N parts
Therefore, the idea I have is to be able to divide $2.00 into 10 people, and each person will receive a random amount …… -
The rcpp function adds the elements of a vector
I have a very long parameter vector (about 4 ^ 10 elements) and an index vector My goal is to add up all the parameter…… -
Create a program in Java. If a year is a leap year, return true; otherwise, return false
This is my code public class Leapyear{ public static void main(String []args){ for(int year =2000; year <=202…… -
Java – loads the fxml file located in the “SRC” Maven folder
I am developing a JavaFX 8 (Maven) project I want to store the fxml file in the source (not in the resource) folder ne…… -
Java – when there are escape quotes or outside parentheses, separate commas outside the quotes
Can I split strings using the following criteria? for example String source = "to_char(DATE,'YYYY,MM,DD'),'I am sad :(…… -
Java-8 – building Maven assemblies in Java 8
I changed the Java version used in my project Now I'm using Lambdas expressions If I compile IDE (IntelliJ), it works …… -
java – spring data redis master slave config
Here is my jedis configuration @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory getJedisConnectionFactory() { JedisConnectionFa…… -
Java – analog type conversion object
I have a simple method in the bean to handle cell editing events in the primefaces data table The method is as follows…… -
Java – loop for checking the list of items in selenium webdriver
I have written the code for the check list web element below, but the following code is running, but only the first it…… -
Java – heap space issues outside the NetBeans IDE
Editor: I finally made a combination of two suggested answers, so I answered my own question, which is accepted below.…… -
JavaFX and network
I am a novice in socket and network programming. This is my attempt to create a simple chat server. My code seems to h…… -
Java – the following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice?
The following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice? public class enu extends Thread { …… -
Java – Maven surefire permgen out of space
Many methods were tried to increase the size of permgen, but there was no luck I use the following configuration in my…… -
Java – upload files using HTTP handler
I'm trying to upload files (Multi - part form data) using HTTP handler WebKit boundary is writing to the target file, …… -
Fill HUD with Java
I decided to use the above image to make HUD, but I don't know what command to use in Java, because I can fill the upp…… -
Java – array index exceeds binding error when splitting string
Someone can help me find the following code problem: it always gives me one: code Solution . Is a special character in…… -
Simple ArrayList program – Java
I am trying to solve this problem: For some reason, the part I tried to get the lowest and highest scores didn't work …… -
Java – how to write a small benchmark for GetBytes in jmh?
I'm new to jmh and benchmarking I have written a small test of the public byte [] GetBytes (string charsetname) method……